[Castle J] A Greetings Letter

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Son Seongjun,

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Son Seongjun,

        Hi. How are you? I know! That's such a common opening greeting, isn't it? "Hi" is kinda overused. We say it multiple times a day whether it's to a person we already know or a person we just met. We say it too often that we didn't even realize that it takes a big part of our lives. Maybe I'm overanalyzing this but it could be the one word that can change a life forever if you ask me. How many times did the words "Hi" and "Hello" lead you to one of the most precious people in your life now? You never see the real significance of it until you stop and think about it. Who would've thought it holds so much power of bringing you people who make everything bearable and fun to the point that it feels like your life is complete with them by your side.

        You might be wondering why I'm writing you this. Of all people, I know you're one to say the word most often. You smile at everyone you pass by saying "Hi." while respectfully bowing your head, or while giving them a high-five or a pat on the shoulder if they are people you're close with.

        I've witnessed many interesting things that had happened to you because of your love for saying your greetings. Remember that one time when you shouted an enthusiastic hello to a room of people you didn't know? It was a good minute before you realized you're in the wrong room. I wasn't there. But I heard so many funny things about it that it almost feels like I was. Look where that ended up. Everyone in that room became your closest friends. Interesting, isn't it?

        There were many instances like that when you just automatically say hi each time you hear your name. It's cute how you turn around with a bright smile and just say "Hi." with a voice that is slightly high-pitched and then you realize there's another Seongjun in the room so you turn back around as if you didn't just excitedly greeted a person who wasn't talking to you. You'll act cool for a few seconds before you silently laugh to yourself with embarrassment as you remember it.

        I know because I often see that. You would catch me looking and we'd share a smile that no one else would see. I like how sociable you are to the point that you don't care as long as you have someone to talk to everywhere you go. And how nice it is to think that most of your conversations started with that very word.

        Convinced yet? You still don't believe me about the importance of a proper greeting? Well, I'm not saying everything has to start with hi and hello. But how many of the people you talked with didn't start with a simple hi and you ended up not talking to them ever again?

        For example, when someone asks you for directions. Those people don't usually start with hi or hello. They'll say "Excuse me." before anything else, am I right? Your conversation with them will only last for a few minutes and end without you even knowing anything about them.

        Again, I'm not saying it's always like that. Take you and me, for example. Do you remember how we first met? Despite that, we still talk. We exchange smiles and hang out with our large group of friends. It's fun being with you; so much that I'll never ever regret meeting you no matter how we did.

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