[Minjae] Do you ever wonder?

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Jia's POV

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Jia's POV

Have you ever wondered how many times you meet the same person in the subway in your everyday ride to and from wherever you're going? Or what are the chances of falling in love at first sight with one of those people you just pass by in the station?

I woke up with that thought. I know, it's weird but my brain does that sometimes. Scratch that. Make it all the time.

I did my usual morning routine before going to school and by the time I reached the subway, it was 7:00am. I always check the time. Sometimes I'm too early, sometimes I run late but this time, it's just the right time. I like it because there are just enough people to move around. Any later, I might have to squeeze myself into all sizes of people just to get in.

I faced the doorway like I always do. I refuse to sit down ever since the fourth time I missed my stop because I wasn't able to squeeze out from all the people who don't care enough to move.

Today, I wasn't going to be late and that's great because I couldn't afford to have another record on tardiness. As the doors hissed closed, something happened that changed my life.

It's as if being right on time made magic happen like when 12 o'clock ticked and all the things the fairy godmother did for Cinderella disappears—except in reverse.

There I was, at exactly 7 o'clock, with my perfect start of the day. I saw him. He was standing outside the doorway just behind the safety line, staring inside the train directly at me. We locked eyes. He was tall and handsome, almost coming out straight from a magazine. Change that, maybe he did for all I know. He was wearing a white hoodie with black strings over his school uniform. Too bad I wouldn't know what school he's from because it's completely covered.

He stood up straighter when I stared back at him, and grinned. I smiled, too. And there we were, a boy and a girl staring at each other through the door of the train on a perfectly perfect day.

But here is the sad thing about this whole situation: In a train station, no one stays. People just comes and goes and we are left to wonder if we will ever meet them again.

Just like my weird thought that morning, what are the chances I'll meet the magazine boy again?


A month ago, or heck maybe just a while ago, if you'd ask me if I believe in love at first sight, I would have laughed. I mean, does anything even ever happen that fast? Love is a process, a series of conversation, a few more meet ups, and getting to knows. Therefore, why would I believe it can happen instantly with just a snap? It's not like I've ever experienced it.

And yet, somehow, just a while ago, before the train rushed off from the station, I just did.

I told my best friend, Hyosun, about it when I reached school. And when I got to the part that it all happened at exactly 7o'clock, just after I looked at my watch, she became skeptical.

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