▼ The Five Dancing Princes (Intro)

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Hi! I know this concept is kind of not a oneshot, but you can still read each members' parts individually since the stories aren't really that connected. (I still recommend you read the introduction below). But basically, they are just random scenes from this one theme that I created because, apparently, I'm running out of short story ideas 😅 I hope these ones won't disappoint.



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The wooden dormitory was large. It's surrounded by tall trees in the middle of the woods, just like in the pictures. I entered with anticipation, my suitcase at my side. Wow. The common room is large enough to fit the whole capacity of the camp, which is two hundred students. I can't believe I'm in here. I've been dreaming about it for years. Finally, this year, my parents let me go to this summer dance camp.

I love dancing. It started off as a hobby and, eventually, I wanted to formally learn everything about it. I believe I'm a good dancer, but I still don't know how good I am since I've never been with other dancers. This summer, hopefully, I'll find out.

The common room contains a gorgeous fireplace at one side and a set of couches on the other. Straight ahead, there are two set of stairs. The left one, according to the sign, leads to the boys' rooms and the right one to the girls'.

There are hardly any people around. I assume everyone is busy unpacking their stuff. After all, official activities starts tomorrow. Except for the introductions we will be doing tonight around a bonfire.

I climbed the stairs to the girls' rooms and tried to find room number twenty-three, my assigned room for the summer. Each of us will be having a roommate and I'm pretty excited about that. I can't wait to talk to anyone who shares the same passion that I have. Back at home, there isn't anyone I know who's as interested in dancing as I am.

When I opened the door to the room, a girl squealed excitedly making my ears almost pop. "You're here!" She said and pulled me into a quick hug before I can even fully take a step inside the room. "This will be so exciting! When I found out I'm gonna have a new roommate this year, I almost flipped! Not that I hated my last roommate. I just thought it will be really exciting to have a new one. I'm Aecha, by the way." She offered her hand.

"Haewon." I said, accepting it. Whoa. I totally didn't expect an overly enthusiastic roommate. I can already tell that we'll have a lot of fun. I finally took in her appearance. She's shorter than me, but she's really pretty with her short wavy hair and slim figure. Totally in contrast with my long straight one and acceptable body. I bet she dances great.

"Pretty name." She said, still beaming. "Let me help you with that." She took my luggage in and put it at the bottom of the bed by the window. Apparently, she already decided her side of the room. Not that I care. I'm fine with anything.

Despite being in a wooden building, the room looks surprisingly bright and modern that I'm pretty sure they only used wood for external decoration. "So how long have you been going here?" I asked Aecha as I unpack.

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