[Huijun] Confession - Part 1

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Eunjoo's POV

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Eunjoo's POV

I'm a girl who doesn't make guys do a double take on. I'm completely average, plain, whatever you call it. But, like any other girl, I have been in love. He might be someone who girls do a double take on and completely out of my league, but I have an advantage. I'm close to him and I just have to be brave enough to confess.

It's a couple of minutes past noon on a Saturday and I'm pacing back and forth in front of an art gallery, waiting for Huijun to arrive. I wish I'd worn my sneakers and a pair of jeans instead of these heels and dress which Seungmin, Huijun's best friend and my extended friend by default, said it will be the magic items that will make Huijun look at me as more than a friend. I believed him, but now I'm regretting it.

I've been nervous the whole week for this non-date that I arranged and right now as I'm pacing around, I'm having second thoughts if I could actually go through my big plan.

Huijun and I had been friends since we met in middle school dance academy and I've had a crush on him since then. It was my little secret until Seungmin noticed and began talking me into confessing. And, after a few years, I've began thinking, I'll definitely tell Huijun how I feel.

I was going to do it at middle school graduation.

Then at summer camp before high school.

Then at that dance competition we had in freshman year.

I kept on stalling because I figured I had time. I mean, he wasn't really going anywhere. But last month, Huijun told me he's moving to Seoul and starting next school year, we wouldn't be able to go to the same dance academy and compete in the same team.

I finally realized that I have to confess soon.

My phone buzzed and I was hoping it was from Huijun. Maybe he's running late or won't be able to come. That will suck but that will also give me reason to delay my big plan. But it's a text from Seungmin.

'Good luck with Huijun! Seriously, you just have to flat out tell him. No need for flowery words. Guys don't even understand that stuff. Just be cool and say it.'

Despite his intention, the message made me even more nervous. Sometimes I like to think that Seungmin's encouragements mean that Huijun likes me too, but he made it clear that he doesn't know.

"He doesn't have anyone he likes." Seungmin had said. And I told myself that as long as he stayed that way, it's okay.

He told me to just say it but I have my own method. I prefer working it up to the actual confession, step by step, which is why I invited him here to the art gallery. Well, we aren't really going inside to look at some artwork. There's a dance competition going on at the auditorium beside the gallery and I'm waiting right over here because it's less crowded.

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