Chapter 6 part 1

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Morgans POV

When I said we had twelve days left I realized how short of a time that was. I was determined to make the best of it. After all I was sitting here with the people I loved most in the world and I was lucky. Most people Couldn't even spend a day with one direction and I had twelve. We started talking again and aly and I told them about our lives and they listened. After a while we decided to go out to eat. Niall of course choose nandos. So we went downstairs and out the back door to their car. We had to take 2 cars for there to be enough room. I rode in Harry's car with him Louis and Niall. Aly rode in Liam's car with Zayn. In the car Harry told me that the boys girlfriends were coming to dinner. I was excited to meet them they were all so beautiful. They Handled hate so well and it inspired me. When we got to the restaurant I stood by aly while we waited for the girls to get here. Once they did the boys introduced us. Zayns girlfriend was Francesca, Nialls was reyna, Liam's was Tesa and Louis's was Sydney. Harry stood by me and aly as everyone said hello. Reyna spoke "Harry are you two dating?" she said pointing at me. "No we're just friends" we said at the same time. We all started laughing..... but aly and I both knew I secretly wanted that no to be a yes. Harry held the door open for us and we walked inside the restaurant. We got our table and sat down. All the boys sat by their girlfriends and aly and I sat by Harry. I was feeling insecure because all those girls were so much prettier than me. But then I realized Harry was only looking at me.....

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