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*take a look at the GLOSSARY part

The equation reads 4x-4y=8.

"Its a simple linear equation that can be solved by isolating the x first to one side of the equation by adding 4y to both sides." Honoree explains the problem in a low tone of voice. Her chestnut brown curls tied up in a ponytail but some of the growing hairs manage to stick out to her face. She looks sleepy and there are black lines around her eyes. The periodical examination had just ended three hours ago but Naoki insist that she owe her an explanation of the parts she had difficulty with. "It will become 4x-4y+4y=8+4y, then 4x=8+4y. After that, divide both sides by 4. 4y/4=(8+4y)/4. x will be equals to 2+y. Lastly, check the answer using the original equation. 4(2+y)-4y=8, 8+4y-4y=8. Chada!" she exclaimed. "8=8!"

Ayame looks at her over her eyeglasses then stood up, putting her hands on her waist. "That is a very simple linear equation Naoki-chan, Geez! I wonder why you couldn't solve it on your own."

"You could say that because you're at the top of the class!" Naoki retorted. Her new styled short hair looks good on her. It made her jawline prominent and her cheeks visible.


Akira Koyama march toward them. With his tall 6'5 height, black shining hair, fair complexion and alluring brown eyes, its no doubt he's been the most popular student in the Academy. He's in the same class as with Honoree and his affection for her is no secret. But Honoree doesn't take him seriously. How can she? Akira never run out of girls to date and he never for once confess to anyone. The girls always confess to him and because he thinks of himself as a gentleman he treats each one of them carefully. Every month, he has a new girlfriend but none of them spoke badly about him after the break up. They believed that one month being with Akira is a dream come true.

Ayame eyed him suspiciously, raising an eyebrow and flipping her long hair behind. He raise two hands to defend himself. "I just want to say hello." he said.

Honoree lets out a sigh. Whenever he's around, all the girls passing by would glare at her. She's used to those kind of looks but Ayame isn't. Ever since Honoree came to Japan four years ago, she would receive that awkward stares and murmuring gestures from people wherever she went. At first, she find it really annoying, from where she came from those attitude could get one on a fight but she eventually learned to live with it. With chestnut brown curls and deep blue eyes, her looks stands out from the rest of the students.

"How was the exam Hono-chan? Im sure with that brain of yours you finished the exam within thirty minutes." Akira teased. He smiled boyishly and hand each one of them a coke in can.

"I finished the exam after thirty two minutes and Ayame finished it in twenty minutes." Honeree answered.

Akira's jaw dropped. He finished the exam exactly in its alloted two hours and even extended five more minutes. To think that somebody can finished solving a one hundred mathematical equations in twenty minutes, that's extreme. "Wow."

"So what's our plan for today guys? We should celebrate at least." Naoki suggested. She starts putting her notebooks in her bag. The bell rings and it means students can head home now.

"My grandfather wants me home early today, so I can't join." Honoree said.

"Man, that was badnews, I've got free tickets to a movie premiere tonight." Akira showed them the four tickets his father gave to him last night. "But we could see it on Saturday."

"Saturday's fine, right?" Ayame picked up her bag and look at Honoree then to Naoki.

Honoree smiled.

Anyone who saw them thinks its odd for the four of them to formed a group. They're not really friends or whatsoever but they are more than regular acquiantances. They share few common interest and came from different perspectives.

Honoree Ishirama from class B, attends archery and math clubs. She's the second most popular female student next to Ayame, with her bright adorable personality and if she will act in the way suited for her beauty she could get anyone she likes but because she choose to remain behind the spotlight everyone thinks she's just too good to be true and that made her an outcast. Ayame Taira is the president of the second year student organization, attends science and painting clubs and is the reigning queen of tennis club. When she enrolled and join the tennis club, she placed the academy at first place in annual tennis competition consisting of five prestigious schools. On the other hand, Naoki Yoreda of class D is the daughter of the two famous celebrities. Her parents tried to persuade her of going on to some of their commercials but its not just her thing. Naoki loves baking and she dream of being a patissiere one day. She smiles a lot, contrary to Ayame and due to her parents demands, she goes home everyday in a limousine with a driver wearing all black suit, causing other students to stop and watch her.

The three girls find each other's company during the entrance ceremony in their second year at middle school. Ayame was in charge on the registration booth and when Honoree approach, she noticed how some students cleared the booth to gave her a way. It was Honoree's first year in a japanese school and everyone who heard her speak laughs of how ridiculous each word came out. Before she asked Ayame where would she write her name, she looked up to a dictionary and utter the words carefully. Ayame, with her hands crossed on her chest, was getting impatient of her but when she saw the helplessness in Honoree's blue eyes, she can't help but feel sorry for the girl. Fortunately, Naoki came and help Honoree write her name in hiragana*. From then on, without declaration of friendship, they enrolled in the same highschool and though on different classes, manages to hang out during their free time. They were seen mostly enjoying school events together. Akira Koyama only joined them during their first year. Its a wonder how he got his way to them since he was on the varsity team and none of the girls is interested with a guy like him. It just happened one day, when he spotted the three seated under a sakura tree having lunch and reading their own books. He took a seat beside them and grab one of Naoki's riceballs. When he introduces himself to them, they just nod at him for a second then goes back to their bussiness. Weird and interesting, Akira thought.

"7pm then." they all agreed.

The Academy they attend to, is one of the five famous high schools in Ishikawa Perfecture and Honoree was able to study with the support from her parents. She finds the japanese education system not far from what she had in France before. The competition is there and all she needs to do in order to survive is give her best.

The four walks together up to the entrance gate. Akira offers to walk Honoree home but his girlfriend spotted him and grab him by the arm. Honoree and Naoki laughs.

"I'll be taking the train today." Ayame said and wave goodbye.

When Naoki's limousine arrives, Honoree starts walking home too. She looks above and admired the orange sky of that late afternoon. When she passed to the candy shop she used to go every now and then, she greeted the lady owner, with a smile.

"Good day Riko-san*!" she said.

Riko handed her a candy in the shape of a bear. "That's my new candy here Hono-chan, buy some if you find it on your liking."

Honoree munches the candy on the walk home, telling herself she'll buy a dozen when her allowance for next month arrives.

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