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Honoree couldn't believe what she was hearing. Actually, she doesn't want to believe what she's hearing. These people or kitsune spirits that's in their human form or deities or whatever they want to call themselves are deciding for her, implying that she should stay at this place whether she like it or not.

"Wait!" she said. "I don't know what this is all about but you may be wrong. I can't stay here with you guys. Im a normal student with normal friends, living a normal life and Ojii-san will be worried if he found out that Im not home at this moment. No. This couldn't be real!"

"You should have think that before ruining my wedding." Yuuji answered.

Honoree was getting furious. They all keep saying that she had ruined a wedding. She glared at Yuuji who hold her gaze with the same intensity. "Look, Im sorry, I don't know what I've done. A few hours ago, the stories about you guys are just mere stories and now, you appeared before me saying I destroy your romance and expect me to live here with you because I have your pearl life. Seriously?" she held up her hand. "You guys are deities, you have magical powers, if this tattoo is the symbol of your life or whatever, then Im sure you can erase it at your command."

Yuuji smirk at her. "Humans." he said, mocking Honoree. "Do you think that things goes like that. My pearl on your hand can only be allow to separate from me after another five hundred years! In your case, if you die, in a natural way."

Honoree's heart sank. "Then, that would mean.."

"Yes my dear, it only means that you don't have a choice. The same goes with you, my son has the identical tattoo on his ring finger and it becomes like your pearl of life. Meaning, you can never live separated from him from now on, because you'll die. We couldn't let my son die, dear." Queen Aki explained.

Honoree felt her knees getting weak.

"Kenta-kun, I think this conversation is over. Please show Yuuji and Hono-chan their room and try to teach them how to be nice to each other."

With that being said, Queen Aki wrapped her arms around the King and they both dissapears in a cloud of white smoke. Honoree was left alone with Yuuji and Kenta again.

"This is all your fault!" Yuuji shouted.

"Don't shout at me!" Honoree turned to Kenta. "What about my Ojii-san? I need to tell him. Please let me go back."

"Don't worry Hono-chan, the time here and the time in your world is different. You could spend a month here and when you go back, only a day passed after you left."

"This is madness!" Honoree sighed.

Yuuji turned around and start to walk away. His tails shining through the lights creeping from the window.

"Where are you going Yuuji-sama?" Kenta called out.

"None of your business."

Kenta turned his attention to the still shocked face of Honoree and tried to cheer her up. "Since, you will start living here, can I now take your hand so I can show you around?"

Honoree took a deep breath and doesn't speak for what it seems like half an hour in her time. They just stood there, neither of them moving.

"I can't believe this is happening." she finally uttered.

Kenta laughs. "Whatever it is you refuse to believe I just want you know that this is real and you're not dreaming. Kami's are real or else how would your ancestors know about them. And we, deities are a real deal."

Honoree reached for Kenta's small paws. It was soft and she felt calm just by holding it. "Its real too?" referring to his paws.

"Yeah, unfortunately for you, Im real."


Kenta walked around with her. Servants with either one tail or three are around and they smile politely at the sight of Honoree. They were calling her Ojou-sama*.

"Did they know?" she whispered.

"Of course they know you are Yuuji-sama's wife."


"They heard our conversation with the Queen earlier."

Then Honoree remembered the fact that they have fox's ears. "How am I going to live in here?"

She heard Kenta sighed. "You have to bear with it Ojou-sama. Every actions have its consequences and I understand that this arrangement must be really hard for you but it can't be help for the meantime. All we're asking is for you to bear with it."

"For how long am I going to stay here? I'm a mere mortal. I will grow old."

"Things in our kingdom doesn't grow old Ojou-sama. Neither will you."

"And Im going to be that guy's wife?"

"Yes you are Ojou-sama, until the end of time."

"What? That's crazy! There must be a way to erase this tattoo so he can have his pearl life again."

"We would've done that if there is, Ojou-sama. Besides, Yuuji-sama may looked that rough and rude but when you get to know him, Im sure you'll love him."

"There's no way I will love that kind of... I don't know."

"A kitsune spirit Ojou-sama. That's what you humans called us."

They have reached the end of the long hallway and an enormous door was on their side. Kenta pushed it slowly. The room was the biggest room Honoree have seen. The bed was big, lined up with about five mattresses. There are three windows overlooking the kingdom from below and a fireplace at the far end of the bed. There is a large couch across the bed and a closet occupying the wall from the right side. Honoree sits at the edge of the bed and ran a hand on the fine sheets that covers it.

"This will be your bedroom. You and Yuuji-sama will be sleeping here."

She leaped at once. The shock on her face apparent. "There's no way I would sleep with that... on this room."

"Please don't call him "that" Ojou-sama." Kenta looked offended. "He was the prince of our kingdom."

Honoree felt a wave of shame over her. She had been rude since coming to this kingdom, forgetting the fact that these creatures have feelings too. "Forgive me, Kenta-kun."

And as if nothing happened, Kenta laughs and run around the room. "Did you like this place Ojou-sama? You'll be here for a hundred years or so. You should like it."

Honoree took a seat again, putting her hand on her face.

Kenta opened the closet for her to take a look at. "You can wear any kimonos you like. They are made of the finest silk that only us can produce. What you're wearing now is appropriate for beggars." he paused and ran for the window. "You'll love the night view from here, I supposed and the food, the chefs we have here at the mansion serve the most delicious foods you could ever taste Ojou-sama."

"You look so excited." Honoree said.

"How can I not be? You're the first human here and the most adorable of all humans!"

Honoree just sighed and lie on her back. Unusual as it may seems but the events that took place had exhaust her and she fell asleep while staring blankly at the ceiling, wishing she will soon wake up from this nightmare.

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