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It was not love at first sight, nor it was for duty, but Yuuji was so young when he had his first interaction with Katsumi.

She saved him from a group of young kitsunes persuading him to use his magical powers by jumping on a cliff. She appeared just in time when he had his one foot set to leap off.

Katsumi offered him a hand and pulled him hard away from the cliff. His head landed on her chest.

"I'm sorry Katsumi-san." Yuuji said, cheeks red in embarrassment. It was his first words to Katsumi. He can only admire her from afar because she was engage to his brother, Minori, that time.

She smiled at him. "My prince, you shouldn't let anyone underestimate your power."

He shook his head, defending his impulse to jump off the cliff. "It wasn't like what you think Katsumi-san, they're just teasing me to show them that I can control the wind. You know that there are just five of us who can use wind in the kingdom."

That answer made Katsumi laugh. Her laughter, for Yuuji, sounds like soft music played by the wind when it passed on the tree leaves. "You have a kind heart Yuuji-sama." She leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. "Be careful with those that will try to use you for their own good."

The day Minori announced that his marriage to her wouldn't happen anymore, Yuuji followed her as she stormed out to the garden where she cried for hours behind a sakura tree. Her eyes brimming with tears and her every sob felt like tiny stabs breaking Yuuji's heart.

"Minori-sama said that he couldn't complete the diamonds for my dowry so he gave up on me."

"It抯 okay Katsumi-san..." Yuuji tried to comfort her. "You can cry as long as you feel like it. You can cry on my shoulder too." He had the form of a six year old child with two fox's tails and for the broken hearted Katsumi, he looks too adorable to refuse. She moved closer to him and embraces him tight.

After that day, he and Katsumi would often meet at the same sakura tree which later became his favorite place for hanami. Their friendship grows and Yuuji learned a lot from her when it comes to using his wind powers. She had been Yuuji's mentor and he treated her like he would for an older sister.

"Do you think I will be a good wife Yuuji-sama?" Katsumi asked one morning.

The question caught Yuuji by surprise. "I do think you will, Katsumi-san."

"Then why don't we get married?"

For as long as he could remember, it was the happiest moment ever. The beautiful kitsune spirit Katsumi offered herself to be his wife. What more could he asked for? He immediately informed his mother with the news of their marriage and the beginning of his journey to collect the necessary diamonds for the dowry.

"Are you sure about that son?" asked King Takano with a hint of doubt in his voice. Six months ago, his eldest son shocked them by announcing that he's not going to marry Katsumi and now his youngest son would take his place for her? Not to mention that it will looked too early for Yuuji to marry. He's not even two hundred years old.

Queen Aki, sensing the King's hesitation, stood up in Yuuji's defense and assured him. "I believe that our son knows what he's doing, honey."

King Takano looked at her for a long moment without saying anything. "I agree with you." He turned to Yuuji and put a firm hand on his shoulder. "You go search for the diamonds then, I will have the kingdom know about your upcoming marriage."

The word "upcoming marriage" could stretched out for a hundred years so Yuuji sets off to a journey the next day and for the last four hundred years, his lifestyle includes spending half of the year at the mansion and spending the next three months in search for the diamonds. He would rest at the top of the trees and eat whatever he could find in the woods. The diamonds had been scarce for him and there are times when he found himself asking if he made the right decision. He was aware that a large part of him did it for pride. Katsumi choose him among other kitsunes, his friends came to envy him and he will soon acquire Inari's blessing. But he also knew that he love her and he felt responsible for returning back every favor she had provided him.

It's love. He was sure of it and he knew he have to work hard.

"Our kingdom is abundant of those precious stones! Where are they now?" he shouted in frustration during a dinner with his family. The impatient showed when he slammed his fist on the dining table.

Queen Aki lifted her face and reprimanded him for misbehaving. "Son, if you want to marry Katsumi then you must know that things worth having wouldn't be easy."

Toshi can only laugh at them. He spends his days watching his two brothers spend most of their lives collecting diamond. The fact that he would rather be turned into a human than follow the same path they had with Katsumi amuses him. "Just to assure you mother, I wouldn't get married."

Yuuji made sure to sleep soundly after that dinner. He will be in need of his every strength for the days to come.

Meanwhile, Minori can't help but feel guilty that he's hiding all the diamonds from Yuuji. Not at all, he told himself. He made sure to leave at least one of every six diamonds he found. One day, he'll confess his crimes but not until Yuuji realizes that Katsumi isn't the girl for him. He can only hope that his brother will understand when the right time comes.

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