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Its two inches long. A silver jewelry-like lined with sparkling red gems on the center with a little diamond at the end. Honoree carefully lift the hair clip on eye level and admire its beauty. How many girls want to receive such gift? She realized that it must have cost Akira a fortune although he was born on a wealthy family, she still felt she isn't suitable to receive it. She put it on the box the way it been and close the lid.

"I can't accept this Akira---"

"Please do Hono-chan. It doesn't mean anything if that's what you're worried of. I just think it suits your hair. And I---" Before he can explain more, Honoree reached for his hand and put it on her face. He turns crimson red with the gesture.

"Are you this this nervous all this time Akira-kun? Your hands felt like ice and you're shaking." she asked.

Sometimes, Honoree's gestures are bold, but for her its just an act of gratitude that she will do to any of her friends. She's apt to forgot that Japanese are reserve and to them what she did can be considered romantic. Her western influence surfaces without her knowing it.

When Honoree let his hand go, she took the hair pin again and clips it on her bangs, smiling wide at him. Akira had confesses to her many times ever since they met but Honoree shrugged it every time. Akira himself consider what he does as petty romances and he accepted that its for the best of them if they remain friends but he knew that he should start rethinking his decision of not pursuing her.

He's right. The hair clip suits her chestnut brown hair. It sparkles when she turn her head from side to side. "Thank you Hono-chan." he said.

"No Akira. Thank you. I will cherish this for you."

Honoree watched him climb down the stone stairs and back to the streets. When he reached the last step, he turned around and waves a hand. Honoree imitates a person calling on a phone. Call me when you get home. She wave him goodbye then starts heading back home. Halfway from the entryway, she saw Yuuji emerge behind the tree. He stood in front of her, his eyes has that glowing gold color again. Honoree smiles at him.

"Who is he?" he asked. His voice deep and intimidating.

"He's a friend from school."

Honoree saw Yuuji's eyes shifts to her hairclip.

A diamond, Yuuji thought. In his world, diamonds given by a man to a lady is equal to a dowry for marriage and Honoree receives one from another man while she still have Yuuji's pearl of life on her ring finger. The sight of Honoree taking Akira's hand and warming it on her face crosses his mind. He felt a wave of jealousy over Akira. Its seems like his chest are being stabbed by thousand of needles, crawling from his stomach to his heart. It was an emotion new to Yuuji. He clenched his hand hard, digging his nails to his skin in an attempt to shake away the annoying feeling. He's aware that what he and Honoree have is founded on mere accident and yet he can't seem to comprehend why he suddenly feels that way. He wants to punch a wall, so that the pain he felt will be overcome by the pain that will result from his hand.

He was silent the whole time, caught between wanting to scream and remaining numb.

Honoree couldn't miss the twisted expression on Yuuji's face. Her mind qiuckly work in analyzing what she may have done to cause him to stare at her like that. He's been oddly quiet when she introduce him as a friend to her grandfather, contrary to how he met him back at the honden*. But she thinks that his annoyance began when she told him not to eavesdrop on her conversations. Ayame once said to her that men become quiet when they're jealous. Don't tell me he's....

Honoree broke the silence with a soft laugh. She took several steps towards Yuuji as she take off her scarf. When she's just inches away from him, she streched out and wrapped her scarf around him, leaving her vulnerable to the night's cold wind. Honoree shocked him further when she bury her face on his lean chest. Yuuji felt her slender arms around him.

"I want you to trust me Yuuji-san. Like what husbands do to their wives. Didn't I told you before that I will never do anything to harm you?"

Yuuji's arms move on its own accord. He pulled Honoree closer and he breathe through her hair, tickling her skin under. Yuuji knew that the girl on his arms is a human. She couldn't possibly have a magical power but because she did that endearing thing to him, he suddenly felt at ease. That terrible pain on his chest fading.


The next morning, Honoree was up before the sun does. She packed her bags with some clothes, candies and a digital camera. She turn off her mobile phone since its no use in the kingdom.

She glanced at Yuuji, who is still sleeping beside her bed over a spare futon*. She decided not to wake him yet.

Takao wakes up before 8am during weekdays, so she has to smuggle Yuuji outside the house before that. She headed downstairs and prepares a breakfast. She gets back after an hour, carrying a tray of breakfast for Yuuji and found out that he had taken a bath already.

"We're going home today." he said.

"Yuuji-san I'll meet you at the honden* later. I just want to spend a little time with Ojii-san."

He nods in agreement.

Honoree took a warm bath and joins her grandfather for breakfast. She wore a longsleeve dress that reached up above her knees and slip on a blue lace doll shoe.

"Today's the start of your team building eh?" Takao asked.

"Yes Ojii-san. Hmm. I'll miss you when Im away."

Takao turns at her. "Its not that you're going to stay there forever."

He's right, Honoree thought. I am not going to stay there forever. The thought of leaving Yuuji makes her heart skip a beat. She lifted her hand and saw the tattoo on her ring finger. As if making sure its there and she still has reasons to stay with him.

She spend the remaining time washing dishes and cooking lunch for he grandfather. Takao watched her leave at the entryway.

"Take care, child." he reminded.

"I will Ojii-san." and slide the door behind her.

"Wherever you will go." Takao whispered.

Honoree found Yuuji sitting with crossed legs in front of Inari's statue at the honden*. His face serene. Is there something bothering him? He stood up when he heard her approached.

"Have you seen Inari-sama before?"

Yuuji looks at her like what she just said is the dumbest question anyone can ask. "Of course I have."

"What does she look like? The books say she's very beautiful."

"Your books are right then." He took her hand with his right and held up high his left arm to summon the clumps of white cloud smoke that will be their portal to the kingdom.

Honoree closes her eyes when they step inside it.

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