Chapter 7

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The next morning came by early, faster than Jennie had expected. She skipped her way to the bus stop as she finally decided to do some research on how to efficiently get to the company without walking or taking a cab.

Kai's car was still at the repair centre for at least one more week so she had to rely on bus.

Bus ten was the way to go for her, and she arrived at her destination thirty minutes early. This time, she could properly admire the company and she was in awe of how almost every interior was seemingly holographic. The company was a total vibe. Even the coffee desk and waiting areas felt 3D printed for some reason. Indeed a top industry game company.

She immediately reported to Lisa's office with a smile. As she walked along the hallway, she frowned when she saw the designing team working through the glass walls.

One day she would get there.

The brunette shook her head, forcing all distractions out of her thoughts but frowned again when she realised there wasn't any spot made for her at the secretary's desk. She still greeted the secretary with a smile.

She took a deep breath before knocking on the door and turning the handle to enter. The CEO was already seated at the coffee table, probably awaiting her arrival.

Jennie scanned her office and spotted a newly imported desk at the far end of the place. Lisa watched as she came in and smiled when she noticed how observant the brunette was.

She stood there for a good few moments and the silence was killing Lisa.

"Greetings ma'am, are you here to buy my property?" She started.

Eyes still wondering around the area, Jennie quickly snapped out of it once she heard her boss's sarcastic remark and made a quick bow to her before rushing to sit down.

"Oh I- uh good morning Ms Manoban." Jennie stuttered as she sat down.

"Good morning to you too." Lisa was laughing but her widened her eyes out of surprise. She didn't think Jennie would be used to calling her 'Ms Manoban' this soon.

"You don't have to be formal." Lisa chuckled while looking at Jennie intently.

"Aren't I supposed to call you Ms Manoban?"

"You can just call me Lisa honestly."

Jennie pursed her lips before nodding lightly and glancing back to the black desk that caught her attention when she first stepped into the office earlier.

"Never in the many years of my existence have I ever met someone who found desks attractive." The brunette heard her boss yap. She frowned and wanted to protest but Lisa continued.

"That's yours actually."


"The desk." She paused, "You're going to work in my office from now on." Lisa proudly informed and wiggled her eyebrows but Jennie's face scrunch in disagreement.

"What why? Can't I work outside with your secretary?"

"What do you mean why? You don't want to be in my office?" Lisa tested and that made the brunette fluster.

"No- I mean, I just thought since I'm a secretary I'll be working with your secretary and learning from her, like outside."

"There's nothing to learn from, really." Lisa said as she leaned back into the sofa and fold her arms. She gazed at Jennie with a tilt at her head and gave the girl a smile.

"You just have to memorise my schedule and record new ones. And then report anything you need to report." Jennie listened attentively as she sat upright like a little kid's first day at the kindergarten.

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