Chapter 27

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"And then what? He just left?!" Jisoo yelled hysterically, slamming her cup of latte on the table in the motion. Some customers around the area turned to look, but decided to mind their own business afterwards.

Rosé turned to roll her eyes at Jisoo, "No I don't get it, so what's your damn concern?"

"Okay, first of all. Finding out only NOW that Lisa and Jennie are a thing doesn't really concern me because well, I expected that, but how could he? How could that Kai dude just walk away like that without apologising to Alice?!"

"Married lady, leave it be! Alice only came out crying after he left so how was he supposed to know?" Rosé reasoned out and she grabbed Jisoo and shook her by her shoulder.

Lisa watched as the two talked, but she was more worried about Jennie. She claimed she was fine but she was acting all gloomy.

When Kai left, the ruckus that happened earlier must have woke Alice from her sleep, and the little girl came out of her room crying.

Jennie didn't know if her sister understood what was going on but she felt bad that Alice was sort of traumatised from all the screaming and yelling.

Truth was, she wasn't sulky because of Kai, rather of how her sister was feeling. The poor girl must have saw Kai stormed out of the house yanking his luggage because she was trembling when Lisa and Jennie saw her. Lisa put her to sleep again after much struggle to calm her down and she was now at home.

"Okay fine, acorn. But I don't care, I'm mad because he didn't apologise!"

"Oh my god, can you just let it go?!" Rosé raised her voice as she roughly stuffed a bread into Jisoo's mouth, muffling her next protest.

She took awhile to savour the bread before, "Well, no? What kind of ill-mannered, ungraceful, disrespectful, tactless, impolite scum-"

"Jisoo!" Rosé shushed, "Don't say that, he was Jennie's fiancé." and looked towards the brunette to see how she took it.

Jennie sent the girl a small smile.

"No it's alright Rosie, I can't care about him at this point."

Rosé nodded, her eyes throwing daggers at Jisoo before the girl spoke again.

"Okay, but now I understand why Alice doesn't like him." Jisoo grinned.

"That's not the point." Rosé replied with a slightly threatening tone.

"Right, so." Jisoo complied as she waved her fingers at the couple sitting across her, "What are your plans?"

Lisa raised an eyebrow at her married best friend before looking back at Jennie, "We've came to an understanding that Kai's a bitch and we want nothing to do with him from now onwards."

"Well see acorn, they're doing fine!" Jisoo exclaimed, lifting her latte to her mouth and shaking her head at Rosé.

"It was that bad?" The blonde girl asked the two.

"Very." Jennie started, "He bullshitted about Lisa right in front of my face, of course it was fucking bad." She raged. "I had this horrible urge and temptation to slap him."

"Well why didn't you?" Jisoo said. When she saw Jennie shaking her head disappointingly, she rolled her eyes. "You pussy, I could've done it for you if you had called me over."

Jennie scoffed. "See funny thing was, I could go for more than eight months without him yet I couldn't get myself to be away from Lisa for more than one hour. That shows. Wouldn't that just mean I didn't actually love him?"

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