Chapter 20

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Lisa was getting impatient waiting for the brunette out of excitement when Jennie came into the office groggily after knocking. The taller girl definitely couldn't keep her smile off her face. She remembered drunk, adorable Jennie from yesterday.

And she recalled when she told her she loves her.

"Hi, you feeling fine?" She asked when Jennie slumped over the coffee table and landed on the sofa.

"My head hurts, and I almost forgot to come to work today."

Lisa started with a chuckle, "Cute, just don't stress yourself later."

Hearing Jennie humming an agreement softly, Lisa reminded slowly, "So, those donuts.. they were really good."

"Mhmm, you told me." Jennie replied shortly.

"Should we go back there later? I need to ask your parents to pack me more because they're-" Jennie's eyes shot up as she heard Lisa, interrupting her as if she wasn't just all giddy and lazy one second ago.

"How what- how did you know?"

"I fetched you home yesterday, and uh, your parents might have invited me into your house."

"Oh shit." Jennie gasped, if her house was untidy and ugly she would feel so embarrassed. Or if her parents said something embarrassing about her to Lisa, she was never going to forgive them.

"Relax, I like your parents." Lisa paused with a laugh, "Just made me miss mine a little, that's all." Jennie smiled out of relief.

Seems like she really doesn't remember. It's fine I guess.

"But that aside, guess what I'm finally going to do?"

The brunette's eyebrows perked upwards, she spent a few seconds trying to find something that would click but her mind just kept revolving back to the same knots over and over. Empty knots, empty ideas. She wanted to have an idea yet she couldn't.

"What is it? What do you mean finally?"

Lisa clapped her hands twice firmly and crossed her legs on her desk like a bitch who had just won the biggest lottery ever, with a million dollar smile plastered on her face.

"Lucky you, I finally approved of the contract conditions that, 'if Jennie Kim's performance as a secretary is decent, she would be transferred to the visual designer team with no further requisites'."

If Jennie was herself back then, an announcement like this would probably send her flying all over the place right now. All over the world. Unexplanatory happiness.


Her face unexpectedly displayed a mix of confusion and disgust, which, Lisa didn't really take well.

"What's wrong? Haven't you always wanted to be in that team? I'm giving it to you now?" Lisa said feeling accused.

"Um.. why all of a sudden.." Internally, Jennie was half squealing and half unwilling at the same time. It was technically impossible but that's her.

"What do you mean why? You've done well as my secretary for the past few months and you've earned it. Well duh." Lisa settled her long legs down on the ground again and stared at Jennie baffled.

"No- I mean.."

"I already set up a new desk for you there so you can literally take your things and leave." CEO stated, gesturing her hands like she should scram away now.

Jennie pouted as she stationed herself on the couch like a child asking for ice cream. Her fingers wrapped each other nicely and nervously.

"I appreciate it but, I don't know I think right now I just really preferred if I was still your secretary?"

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