Sleeping Pills

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Yoongi is not really good at reading people, but when it comes to Jimin, he thinks himself quite the expert. Although he's not really had any long conversations with him, but Jimin seems like an open book to Yoongi. Except for the part if he like Yoongi or not, that he can't read.

But he sure can read Jimin's nervousness right now. He would love to ask him, why he's so nervous. But Yoongi is not quite there yet. Instead he watches Jimin's tiny hands clean up the glasses.

"Your outfit is extra nice tonight, Jiminie!" Rebecca says while walking past the bar. She's one of the waitresses and super nice. Yoongi likes her a lot.

"Thanks." Jimin smiles. "Today's a special day." He smiles even brighter. Yoongi can't help but overhear them.

"Oh what is it?" Rebecca raises one eyebrow in excitement.

"I've got a date tonight." Jimin says softly, but to Yoongi it sounds as if his ears are ripped apart. Suddenly there is a grey veil in front of his eyes, everything turns dark and Yoongi has to grab onto the bar to not loose balance. A date? Why does Jimin have a date? And with whom?

Yoongi hears a glass break and sees Jimin walk towards him. "Yoongi, are you alright?" Yoongi nods: "I'm just a bit tired. I've been working so much these last days..." "Maybe it's better if you get some fresh air." Jimin takes Yoongis arm, which he barely notices, otherwise he would freak out right now.

Both of them walk towards the main door, which Jimin opens for him. This must be the most embarassing day of Yoongis life. Jimin has to practically drag him outside.

Both of them sit down at a bench near the entrance. The night is young but already cold. Yoongi is freezing. Maybe it's not because of temperature but his feelings.

He feels so helpless. He's done nothing. The man he loves sits next to him and Yoongi can't even look him in the eye.

"Feel better?" Jimin asks while offering a bottle of water.

Yoongi does feel a bit better. The cold air feels like a cold shower, like something people use to become sober. Problem is: Yoongi is not drunk. But he doesn't feel sober at all. He just feels... lost.

"You have been working a lot these past days. Maybe you should go home? I can take over for you. It's gonna be a quiet night, I can tell."

Jimin is so sweet. How on earth can he be so sweet? Yoongi shakes his head: "No, I'm fine. I'm feeling better already."

"Why did you stumble and break the glass all of a sudden?" Jimin wants to know.

"I don't know. Suddenly I felt this rush in my head, maybe I've taken too many sleeping pills these few weeks." That's the only excuse Yoongi can come up with. He's never taken sleeping pills, he always sleeps like a baby. But If Jimin somehow gets the idea Yoongis breakdown could have something to do with him going on a date, he'd be dead.

"Oh. You should keep an eye on how many you take. Sleeping pills are no joke, you know?"

"I know."



"Can I ask you a question?" Jimin is scared. Scared of the question he wanted to ask his coworker for so long now.

"Of course." Yoongi tries to smile, but his lips won't move.

"Are you scared of me?"


Yoongi turns to Jimin, his ears red as a tomato.

"What?" He asks in a more calm manner than he feels.

"Well, I've got the feeling a lot of the time you're avoiding me. And I don't know maybe I scared you, maybe I said something hurtful in the beginning, in which case I am REALLY sorry. Or maybe you just don't like me." Jimin looks seriously sad. "I'm sorry, but I'm not used to people giving me the cold shoulder. If I ever did something wrong, please tell me, I promise I will never do it again."

Jimin's eyes take up almost half his face. Yoongi can see how watery they are and it breaks his heart. Why on earth would Jimin think that he doesn't like him. This night can't get any worse. First the date and know the love of his life thinks that he hates him.

"Jimin." Yoongi turns to look at him properly.

"I could never in a million years hate you. You are a sweet little angle. And I could never be afraid or scared of you. The thing is..."

Just say it. Say: I like you... A LOT. It's not that hard.


Yoongis head hurts from all the yelling inside.

"I.. I... I just need a lot of time to warm up to people. I'm sorry."

"Oh." Jimin smiles cutely. "If it's just that, then I guess I didn't make a very good job. I promise I will talk to you more and try to warm you up to me. I mean it's been two months, but sure, some people take longer than others. I'm just glad, it's just that."

Jimin hops up and reaches one hand out to Yoongi: "Wanna go inside again, partner?"

"Partner?" Yoongi tilts his head to the side.

"Yes, I mean we are bartender-partners after all, aren't we?"

"Yes we are." Yoongi says in a soft and quiet voice before grabbing Jimins hand.

Holding hands is the best feeling in the world. It always was and always will be. And holding hands with the man you love, who just called you partner, is like heaven on earth.

Both of them walk inside, still holding hands and Yoongi can't stop himself from smiling.

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