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It has been more than two weeks since Yoongi found out about Jimin and Jungkook and he has to admit: his life's been shit. But Tae was there for him. They were inseperable these last few weeks and Yoongi is absolutely thankful for that. Tae always knows exactly what Yoongi needs, it's like he's able to read his mind. He took his thoughts off the whole Jimin-thing so easily and that made Yoongi's life so much better. He loves Tae for that.

Today is the first day he has to see Jimin again. Since the last week was public holiday, the bar was closed. Which was very fortunate for Yoongi. But today he has to go back to work and face Jimin. It's gonna be so uncomfortable for him, hearing Jimin talk about Jungkook all the time and smiling, maybe calling or texting him.

Yoongi came early, cause he won't get through this night without some alcohol. He pours himself his favourite Whiskey and drinks it in one sip. His phone buzzes, since no customers are here yet, he takes it out. It's a message from Tae:

 It's a message from Tae:

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Yoongi smiles. His heart is warm at the thought of Taehyung picking him up. With that in mind he will be able to make it through this night. And in that moment the door swings open and Jimin nearly yells: "Well hello, what are you smiling at, Yoongi? Do you got a new girlfriend?"

A new what?

Does Jimin really think Yoongi's straight. Well he really hasn't done a good job with flirting aparently.

"No." Is all Yoongi says. Should he tell him? What the hell. "I don't date women." He turns around to see Jimins reaction better.

"Oh. I didn't know." Jimin just seems not surprised, not awkwardly or anything.

Yoongi expects Jimin to only talk about Jungkook tonight, but to his surprise, he doesn't even mentiones his name once. They talk about lots of stuff, showing Yoongi once again, what a wonderful human being Jimin is. But he never mentions Jungkook. Maybe the two of them didn't work out. Yoongi's heart jumps a little bit at that thought. Maybe there's still hope.

Should he risk it and ask Jimin?

No. What if he starts talking about how great Jungkook is. No way he would be able to live through that. So he just keeps shut.

Working isn't as bad as Yoongi thought. He's able to push the thought of Jimin and Jungkook away and just enjoys Jimin's company. The customers are extremly nice and generous today. Yoongi's made huge tips. Does he look extra nice today? He tried to. He wanted to look nice, so Jimin might get jealous. Which obviously didn't work, since he didn't even knew Yoongi's gay.

Twenty minutes before the club closes and only a handfull of people are left, the door swings open and in comes a handsome man with a huge bouquet of the most beautiful flowers Yoongi has ever seen. It's bigger than his head, so for the first two seconds he doesn't recognize him. But then he sees the way Jimin looks at the man and he immediatly knows who it is.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin says and Yoongi sees he tries to act angry but he can't hide his smile. So they probably had a fight. Maybe that's why Jimin talk about him.

"I know your shift ends in 20 minutes and I was hoping you're not tired and we could maybe.. I don't know walk along the river. Only talking. I don't even wanna hold your hand."

Yoongi is confused by Jungkook's words. They don't make sense. Why would he say something so mean to Jimin. But Jimin doesn't seem to mind, he just smiles.

"And I also brought this bottle of white wine, only if you're in the mood for drinking a glass."

"You're unbelievable. You just show up at my work with some pretty flowers and think it's all forgotten?" Now Jimin seems truly hurt.

"No, I know my behaviour was awful. Jimin I am so sorry. You are important to me and we can take it as slow as you want to. I would never want to hurt you. I could never. Please let me make it up to you. Give me this one chance."

Jimin walks in front of the bar, now standing directly opposite of Jungkook. Yoongi is frozen. He can't move. All he can do is look at them. His mind is completely blank.

"Okay. But never push me again, ever. I've made these mistakes too often in the past and I don't wanna make the same ones with you. Cause with you it feels different." Jimin's voice is as sweet as sugar and now Yoongi can't hold back the tears.

This is it. This is the moment he needed. He needed to see that with him and Jimin it could never happen. Cause he already found his perfect match.

As Jimin's and Jungkook's lips meet, Yoongi nearly runs towards the bathroom. Calling Tae instantly. He doesn't even pick up, just texts him: Be there in 20 min. Tae understands him without having to say a word.

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