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Namjoon's been looking for the key inside his bag for the past two minutes. "It mus be here. That's where I always put it." He talks to himself. It's hard to find the key with only one hand, since he's got a paper bag with breakfast in the other.

"Ah." Finally. He grabs the key and walks towards the door. He opens it slowly. He doesn't wanna wake him. After all it's only 9 am and Yoongi is usually still asleep at that time.

Namjoon wants to prepare breakfast first and then go and wake up Yoongi. It's always been like this. One day a month he surprises his friend with a huge breakfast and Yoongi never knows when it's gonna be. In exchange Yoongi surprises Namjoon with dinner once a month.

It's a tradition they started years ago, after beginning to live alone. Many times they felt lonely or sad that they had to eat by themselves and that's how both of them came up with this idea.

Namjoon walks towards the fridge, well knowing, that there are always eggs inside. He's become quite good at preparing breakfast. At first his meals were awful, you could barely eat them. That's one of the reasons Yoongi chose breakfast for him and dinner for himself. It's really hard to mess up breakfast.

Namjoon cracks the eggs into the pan and sighs at the smell of them. While the eggs fry, he sets plates and everything he bought onto the table. He bought meals from one of his favorite restaurant. He doesn't know why, but he's got the feeling that Yoongi really deserves a special breakfast today.

After preparing every little detail, Namjoon walks towarss Yoongis bedroom and knocks softly. He knows this won't wake up his friend, he's just used to knock on door before entering them. Namjoon opens the door and his eyes widen. There are two people sleeping in Yoongis bed. He can't quite make out who the other person is, but he can see Yoongis tiny feet peep out the blanket. He smiles softly as he walks towards the bed to tickle said tiny feet.

But wait. What if the man next to Yoongi, taking up almost all the space and is covered in pillows and blankets, is someone Yoongi brought home last night. Wouldn't it be totaly awkward if Namjoon was to wake them. Who knows who he is and what they did? What does he do now? Go back home? Maybe that's the best idea. He should leave the table as it is, so the both of them can enjoy an amazing breakfast, although the food might be cold, once they get up. But Yoongi'll know it's from him and thank him later.

Namjoon turns around and walks towards the door.

"Nam-" A soft, sleepy voice calls for him behind his back. He turns back around.

"Why you here?" Yoongi asks cutely.

"I made breakfast. But don't worry, I won't disturb you two lovebirds anymore. I'll go home, enjoy the food while it's still hot."

"Lovebirds?" Yoongi looks around the dark room not really understanding what Namjoon means.

"The man besides you. Who is he?" Namjoon asks with a smirk. "You brought him home last night?"

Yoongi slowly sits up straight. "What are you talking about Namjoon?" He grabs the blanket from the person next to him and half-heartedly throws it on the ground.


Namjoon recognizes this voice: "Tae?"

"Yes. Tae." Yoongi says, still sleepy.

"What is he doing here?"

"He came to comfort me last night, I felt awful. Please don't go. We can eat breakfast all together, that's just what I need right now." Yoongi smiles and Namjoon nods.

"Alright, but you better get up then, I hate cold breakfast." Namjoon walks towards the curtains and pulls them open.

Both, Tae and Yoongi scrunch their eyes, because of the light.

"Get up now." Namjoon says and walks out the room.

It takes about ten minutes for Yoongi and Tae to show up in the kitchen. Namjoon is already sitting at the table, hungry as ever, but when he sees Yoongis face for the first time in sunlight today his mouth opens and his knife falls to the plate, creating an unpleasently loud sound.

"Yoongi!" Namjoon stands up and runs towards him. "Are you alright? Your face looks horrible. Did you eat something wrong? Do you have an allergy shock? Should I call the doctor?" Namjoon is concerend, but worries less as Taehyung starts to laugh like crazy behind him.

"Tae!" Yoongi says angrily. "That's not funny."

"But it is, a tiny bit. Hyung thinks you're having an allergic shock! Hahahaha." Tae can't stop laughing. "What's going on? Why is he laughing at us?" Namjoon asks Yoongi. "I'm not having an allergic shock, I just cried like a baby last night." "You what? You cried?" Namjoon is shocked. Yoongi never cries. "Why?"

"Can we not talk about this now? I need breakfast first, and coffee!" Yoongi sits down at the table, while Namjoon walks to the kitchen to get some coffee.


"So, since we're all done with eating now, can you tell me why you cried last night?" Namjoon asks cautiosly. "Well..." Yoongi stares down at his empty plate. "Do you remember, that Jungkook had a date the other night?" Namjoon nods, he's afraid he knows what's coming now.

"Well the date Jungkook had was with my coworker. Jimin. I don't know if you remember him." "Of course I do." Namjoon smiles at the thought of the beautiful man he met at the bar. "And I also knew, that Jungkook would be going out with him. I told him right from the beginning he has to tell you, since Jimin is your coworker."

"Oh, Jimin is more than Yoongi's coworker." Tae says. "What?" Namjoon looks at him in confusion.

"I might be having a tiny crush on Jimin, since he started working with me." Yoongi still looks at his plate. "Tiny? Hell Jimin is all he could talk about these last few months." Tae says and takes a sipp of tea.

"Wait. You're in love with Jimin?" Namjoon raises his eyebrows, not able to understand the whole situation. "And Jungkook, one of your best friends went on a date with the man you love?" Namjoon doesn't comprehend anything.

"Kinda. Yeah." Yoongi nods slowly. "That's why I cried so much last night." "Why didn't you tell him?" "Jungkook is so happy with Jimin. They've only been on one date but it seems to me that he really likes him. I don't wanna take that away from him and besides Jimin also seems to be pretty into Jungkook."

"I mean how can you not be. This boy's hot." Tae says. "TAE!" Namjoon shouts. "Sorry, he just is." Tae shrugs and gets up.

"Hyung, you can't live like this. Jungkook would want to know how you feel about this whole situation. He always wants you to be happy." Namjoon takes one of Yoongis hands, cause he knows how much Yoongi likes to hold hands. It calms him down immediately. "It's either Jungkook's happiness or mine. And if that's the case I'd choose Jungkook's any time." Yoongi smiles softly, knowing what a good friend he is.

"I'll get over Jimin. Just promise me to not keep talking about this, okay?" He asks, looking into Namjoons eyes.

"I promise."

"Let's do something fun then." Tae comes back from the kitchen, smiling brightly. "How about driving Go-Karts? I know a cool place. We could blow off some steam." He suggests. "Great idea." Namjoon jumps up. "But Hyung - " Tae looks at Namjoon. "Please try not to crash the kart this time alright?"

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