During a mid morning rush, Tiana bumps Ruby's arm as the door opens, entering Regina and Killian.
"Still on that two day prediction? I give it two more hours," Ruby whispers. "Well what's the plot today?" Tiana greets Regina with a playful grin. Regina flashes a quick glare at her, "Your usual?" Tiana asks.
"Yes, thank you," Regina replies. "Well I guess I have to get a usual here, you have any of those beignets?" Killian asks. "Fresh batch coming up, for a favorite writer," Tiana smiled. Regina furrows her brow at her.
"What? I got his book last night, I've read all yours," Tiana smiled. "And he's suddenly your favorite?" Regina gasps. Killian smirks and looks to Regina, "Now now haven't you been jealous already today?" He mutters pointing to a table for them.
Regina scoffs, "Excuse me? Of what?"
Killian sits across from her, and the pair place computers and notebooks on the table. "Of me talking to Bella. You know not every smile of mine is a flirt," He mentioned.
"I ... was not jealous, I don't even know you," Regina denies. "Well, you know I do read women pretty well," he boasted. "You write women, not read them," Regina corrects sarcastically.
"Okay," he leans his elbows on the table, and Regina stares at his hands in front of her. "Tell me this then, is Cassandra in my stories accurate or not?" He bites his lip staring at her for her answer.
Regina forms her mouth to say something and finds nothing comes out, as she stares at him. "Well, I mean..." she starts to stutter, "She's fairly accurate I guess." Regina says.
"Are you kidding? It's like he was inside my head as I was reading it," Tiana comes by places cups of lattes down in front of them. Killian smirks at Regina, and his brows dance up.
"You know you could praise me, I promise it won't inflate my ego," He smiled. Regina looks at Tiana with a harsh look, "What? Oh please you called me last night in a tizzy at the cliffhanger of the last book," Tiana scoffs heading off.
Killian smirks across the table, "Oh is that so?" he teases.
Regina gently places her fingers around the cup, looking at the foam on top in the shape of a heart no less.
"I was .... into the story," Regina answers. "Mm, and was she not accurate in her pining and angst for Jason?" he asks.
"Well I mean of course it is, that man is perfect. Imagining coming from a time where their lives were completely opposite, and falling into this world of a historical turmoil and she's taken by this man who just is the perfect male in existence and yet he's from two hundred years ago," Regina rambles.
Killian smiles, as he watches her talk passionately about his plot. "Mmm, so he's perfect huh?" Killian asks. "Well I mean... not to get inappropriate, but their honeymoon night, seemed somewhat impossible," Regina mused.
She was of course talking of the couple in the book having quite graphic passionate sex scenes.
"Mmm, why?" He tips his head. A piece of his hair escapes the gel, as Regina flicks her eyes up. "Uhh, well." She begins.
"Wait," he points his finger at her. "What?" She shrugs.
Killian's finger switches to his thumb as he reaches across the table. Regina watches it get closer to her face as it presses on the corner of her mouth.
"Little foam, thought you wouldn't want that there when you began telling me the inaccurate depiction of a sex scene," He said, with a side smile like a chesire cat.
Regina felt her heart come to a halt at the gentle, yet firm touch of his thumb.
"Oh, um... well, I wouldn't say it was inaccurate, just you write him be pretty, skilled in that area," Regina tried to speak casually while, trying to not let her cheeks burn on her face, as she clenched her thighs together under the table.
"Mm, that's my foot," He smiled. "What?" Regina blinked. "You're clenching your legs and you bumped by foot," He smirked. "I ... did I?" She asks.
"No you didn't bump by foot, but the other part is right," He bragged and picked up his coffee sipping it devilishly.
"Okay, are we going to talk about productive plots or just write?" Regina says sarcastically. "Getting upset with me that I'm right?" He asks. "No. But I wasn't jealous at the library," Regina denies firmly and stares at her computer.
"Mmm, not at all?" He asks.
Tiana places a plate down, silently, as Regina and Killian lock eyes.
"Eat your beignet," Regina scolds.
The pair put their glasses on at the same time, and divert their eyes to their screens, avoiding to accidentally catch the other looking at them.
They typed away, as the morning quieted down.
Killian's brows raised together as Regina shifted to standing, placing her glasses on the laptop. "Uhh," Regina sidles next to him and he sees her finger come to his face.
Gently, on his upper lip of scruff, she wipes her finger across it, removing the powdered sugar that was there from the beignet.
He doesn't move, and watches her pull her finger back with the white confection on it. Directing his eyes up to her, she smiles, "just some sugar..."
Killian gapes now as Regina walks away and his head instinctively turns to watch the shape of her hips walk away.
Tiana and Ruby stifle a giggle to each other behind the counter, "By the end of today, I'm surprised they haven't made a baby on that table already," Ruby whispers.
Killian squirms a bit sitting there as Regina peaks around the back corner from the restroom. "Nice work," Ruby praises her. "What?" Regina asks.
"Turning up your seduction, I'm very proud," Ruby smiled. "Well, if he was gonna do that, I had to step it up," Regina smiled.
"Okay, so ask him out," Ruby nudged. "What? We literally just met," Regina feigns.
"Oh please, you're talking about sex scenes, getting touchy with each other, and sitting there like a married couple," Ruby alluded.
"She's right," Tiana walks by quickly, not missing a beat.
"Oh stop it you two, plus he's kinda old fashioned, given his books, I don't want to .. be too forward," Regina defends.
"You literally just wiped your finger across his upper lip, and boy was he drooling," Ruby points out. "I know, that was just to even up the score, if he wants to play hard ball," Regina smiled.
"I'm really so proud, you have no idea," Ruby smiled.
Regina waltzes back to the table, and sits across from him, "Okay, tell me the plot you're going for," Killian crosses his arms onto the table.
"What? I don't tell my plots, if you won't tell yours," Regina argues. "You know mine, it's continuing, from the last book. You just don't know what's going to happen. You are the mystery, as each plot of your book isn't tied to the next," He grinned.
"Is that so?" Regina chided.
"No.. I actually know the plots are all linked together," he winked. "What? Really?" Regina gasps. "I thought I hid it better," She sighs.
"You did, I just took a guess and you just told me," He smiled.
"I don't like you..." Regina pouted.
Killian's POV
Sure Jan.

FanfictionFinally got talked into a Coffee Shop AU -- starring Killian and Regina