A twist.

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"But clearly you wasn't drunk enough because you guys remember everything!"I said putting my dish in the sink.

"Jen i already said sorry if you're not going to take then to bad but I'll say a last time."Jisoo said.She grabbed me by the shoulders and hold me still.

"Look at me.I was drunk and don't know why i did that, she's your girlfriends and i would never do anything to hurt you, i promise.I am sorry.

"Okay it's good."
"Thank you.Now I'm letting you two talk."She gives me a hug and walk away.

We didn't say nothing for minute.

"I know you're not only mad at me for kissing Jisoo..."She said
"You're mad at me for what happened in our room..."
"Yup"I coldly answered.
"I don't wanna have sex Jen."
"I get it but you're fucking 19 years old get over yourself."
"I wanna wait for the good one..." She said.
"And I'm not the good one."I said running my hand through my hair as i sighed.
"We've only know each other two months Jen-"
"Going on three."
"Doesn't matter."
"It does matter I've done some much for you and you've done nothing!"
"Seems like it's more deep than just having sex."
"It is more deep Rosé!I'm giving my blood sweat and tears to this relationship! I don't give a fuck that you make out with Jisoo! I want you to love me the same way i love you!

"And by that you mean having sex?"
She asked
"You don't get it..."
"It's cool let's just act like all of this never happened okay" I give her a kiss and walk away before she as time to say something.

Days later

Today is Christmas i got up early to cook a big meal with Jisoo.Jisoo and are good everything is back the way it was between since the little drama that happened.

"Merry Christmas guys!"Lisa said coming in the kitchen she gives us both kisses on the cheeks.Lisa and i didn't have sex since the time we said it was our last. I do kinda miss her and us but we are never going to fuck again. It's awkward when we are alone together because we don't know what to talk about.Before we used to flirt every time we we're alone now we don't even know how to act around each other.

"Hi guys!Aww you guys look cute cooking like that.Merry Christmas."
Rosie said coming out of nowhere.She gave us all hugs.Since our fight Rosé and i has been doing so well.We're both trying to make it work.We talked and we're great now. I do kinda regret cheating on her.But it won't happen again,I'll try to control myself.

"It's almost ready."Jisoo said
"Jisoo unnie do we have to eat before the present cuz i really wanna open them now."Lisa said
"Yeah me twoo!"Rosé said smiling.
"2 secondes i'm finishing this and we can go."

We go in the living room next to the tree Jisoo and Lisa installed yesterday.Many gift are under,too many for only 4 people.We opened our presents we're all pretty satisfied with what we have. Jisoo bought me a bag the same cute black bag that i wanted to buy but was way to expensive for me to buy,she also gave me gif cards of my favorite stores and new pair of shoes i love this girl so much.Rosé gave me a cute fluffy jacket that could look good with everything a pair of heels some beauty products and an expensive gold bracelet.

"Thank you baby." I said giving her a kiss.
"I guess it's my turn."Lisa said.She got in her room and came back giving me a huge box.
"You said you always wanted one so i decide to but it." She said smiling.

I hope the top on the box and see a cute little white dog.
"No you didn't!!!"I said jumping around.
"What is it?"Jisoo ask
"She bought me a little puppy!!!"
"I hope you don't mind there's only few days left till we go back to Korea"
She said to Rosé.
"It's okay don't worry."Rosé responded.
"Thank you Lisa."I gave her a long hug.

I gave my presents to her.I bought Lisa a gucci belt,many new ripped jeans because she loves it,new sneakers and new air pods because she lost her old ones.Her gif somehow is three times better than mine i have to find something better...

We've finished eating our Christmas meal.We don't really know what to do left for Christmas.But I'm going out getting Lisa another gift that's for sure


"Okay bye love you"

I hang up the phone after calling my family.I'm just chilling on my phone on social media with the dog a gave to Jennie.She told me to keep it while she's gone.10 minutes later i see Jennie coming in my room.

"Hey?"I said
"That's for you."

She handed me a bag.
"Another gift?"I said smiling
"Yup the puppy was just to much.Hi baby!"She said to the dog as she sit next to me.

I open the bag and i see...
"You got me a new phone?"
"I didn't know anything that you need more than that soo...Plus you have to upgrade your phone-"She couldn't even say another word i hug her by laying her in my bed.
"Thank you Jen.Its been only like almost a month since we know each other and you buy me an phone?"

"I'm feeling closer to all of you and i know that when we go back to Korea we are always going to be together.I love our friendships and you offered me a dog so shushh.I also have this"

She handed me a small box.I looked at her and open the box.It's a heart  shaped diamond halo pendant.It's so pretty.

"Omg" The only word that could come out of my mouth
"If you have any idea im much that necklace cost me." She said
"It's Blue Nile  of course i know how much that cost and that's way to much"
"Turn around"She said

I turned around she put me on the necklace.Turn back to face her.

"Thank you Jennie."I said hugging her again.As we back off the hug our faces get closer.
"Jen don't...I you do this I'll make u pregnant and you wont be able to stop me." I said as she gets closer to me.
"Don't say that you make me want it more"She sensually said.
"Get up and go out"I said with an smile"we can't."I added
"Okay"She slowly get up.Steal me a kiss and run out the room.
"Jennie!" I yelled


It's kinda boring at the moment we don't really know what to do for Christmas together.We already open our gifts and ate we have no idea what to do next.Jennie is out somewhere doing whatever.Lisa is in her room making calls to her family wishing them merry Christmas and Rosé as well and i just finished making my calls so I'm going to see Rosé in her room.The door is half open,i knock the door.She makes me a sign to come in and close the door.She's still talking to the phone,i lay next to her in her bed waiting for her to finish her call.

"Yes yes...Yess don't worry.Yess i love you too okay talk to you later love you bye."

She hangs up and look at me.

"Hi"She simply said
"So do you have any idea what we could do?"
"I guess we'd see."i answered

A silent moment

"Thanks for the ring...I saw it under my pillow."She suddenly says
"You're welcome."I answered
"So what are we?"She ask
"I don't know...What do you want us to be?"I said

She come to kiss me.She kiss me slowly with those soft lips.

"Jennie!"I hear from outside of the room.I get off of Rosé and a minute later Jennie comes in the room.

"Heyy."She said"Are you guys coming?"She added.
"Yup"Rosé answered following her.

Jennie gives her a kiss on the cheek.

Ahhh Chaeyong...

Lil twist huh?👀👀

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