She lied

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Today is the day.

The day we are going back to Korea. I have to say i had so much fun i wish that this vacation would be forever. Living here is a total paradise and once we go back to Korea reality will kick us right in the face. I don't really wanna go back to be honest.

"So this is it..."Jisoo started "This is the day..."She added
"Yup..."Jennie said "We're going back" she added

"Well im excited it's been months since I've been home!" Rosé said

We all gave her a dirty look that made her shut up.We are NOT happy about living at all.

"Come on guys...We can come back here whenever we want,its literally my house."She said

"Whatever babe the cab is coming let's just finish this and go"Jennie said

We get our luggages down stair next to the door and make sure everything is clean.

"The cab is here let's go Lisa!"Jisoo said.

I go back down stairs and take my luggages and put in the cab.I'll be in the same cab as Jisoo because be brought a lot of luggages and there's no space for all of us so we are just going to we'll meet there.We bought give a hug to too both Jennie and Rosé.

We get to the car after saying goodbye to them.

"I'm glad you brought me here"Jisoo said looking at the window.

"Yea me too i'm glad we came."

I'm thinking about Jennie right now and i don't know why.The hug that she gave me before I was just so....anyways.Im glad to be friends with her.She said whatever is in Australia stays in Australia.So we'll never talk about all of this ever again and we'll never do anything again.

Right now we're all in the airport waiting for the plane,it's been like 20 minutes.We finally get on the plane a few minutes later.I'm a of course next to Rosé I'm so happy she's finally coming back.

Few Days later

It's been a few days since we got back from Australia, i do miss it there very much.

It's been days since i haven't seen the girls,they're busy i guess.I've been spending most of the time with Seulgi.We usally are together when i'm not with Jisoo or Rosé and plus my parents are not here.

"I wanna know who did you fuck there?" Seulgi asked

"Only two girl unnie i was much wiser than i thought i was going to be."I smirked.

"Did you know the two girls?"She asked

"No"I lied

"And you said Rosé as a girlfriend huh?I don't how i'm the only person who didn't know Rosé was bisexual."
She said

"You really were the only one everyone know,but i get how you didn't know she looks and acts sooooo straight."i said

"Right!?Who's the girl?"

"Her name is Jennie Kim, you'll probably see her tomorrow, she just moved here."I said

"There's so many gays in our school now,were taking over." She laughed

"Do you wanna go see Rosé's up to?"I asked

"Yea let's go,don't you wanna text her that we're coming first?"

"Nah she's doesn't care."

We drive to Rosé house it didn't take long we were already there Rosé and i live kinda close to each other.I knock on the door.Rosé anwser the door.I get in her house.

"Hi boo" I said
"Hey guys..." She said "What are you guys doing here?"
"We were kinda bored so we decided to come here"Seulgi said
"What are you up to?"I asked walking to her living room.
"I'm actually with-" She started
"Rosie!Why are you taking so long?! "
Jisoo asked coming out of nowhere.

My smile disappeared...why are they chilling together without me?But most importantly why are they chilling together?

"Ohh hi guys"She said
"Heyy"Seulgi and i both said

That is awkward.

"Well we're gonna go,i guess i'm bothering you guys.You're coming Seulgi?"I said going quickly out of the house.
"Yeah mmh bye guys"
"Lisa wait."Rosé said I already closed the door.

"What was all that about?"Seulgi asked
"What the fuck was Jisoo was doing there?!"I yelled.
"What aren't they like friends?" She said.
"Yea but it's so weird Jisoo keep saying that they are busy and when i come seen them they are together"
"Lisa is it a big deal?" She said trying to calm me down.
"I'm sorry...I don't know what came in to me"
"Don't be sorry you're okay,Jisoo lied to you, she you're best friend she must have a good reason."
"You're probably right."
"We'll see tomorrow."

We get back and spend of the time at my house.I'm a bit pissed off at Jisoo but I'll probably go away.I mean,what the hell we're they doing anyways? I should be jealous they are friends.

The next day


Lisa didn't come pick me up today.She always come to pick me up.I tried to call her but she won't answer she's definitely mad that i lied to her... I literally had no other choice but to call Rosé...Yes i know i shouldn't.But i can't walk to school it'll take me hours.

"Thanks for coming,Lisa didn't answer my calls.She's probably mad at me" I said

"She seems pretty normal to me i talked to her this morning."

"Baby i'm telling you she mad,i lied to her."

"Just talk to her."

We finally arrived at school.We shouldn't have arrived together.Since Rosé and i are a thing I've been paranoid 24/7.

I see Lisa talking to Seulgi,Irene,Sana and Momo on a table.She looks at us and continue talking.

"Yea i'm going to see her I'll wait when she'll calm down.I don't like when she's mad she's scary."i said

I'm jisoo I'm ok and I'm not scary

And someone comes behind us suddenly.


I turn around to see Jennie. I gave her a hug.


She kisses Rosé in front of me.Thats awkward...

"Lisa's over there you're not going to see her?"

Rosé looks at me with big eyes.If we tell Jennie why Lisa is mad at me she'll find out that Rosé lied to her when she was telling she was busy...

"Yea but i have to go to the bathroom first."I said.

"Okay well see you later"She said "You're coming baby?"

"Yea"Rosé said giving me a last look.

I'm so happy to be back....

The drama is just beginning.

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