Day 12 - The Person You Hate The Most

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The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

There are lot of people… that I hate and have caused me pain, but this one stood out. It wouldn’t exactly by the worst pain that someone has caused me but…its pretty terrible.

Dear ********,

You’re a bitch! All you are is horrible! There is nothing even slightly nice about you.

Grade 6: The teacher sat me beside you. You seemed like a lovely person, and after having a bad experience with my buddy, I needed a friend. I sat with you at lunch and your friend *o***. We soon became awesome friends. Or so I thought. I suppose being the Grade 6er I was…. I didn’t really realise what was happening.

You and *o*** did everything together. I was never invited. You would always sit with each other on the bus, leaving me to sit with myself or with someone else. You would always share stuff with each other and never me. I let it pass over. Over the rest of the Grade 6 my thoughts about you started to change.

*o*** wasn’t as bad as you.

You were really horrible to me. You swore at me, you slapped me, you asked me the most inappropriate questions for a 10 year old girl, you would threaten me and you just were one of the worst friends I have ever had.

I told my mum everything, and we eventually went to the teacher. She spoke to you, but you couldn’t have cared less.

Near the end of Grade 6, I became a friends with another girl, **d*. She was lovely! I was so glad to finally have a friend. She seemed nothing like you. At one point, for some odd reason, me and **d* moved back and sat with you and *o***. I have no idea why. It was a stupid idea though. You were still as mean to me, and just the same to **d*. When we moved away from you, you would come and scream at us for being mean and moving.

Then **d* moved back and sat with you. I was so devastated. She told me that you were nice and that she was going to sit with you. I couldn’t believe it. I had no idea why she moved…

**d* eventually moved away, but our friendship was over.

I had nothing else to do with you for the rest of the year. You didn’t seem to bother me very much, which I was extremely happy about.

Year 7 came; I had nothing to do with you. I hated you so much, I didn’t want anything to do with you, I wanted you to stay out of my life.

Year 8 came. All the new students start in Grade 8. I had nothing to do with you. I had my amazing best friend.

About half way through the year, I realised that you and your friends had fought. That’s when *a**** came and sat with me and my best friend. I was a bit cautious about her… cause I knew that any friend of yours… I was just cautious.

After I got to know *a**** a little better, she told me about what had happened between you two. As usual, you were the pathetic one!

After the fight with my then best friend, *a**** and I became a lot closer.

During that time, you threatened *a**** that if she didn’t come back and sit with you that she would get her brother to come and talk to her.

Oh Princess… You loosing friends cause your such a bitch… Boo freaking who!

Year 9 came. That’s when I started to realise that *a**** was starting to talk to you again. I mean, I know that I can’t control who is friends with who and but I just wouldn’t tolerate *a**** being friends with you again. After all that you did to *a****… she really wanted to be friends with her again. I didn’t understand it.

I asked *a**** about it and she said that you two had sort of started over. I told her it was a terrible idea and she should avoid you, but she ignored me.

*a**** then told me, she had to catch the same train as you for the next 5 years… so she didn’t want to make enemies. As usual, you were as inappropriate, mean and horrible as you had always been.  I hated that *a**** was friends with you.

*a**** was really your only “real friend” if you could even call you two friends. It was pathetic. You just moved around from group to group, you had nobody. You sat with me and *a**** sometimes.  I hated it. You would constantly try and talk to me, and then you’d compare me to other people, and I just hated it.

Later on in the year you started to post status… things like… “Nice to know that photos of me are going around everyone’s phone” and then seconds later post your phone number. It was just idiotic and just an attention seeking.

You posted and still post pathetic statuses, and then would get bitchy at people when they try and say something. You posted really revealing photos on your wall.

You were invited to parties, but from what I heard, you were always a loner.

People say your pretty… your just a fake.

I have no sympathy for you, none whatsoever. After what you did to me, I refuse to do anything, let alone forgive you. People tell you, it’s in your past, forgive and forget. No fucking way!

I hate you! So much! You are a bitch, a try hard, an attention seeker, a slut, a rotten spoilt brat and a horrible cow.

I am so glad that I had nothing to do with you anymore and I hope that it will stay this way. You’re out of my life. I may have to live with you being around me at school… and being friends with my best friend… but I refuse to have nothing to do with you, ever again.


30 Day Letter Challenge 2012 - BeckyWhere stories live. Discover now