Day 18 – The person you wish you could be
Dear Me I guess,
Good god there is a lot of things that I wish I could be. I know I’m not going to though.
I wish I was so much stronger. I’m so pathetically weak it’s not funny. I wish I was more confident around other people. I’m one of the shyest people around others that I don’t know very well. I wish I knew what to say when people came to me with problems. I wish I knew what decision to make.
And you know… I’m not just going to become like this overnight.
I’m going to have to work hard for it.
This letter is hard to write. If I wrote what I want to write I’d sound like a stuck up snob. This letter’s makes no sense at all.
Love Becky xx
30 Day Letter Challenge 2012 - Becky
Roman pour AdolescentsThe 30 Day Letter Tumblr Challenge