Mixed reception

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Mark's POV
Day 2
Hereford Base UK
      I walked into the cafeteria as all eyes shifted to me some looked indifferent, some were proud, some were pissed as my eyes landed on Timur. He seemed to shrink under my gaze as I sighed and walked to the line and got my food and went and sat down by myself at a table, Craig and Meghan moved over as did Mark, Mike and Nienke. I glanced up as Craig asked "we heard you attacked Timur, what happened?" I replied "he shit talked SEALs, he acted like I shouldn't be here and like SEALs are just common soldiers all because he won a shooting contest by a third of a second" they looked at each other "that's not what he told us" I perked up "oh what did he say?" Meghan replied "he said you attacked him because he beat you in a shooting contest, he didn't say anything about shit talking us" I rolled my eyes "how often cowards do that" I yelled over "hey Timur, why don't you tell everyone what really happened?!" He looked like a deer in headlights as everyone's eyes were on him, "come on, since you seem so comfortable dragging my name through the dirt while leaving out everything you did to get the ass kicking!" He started "well I crushed you in a competition," I cut him off "by .37 seconds I wouldn't call that crushing me, especially when you smoke Mute by 8 seconds" he stuttered as he spoke again "And then you got mad and attacked me" I laughed openly as Alex spoke "So you're just gonna leave out the parts where you acted like he shouldn't be here? And where you talked shit about SEALs including Craig and Meghan?" As Mark jumped in "Or where you followed him across the range to the table when he was obviously mad at himself for losing just to rub it in?" I heard one of the Russians "How do we know you aren't covering for him? Where's the proof?" Nienke replied "Ask Harry, he watched most of it go down, there's also cameras in the Range" everyone turned to Grace as Mark asked "Can you get the recording from when it happened?" She nodded "Of course I can" as she pulled out her tablet and started tapping away until the CCTV footage appeared on the TV and the altercation was played with full audio, catching every word Timur said before I threw my initial punch. Suddenly the entire organization turned on him I heard Fuze yelling "You lied to us?!" As the rest of the team voiced their anger and disappointment. He shrunk as Ash yelled "We've told you countless times to keep your fucking ego in check!" He shrunk even further as I sat there silently pushing my food around with my fork as Craig spoke "Hey, thanks for defending our name." I nodded as I continued to play with my food, Just then Harry came over the Intercom "Coffin, Valkyrie, Blackbeard, Jäger and Maverick to briefing room 2, i repeat Coffin, Valkyrie, Blackbeard, Jäger and Maverick to briefing room 2" I stood and looked at Nienke "you'll have to tell me about that project when we get back, alright? I'm sure it's interesting" she nodded with a smile "be safe, the lot of you" I gave a thumbs up as we ran to the door and down the hall to the briefing room. I was the first to the room, when I entered Craig and the rest of the team were right behind me. Harry looked uncomfortable as he slid each of us a file, I picked it up as I looked at him "HVT?" He nodded and started the brief as we opened the file. I sighed "Of course it's Afghanistan" Harry spoke "You've been called because we have a positive ID on the location of one of the Masks lead bomb makers, he's been codenamed Ra. You're going to fly to Bagram where you will then be flown over the border into Pakistan 10 klicks from the target, you go in you capture him alive and then you egress to point Charlie where NightStalkers will extract you" I nodded as I scoured over the topographical maps on the area, the terrain, the suspect house, what the man looked like everything. I looked up when I heard my name "Mark, you've got lead. This is your specialty keep it smooth" I gave a nod as Harry spoke "dismissed, get your gear and be on the plane in 30" I looked at the team "let's move Rainbow" we all ran through the halls to the our dorms to grab our gear and then moved to the pantry to grab MREs and Water and anything else we'd need. I grabbed extra batteries for my laser and grabbed my back packing it full of magazines, water pouches, MREs, maps, the radio, distress flares, our smoke grenades, the compass and finally a gas mask. I looked around the table "everyone got what they need?" I saw thumbs up and nods all around until I asked "Everyone got their gas masks?" Suddenly all the confirmations disappeared "grab your masks and let's get going, we've only got 10 minutes left" I grabbed my m4 and slung it before checking my M9 "Hey Craig, are you getting red wing vibes too or am I going crazy?" He replied "no, it seems way too close to Red Wings for comfort" I sighed as Meghan spoke "Yeah, same here, I don't like it" I replied "Yeah, I was hoping I was going crazy" Erik(Maverick) asked "everyone good to go?" I nodded as everyone else replied "Yea" "all set" and Jäger being the lone one out "Ja, let's get this done" I patted his shoulder "it'll be over soon enough" he nodded "I hope your right Coffin, I hope you're right" we all hustled out to the plane and climbed in. I plugged in my ear buds and started looking over the file again trying to commit everything to memory, this is going to be a good one, this guys like Bin Laden I doubt we're coming back from this I mean if anyone is gonna blow himself up so we can't capture him it's this guy he's bombed hundreds of American convoys.

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