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Mark's POV
Day 2
Hereford Base UK
      I stood in the firing range trying to decide what rifle to use "mk14 or m4, mk14 or m4" I decided on the mk14 before I walked out and to the booth and waited for Harry. I heard an Asian accent to my left and saw a woman with white streaks in her hair "you use the mk14 too?" I smiled "yeah" she stared at it "why does it have a scope?" I cocked an eyebrow "because I'm a marksman...?" She sighed "mine doesn't have one" I stared at it "well that's not fair" she chuckled as Harry appeared next to me "are you ready?" I looked over "I've got no clue what I'm supposed to do but yes sir" he shook his head with a smile "you're going to use two mags and hit as many targets as you can as quickly and accurately as you can" I nodded as I lifted the rifle and aimed down the sight and slowed my breathing and listened for the signal Harry hit a button and I heard a countdown "3, 2, 1," and then the first target popped up, I reacted and shifted my aim to the target firing twice. I saw another out of the corner of my eye causing me to rotate and fire again dropping it just then a piece of plywood and two targets popped up I fired through the plywood dropping the two targets with 3 rounds each. Two target appeared on the second level of the range causing my training to take over as I dropped to a knee and used the booth as a stabilizer as I fired 4 rounds into each target. The next target popped up at the 100 meter mark as I shifted my aim and fired once dropping the target, I hit the mag release and grabbed the second mag shoving it into the mag well and hit the lock. 3 more targets popped up as I resighted and fired 3 times into each target twice in the chest once in the head. I had 4 more targets and 11 more rounds, I sighed as I fired two rounds into the chest of each target except the last. I fired the last 5 rounds into the fourth and final target as I watched it fall I turned to Harry and pulled the slide back clearing the chamber as I asked "what's next?" He looked at the tablet "90% accuracy, 20 seconds. Impressive" I chuckled "am I better than Meghan?" He tapped the tablet a couple times "yes, she had an 75% in 26 seconds" I replied by pumping my fist "yes! Let's go!" He nodded "time for the Sim" I nodded "so are we just blasting each other or?" He gave me a look "no, you're getting Sim rounds." I sighed "that's no fun" he shook his head smiling as I followed him through the halls. It was a quiet walk, the halls were mostly empty which was unusual but that all changed when we walked through a set of doors and I saw everyone sitting in the stands. I sighed as Harry motioned me to the attackers table "take your time getting your rifles set up" I nodded slowly as I walked over and grabbed my m4. I started loading the sim rounds and watched as he called down operators, "Blackbeard, Thatcher, Buck and Thermite to the map" the 4 operators called walked down as Harry called the enemy team "Oryx, Mute, Echo, Alibi and lesion to the field" I heard thatcher "Hey Coffin, what's your gadget?" I looked over "well I've got these NVGs, I guess I could use them" he nodded "I'll use my EMP grenade, blackout the room and then you can breach and execute" I nodded "just try to keep up old man" he sighed muttering about disrespectful youth. I heard Harry speak "the map will be House, defenders pick your room and prepare to hold" I sighed as I picked up my helmet after fixing my NVGs to them and put it on, "let's go to work" Blackbeard nodded "on your six" I grabbed my flashbangs and holstered my pistol.

I slung my m4 and slid the magazine in, I followed Blackbeard to the starting point we pulled out our phones and started droning the building I heard buck "second floor, master bedroom

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I slung my m4 and slid the magazine in, I followed Blackbeard to the starting point we pulled out our phones and started droning the building I heard buck "second floor, master bedroom. Echo is moving to the basement, damnit mute got my drone" I spoke "Blackbeard and I will deal with Echo, thatcher black out the room when I say. The rest of you pressure the room" I heard thatcher "alright kid, let's see what you've got" I smiled "careful, the first three rows are a splash zone" I heard Harry "3 minutes on the clock, defuse a bomb" I looked at Blackbeard "let's go Craig" he nodded as we moved to the staircase that go to the basement "Craig drone us in, find echo before we breach" he gave a thumbs up as I held the doorway. 15 seconds later he spoke "in the weight room, it'll be directly right when we breach." I nodded "set up the charge, Thatcher you ready?" He radioed back "I've been ready since you were born" Blackbeard took a couple steps back and hit the detonator. I pushed forward "Now" as I entered the hallway to the room as the lights turned off and everything turned black my NVGs got pulled down as I clicked my IR laser on and came to a halt next to the door Blackbeard squeezed my leg giving me the signal to breach I came around the corner leading with my outer foot as I check my initial corner, my inner foot comes in, 1 foot off the wall as i move 6 feet into the room from the door, sweeping as I saw Echo trying to see through the darkness as 3 suppressed shots were head and echo dropped. I checked the opposite corner sweeping my sight across the room finding no more targets "clear!" Blackbeard was heard "clear!" Everything happened smoothly and it was over in seconds as the lights turned back on and I lifted my NVGs "Coffin and Blackbeard moving to 1st floor from the staircase" I heard thatcher "aye mate, we're taking heavy fire. Thermite is down but I can't reach him to help him up" I didn't reply as Blackbeard and I silently swept the 1st floor I was in the kitchen when I saw lesion peaking around the corner from the office above the garage causing me to fire 4 rounds into the doorframe Blackbeard moved past me and up towards lesion. He got tagged once as his Mk17 barked to life and he called "Clear!"
The floor was secure so we rallied and moved up the staircase near the the kids bedroom that thatcher and the rest were pinned down in, we peaked over the top of the staircase as I saw a C4 go flying into the room and detonate. Buck came over the radio "thermite and thatcher are gone, I'm barely alive." I sighed quietly "fuckin' Murphy man" I saw mute try running to the master bedroom obviously not aware we were on the staircase as I fired 2 rounds into his back as buck fired hitting him twice causing him to face plant. I chuckled as Alibi fired into the wall causing buck to come over the radio "I'm down" Just then alibi came around the corner and tagged my arm twice before Blackbeard hit her and dropped her, "fuckin' A' thanks. I thought I was like your sex life, fuckin dead" he punched my shoulder as I chuckled and he took point. I followed him until we got to the doorway to the kids bedroom where I split away "moving to assist" Blackbeard nodded as I entered and saw buck as I cleared the room and went to go heal him when I heard an mp5 firing and Blackbeard's mk17 returning fire to which buck spoke "forget about me go help him" I nodded as I ran back into the hallway until I saw blackbeard checking every corner in the room except for the one in between the tilted cabinet and the bed. As he rounded the corner his aim shifted to the angle as Oryx came flying around the corner and body checked Blackbeard into a reinforced wall and started lifting his mp5 until I whistled causing him to look at me as I fired 4 times into his chest and then once into his forehead "Clear!" Blackbeard stood up as I walked into the kids bedroom and helped buck up as Harry was heard again "Attacker victorious" thatcher and thermite stood slowly as I asked "everyone feel like a winner?" They groaned as I laughed "cause I fuckin' do" I walked out into the hallway, my m4 dangling from the sling, and saw Blackbeard "Bro, he punted you like a fucking football!" He looked at me annoyed "shut up" I laughed "I'm not the one getting punted here" oryx walked past as I spoke "hey Oryx, how would you describe what you just did to Blackbeard?" He smiled "I made him fly" I laughed "See?! Craig you're not a SEAL you're a fucking robin" he sighed as I patted his shoulder and walked out of the training mock up of the house. I cleared my rifle and walked over to Mark and Alibi "hey Mark, how's your face?" He rubbed the back of his neck, clearly embarrassed "not my best moment" I nodded "got a good chuckle out of it, hello alibi, I'm mark" she looked between the two of us "yes, we're both named Mark" she nodded as she shook my hand "Aria" I sighed "why does every country but America get cool names?" She laughed "well mark's British and he has an ordinary name" I sighed "literally every other country has a cool name, the fuck?" she chuckled "I don't know, take it up with your country" I sighed "not fair, anyway you almost had me for a second there in the game" she nodded "I wasn't expecting both of you there" I shrugged "no one expects the double seal" she sighed "sadly" Just then Harry spoke from behind me "Coffin, good performance. Excellent leadership and planning with the other operators, I believe you have a bright future ahead of you here at Rainbow" I turned and smiled "thank you sir" he waved me off "everyone you have the rest of the day off unless I call you for an op" everyone cheered as we set off to do what we had to, i for one was gonna set up my xbox and play with some of the team.

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