A new threat

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Mark's POV
Day 139
Dam Neck Annex NAS Oceana, Virginia, US
I looked around at the base I'd spent most of my career at, I saw Team 6 guys running around doing their routines as the rest of Rainbow got off the plane and stood behind me "So Harry, any reason we're at my stomping grounds or is it just an early birthday present?" He looked back at me "We're working out of this base for a while, apparently the CIA has found some worrying information in one of their many ventures and we're going to be working on them" I nodded as Timur asked "who are we bunking with?" Harry replied "your units, some of you don't have full 4 person units so I'll have you bunk together" I listened as Harry told who we were bunking with. I walked up to him after "can I stay at my house off base?" He gave me a weird look "why wouldn't you stay on base?" I replied "Because I never stay in base, we're only here for training or mission prep. I have a house 10 minutes away, can I stay there?" He spoke "I'm not sure how comfortable I am with you being off base alone" I replied "I can have Erik, Meghan, Nienke, Mark and Monika stay with me if it makes you feel better" he sighed "go ask them if they're willing and then come and tell me" I saluted and walked off to gather the answers. First stop Nienke's dorm, I knocked on the door and waited until a shirtless Oryx opened the door "Saif, I need to talk to Nienke" he replied "She's in the bathroom changing, she'll be out in a minute" I asked "mind if I come in and wait?" He shook his head no "come on in, that's her bed" as he pointed to a bed. I sat down and asked "how's your day been?" He sighed "flight lag is getting to me" I nodded "that's a bitch" he laughed as Nienke walked out "oh, hi mark." I waved "I gotta ask you something" she looked unsure "what is it?" I asked "do you wanna come live at my house off base?" She seemed confused "why would you live off base?" I replied "because I own a house, 10 minutes away. You wanna live there with me and a couple others?" She nodded "That sounds fun" I stood "I'm gonna go see if everyone else is on board alright?" She smiled "see you in a bit" I walked to the SAS dorms and banged on the door "Navy SEALS! Open UP!" Mike obviously tired of my shit ripped the door open "Hi Mike, I'm looking for Mark. He here?" He shook his head no "he's at the GSG-9 dorms" I nodded "thanks Mike, take care" I heard "you too, ya tossed!" I chuckled to myself as I jogged to the GSG-9 dorms. When I arrived, I saw Mark and Monika sitting outside talking "well looky here, the lovebirds I was looking for" I saw Mark look up as Monika spoke "Hi Mark, did you need something?" I asked "do you two want to stay with Nienke and I at my house off base?" Mark asked "why would we do that?" I replied "you get better beds, better food, specialized work out equipment, no alarm blaring at 4:30 to get team 6 up for breakfast" he nodded "I'm down but Monika has to be in before I go" I looked at her "we can come back train and socialize and then go back to my comfy house where there's soul food" she sighed "Alright, I'll go" I smiled "great, now I must go find Meghan and Erik. Any idea where they are?" They both said no causing me to sigh and bid them fair well. When I found the two of them 15 minutes later I spoke "Meg, you two wanna join Nienke, Mark, Monika and I at my house?" Erik have a thumbs up as Meghan looked "really? Harry's letting us?" I nodded "if you all agree yeah" she gave a thumbs up "I'll be there" I smiled as I ran to Harry's new office "they all agreed" he nodded "you can live off base then, leave tonight because we're doing a CQC demo infront of the SEALs in 30 minutes" I smiled "who's first?" He gave me an evil look "You and Timur" I grinned evilly as the incident in the range re-emerged at the front of my mind "if he's broken just know I did it on purpose" I walked out and back to my gear throwing on my combat gear and left off my tacvest I whacked my chest as I threw on my combat gloves and headed to the gym I heard the commander on the intercom "all SEALs on base move to the mud pit for a Rainbow CQC Demo" I started walking to the mud pit as the rest of the Rainbow team emerged from their dorms confused as Harry appeared "you're some of the best operators on the planet, now you get to show your skill infront of the best the SEALs have to offer. Change into your combat gear and follow Coffin to the mud pits" I stood next to Harry with a confident smirk as we waited for Rainbow to come out. 4 minutes later the entirety of rainbow is standing infront of my in combat gear as I yelled "Lose the Tacvests! We fight bare skin here" the operators while confuse took off their vests. I nodded and started walking to the mud pits, when we arrived I motioned Rainbow to the right the side across from the SEALs of team 6 "Rainbow! Officer on deck!" Everyone snapped to attention as Harry walked in "at ease rainbow, now SEAL team 6 I'm sure you're all tired from the day of drills and training so I've organized a game of sorts. Rainbow will face off between our operators, the first match is one of your own Mark "Coffin" Hawke!" I walked forward stopping on one side of of the pit as I gave a salute to the Team and the officers as they cheered before Harry spoke again "Versus! Timur "Glaz" Glazkov!" I saw the shock in his eyes before he walked forwards and stepped into the pit. I smiled dangerously as Harry yelled "are you ready for war?!" He gave me a look "I'll give you hell" I yelled back "I'll give you a coffin!" Hardy yelled "fight!" I punched my fists together as I walked towards Glaz, he didn't look like he wanted to move. I got my fists up as I threw a right hook that he blocked causing me to spin to my right throwing a heel kick into his side before I spun back to the left and hit him in the chest with a right hook. He reacted quickly stumbling before he regained his footing and charged forward, he threw a left hook that I dodged before catching me with a right jab to the ribs followed closely by a kick to the chest. I stumbled back as I got into a different stance, he charged forward and threw left jab which I stepped into locking my hands behind his head spinning throwing him around behind me as I released his head and brought my elbow spinning into the side of his eye socket. He dropped as I kicked into his ribs before I fell back and waited, when he got up he charged and threw a kick I shifted my stance and caught his leg delivering my elbow to his sternum as I kicked his other leg out from under him. I did a lap around the mud pit as Glaz struggled to get up, I yelled "come on, show me what you got!" He finally got up as I smiled maniacally he turned to me as I charged and jumped up, hitting him with a drop kick. He hit the ground as I went to land a punch, he kicked me in the face and knocked me on my ass. I shook the kick off as he got my right leg lock, I grimaced as he pulled on my leg until I heard Nienke "You got this Mark! Show him what happens when you mess with the SEALs!" I lifted my back off the ground, lifting myself up and over so I was facing his feet before I spun 180 ripping my foot out of his grip as I came to a stop on top of him as the SEALs cheered at the reversal. I started raining punches on him, he tried to defend himself until I hit him in the temple and he went to sleep, I got off him and grabbed the back of his shirt and walked over next to Harry and dropped him. Harry nodded as Doc walked forward and started checking him and Harry yelled "Eliza "Ash" Cohen!" As she stepped over Glaz's unconscious body and into the pit as Harry continue "Versus! Sebastien "Buck" Coté!" I heard one of the officers "Isn't that a bit unfair? She looks like she doesn't weigh a ounce over wet leaf" I spoke "Sir, trust me, she is more than capable of dropping buck" he looked at me "dude the fuck?" I mused "huh, getting flashbacks to the raid" just the Harry yelled "Fight!" I stepped back next to Nienke "thanks for the boost, almost gave up there" she nodded "can't have you losing infront of the seals can we?" I chuckled "no we can't. Tonight we'll be at my house, we leave after this demo." She sighed "good, these time zone changes are crushing me" I chuckled "trust me, I know" we watched the rest of the fights until Harry dismissed us "Mark, Monika, Meghan and Erik, come here!" They came over as I spoke "to pack your things we're heading out to my house soon" I heard Meghan "how are we getting there? We don't have cars with us" I chuckled "well Meghan, I have my own vehicle on base" she gave me a look as I spoke "don't worry it's not a mustang as much as I want one, command said i couldn't spend part of our budget on it. Buzzkills, anyway I have an SUV with 2 rows of backseats" everyone nodded as they split off to gather their belongings. 20 minutes later we were pulling out after saying bye, I drove the familiar roads reminiscing about simpler times until I came to a stop as I pulled into my rather expensive house. I heard Nienke "this is it?" I nodded "courtesy of Uncle Sam, alright let's get inside so I can check everything's still functioning" everyone climbed out of the SUV and I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door "after you all" as I held the door for Monika, Mark, Meghan, Erik, and Nienke before I followed them in. I dropped my bag and flicked the light on "Rooms are on the second floor to the left. Bathrooms are on this floor and the second to the right. We've got a home theater, the gym, the kitchen is right here as is the dining room. The rooms are soundproof and you can have any room you want except for the one at the end of the hall when you go left" everyone nodded and started meandering through the house as I walked back outside and went around the house checking it for any damage when I heard "Mark is that you?" I turned to the voice and saw my elderly neighbor Barbara I nodded "yea, it's me. How've you been ma'am?" She laughed "I'm not getting any younger dear, are you staying safe on your missions?" I replied "as safe as I can, need any help around the house? You're not struggling to clear out those gutters are you?" She shook her head no "my nephew comes up and helps out, he's a good kid" I smiled "those can be rare" she laughed "trust me, I've been around long enough to know that's the truth" I replied "it was nice talking but I'm afraid I have to go. I've got new roommates that are settling in" she waved "stay safe honey" I waved back as I walked back in. "How's everyone doing on picking rooms?" Nienke replied "Erik and Mark are having a Rock Paper Scissors competition to decide which gets the room next to yours" I asked "where are you sleeping then?" She looked over bored "with you" I nodded "I suppose I should've seen that coming" I spoke "why don't you two just stay with your girlfriends?" They looked at me "we can?" I furrowed my brow "the fuck do you mean "we can?" I'm not your parents. I don't give a shit who you sleep with, just don't get anything on my sheets" they took off running yelling their girlfriends name. Nienke looked at me "are they always this weird?" I looked over "you've here longer than me" she sighed "I was hoping I was going crazy" I chuckled "come on, let's go unpack" as I lifted my bag over my shoulder and followed her up the stairs, my view being dominated by her ass.

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