Politics never change

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Mark's POV
Day 69
A40 highway
    I looked over at Nienke "take my phone and play some music" she nodded "starting to wonder if we were gonna be silent" I asked the rest of the car "Any preferences?" Olivier spoke "Rock" I heard Elias "Ja, Rock" Collinn replied "not really" as Jaimini didn't reply catching my interest "Jay, what is it?" She looked over "I think we have a tail" I sighed "just keep an eye on them, if you think they're getting too close let me know" she gave a thumbs up as I focused on the road. It was quiet as the music started playing until 30 minutes later "Mark, too close" I smiled "let's see how good they are, everyone grab your oh shit handles it's gonna get bumpy" I heard Olivier praying as Collinn sighed "like fucking Iraq all over again" I put my foot down as another song started,

we pulled away quickly until the car surged forward and caught back up. I sighed as we weaved through traffic "Eli, this truck is tier 6 armor right?" He nodded "reinforced frame too, why?" I laughed maniacally "Everyone hold on, I'm ending this now" I slowed down causing Nienke to look at me "Mark what are you doing?" I didn't reply as the tail pulled up next to us as I looked at them, flipped them off, and then yanked the steering wheel to the left. I heard Jaimini in the back yell as she was thrown from her seat as we hit the side of their car and rammed them off the rode and into a tree. I sighed as we continued speeding to the ministry, "Well we lost the tail, everyone okay?" I heard several groans as Elias spoke "Dude you should've warned us" I looked into the rear view mirror at him "I told you to hang on" Jaimini replied "that doesn't help us much does it" I chuckled "you aren't holding on hard enough then" she sighed "fucking Americans" I settled in for the next 2 and a half hours of a drive, like a family road trip.

When we finally arrived we all got out and grabbed our guns and bags and started walking towards the door when the security guards came towards us and had their hands on their guns "Who are you and what are you doing here?" I lifted my ID "Coffin ...

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When we finally arrived we all got out and grabbed our guns and bags and started walking towards the door when the security guards came towards us and had their hands on their guns "Who are you and what are you doing here?" I lifted my ID "Coffin with Team Rainbow, we're here on mission from Six to assist in the protection of the Ambassador while in Israel" the lead guard took my ID and checked it "Any reason you're so heavily armed?" I heard Nienke "He's a Navy SEAL.... about to go on a mission. How don't you understand that?" He looked at her "Don't give me lip woman" I looked at him a short 210lbs man who doesn't look like he knows how to hold a gun as I spoke "Listen here James, I'm sure you're great at call of duty but if you disrespect any of my team, ANY of them I will destroy you. You seem like a good guy, seem like you're trying to do your job, but you haven't seen combat. You're a shaker, You haven't shot someone. you haven't been through even a quarter of the training them have" he started shaking as I spoke in a low voice "Get. out. of. our. way, before I have to explain to the ambassador why one of the security guards is broken" he nodded and moved as I plucked my ID out of his hand and motioned the team through, "Keep your nose clean James" he mumbled "my name is Charles" I looked back "I don't care" as the door closed behind me and we walked to the receptionist "Hello ma'am, we're here to see the ambassador. We're from Rainbow" she nodded keeping her eyes on the rifle across my chest "I'll let him know" I gave a smile "Thank you ma'am" she spoke into the phone while I looked at the team "best behavior alright? It's smoother if the person like us" Olivier spoke "I'll be good" I turned when I heard "Sir, he'll see you. 3rd floor, office at the end of the hall" I gave a nod "have a good day ma'am" as we started towards the elevator. When we got there I held the door for the team walking in behind Nienke as we spread out and saw the Ambassador and another Man "Good morning Mr. Quarrey" he smiled "Ah, Rainbow just the team I was waiting for. Who do we have here then?" I spoke "I'm coffin, SEAL team 6" he seemed surprised at that as Nienke spoke after me "Iana, REU" Olivier introduced himself "Lion, GIGN" Elias was after him "Blitz, GSG-9" Collinn fixed his glasses as he spoke "Warden, Secret Service" and finally Jaimini "Kali, NightHaven" the Ambassador chuckled "I'd say I'm in good hands, don't you agree Wizard?" The man now dubbed Wizard spoke "With a force like this? I believe so Sir" Mr. Quarrey asked "How long before you're ready to go?" I looked at the team as they all nodded "anytime you are sir" he smiled "excellent, we just have to get to the jet and then we'll be off" I gave a signal to the team as they fell out and headed to the truck "We'll follow in our Truck" he asked "where are they going?" I replied "they're going to secure the vehicles and make sure there's no one trying to murder you" he nodded as i slung my mk14 "after you sir" he walked through the door and I followed after Wizard. When we arrived out to the vehicles I saw Nienke talking with Kali followed quickly by my noticing of Wizard staring at Nienke, for some reason it didn't sit well with me am I getting protective of her? Holy shit I think I am. I sighed internally before yelling "Load up, we're moving" Rainbow wordlessly started getting in to our vehicle as I walked to the drivers door and opened it pulling off my mk14 and slid it into the slot next to my seat "everyone ready?" They nodded as I saw the 6 men from the ambassador's security team getting into their vehicle causing me to climb into the driver's seat and start the engine. It was a quiet drive before arrived at the airport "Anyone else get a bad feeling about these guards?" Jaimini spoke "I wouldn't say bad but they definitely make me uncomfortable" Collinn spoke "even with we don't like them we have to work with them" I sighed as Nienke replied "I for one want as little to do with them as I can" I replied "Jay and I will need security, we're gonna be on the scopes most of the day anyway. I'll have you act as our security, Collinn will act as on the ground leader since he has the most experience." She nodded as Olivier spoke "I already hate this mission and it's barely started yet" I chuckled as we pulled onto the airfield, I heard Jaimini "if one of these fuckers hit on me I swear to god I'll kill him" I heard Elias "it'll be fine, calm down and everything will go smoothly" I sighed as we all got our and grabbed our gear heading to the plane with the ambassador.

When we were all on the plane and getting ready for take off I noticed Wizard looking back towards us as Nienke excitedly showed me pictures her mom sent her from space

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When we were all on the plane and getting ready for take off I noticed Wizard looking back towards us as Nienke excitedly showed me pictures her mom sent her from space. I sighed as I focused in on the pictures before falling asleep 35 minutes later. When I woke up 3 hours later, I felt Nienke on my shoulder as I looked at my phone and scrolled through memes since I was bored and had fuck all to do. It was pretty uneventful until we landed and got off the plane only to hear an explosion in the distance, I sighed as I put my hand on my MK14s grip and kept my eyes open for any targets or suspicious activity. I looked at Collinn "why don't we get going to this safe house?" He nodded as we opened the door to our Up armored SUV "Sir, if you would" he nodded and got in as I watched the rest of his security detail get in as well. We jogged over to the second Armored SUV and flashed our lights giving the signal that we're ready to move. The convoy started moving as I sat in the passenger seat and looked out the window searching for any hint as to what exploded and if there was something on our path, it quieted down as quickly as the explosion occurred and we made it to the compound easily and without interruption. I sighed as I headed into the rooms that Rainbow was staying in and saw that we only had 3 bed for 6 operators "alright decide amongst yourself who's sleeping in the room with who, I'm in here" I walked into the room and dropped my bag and put some extra clothes into a dresser. I heard the door open and looked over seeing Nienke at the door "Yeah? Need something?" She replied "Jaimini and I are in the room next to you, Olivier and Elias are the third door down and Collinn is in here with you. He's talking to the ambassador right now" I nodded "thanks, take it easy. I'll let you know if we're getting called to action" she gave a wave as the door closed. I sighed as I settled in for an annoying week.

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