Down time

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Mark's POV
Day 2
Hereford base UK
       I sat in the cafeteria after setting up my Xbox drawing, I'm not the best at it but it's fun and it's something to do. I was alone until I felt multiple presences around me, and then I heard Mark "well shit, that's pretty good" I glanced back at him "thanks, the seats are open?" I saw the rest of them, them being Glaz, Ela, IQ and Tachanka, sit down as I spoke "I'm Mark, as I figure you already knew" they nodded as Glaz spoke "I'm Timur, I also am a sniper" I corrected "I'm a marksman, it's different" he cocked an eyebrow "how so?" I replied "I don't use a bolt action or a .50 on a hill or roof. I offer on the ground long range capability to a team" he asked "so like a mobile sniper?" I nodded as he spoke "we'll have to have a competition soon" I replied "sure thing" ela spoke next "I'm elzbieta but people call me Ela" I sighed in relief  "oh thank fucking god, I was gonna butcher your actual name" she chuckled "most people do" IQ spoke "Monika, pretty simple" I laughed "my names Mark, it doesn't get much simpler then that" she nodded sharing a laugh causing Mark to groan as Tachanka spoke in a deep Russian accent "my name is Alexsandr, I am known as Lord Tachanka" I had stars in my eyes "why do they call you lord Tachanka?" He replied "I have a big machine gun" I asked "a big machine gun? Can I see?" He nodded "we'll shoot it later" I smiled maniacally before I spoke "so what can I do for you?" Timur spoke "we're all wondering about how you and Blackbeard breached the room in the basement" I scrunched my eyebrows as confusion wrote itself all over my face "what about it? It was pretty standard" ela spoke "why'd he grab your leg? Why did you move only so far into the room? Why did you both sweep in the same way?" Monika asked "why didn't you two talk much? How did blackbeard sweep without being able to see?" I replied to both of them "A leg squeeze is one of the signals we have to start a breach, everything we do in the teams has rules... one rule is 6 feet off the door and a foot off the wall, and because the teams all breach in the same way." I turned to Monika "Because we didn't have to, Ive found in team 6 that if we didn't talk we were more efficient, we cut out the noise and we only had the necessary information on the comms. In this case, it's locations, statuses, security and movements. Now as to how Craig saw? No fuckin' clue, I was the only one with NVGs." She nodded as Mark asked "What do you mean statuses?" I replied "thatcher was keeping us updated on who was up, who was injured and who was down. When he went down buck took over keeping us updated, when Craig and I would call clear we were passing information that the room was safe and we could move freely without dying. The entire time whenever we talked it was passing important information, later on when I was teasing Craig, we were comfortable with our positioning and the moment alibi came around the corner it was back to work" they nodded slowly as Alexsandr asked "is that why you caught so many people off guard?" I chuckled "well echo couldn't see or hear us, I was moving silently and we hadn't spoken after entering. Mark couldn't have heard us because of the raging gunfight, oryx wasn't expecting me to come back into the hallway since I went to revive buck. It was really just a series of perfect circumstances to get the drop on people" they nodded as Mark sighed "that was embarrassing" I stood and spoke "it's happened to everyone, I know guys on team 6 that have fallen into holes and just disappeared from view anyway I'm gonna go train" Glaz spoke "is that all you do?" I glanced back "if you want to stay in 1st, act like you're in 2nd." He stood "then let us train" I walked to the armory talking with Mark, Timur and Alexsandr. When we arrived, I grabbed my m4 and started loading the magazine while sitting on the table in the middle of the room. I wasn't paying attention to the world around me until Alexsandr all but slammed a World War 2 Dp-28 on the table next to me "Comrade, how do you like her?" I placed down the magazine I was previously holding and lifted the rifle. I ran my hand along the wood stock as I inspected every angle of the gun, I tried imitating a Russian accent "comrade, she is beautiful." He laughed at my piss poor accent "comrade do you want to shoot it?" I nodded excitedly as Alexsandr grabbed the DP-28 and walked off towards a booth. I placed down my M4 and jogged over as Alex places the pins into the machine gun locking it into the tripod as I stared at it looking at the ballistic shield on the front "what does it say?" I asked as I ran my hand over the Russian lettering, Alex replied "Lord, I leaned into the nickname" I nodded as Alex motioned to the turret "go ahead, shoot her" I smiled as I locked the rifle butt into my shoulder and placed my left hand on top of the stock as Alex leaned in and pulled the bolt on the bottom of the rifle before he spoke "you're good to go" I breathed growing comfortable with the gun as I squeezed the trigger for a second, the recoil threw me off for a second as I fired another short burst until Alex spoke "comrade it's a machine gun" I chuckled "okay" as I squeezed the trigger holding it as the gun tried to climb for the ceiling causing me to hold it steady as I dumped all 60 rounds into the target. I started cackling halfway through the magazine only stopping when the magazine clicked empty, I sighed as Mark walked over "Dude, you good?" I looked over wide eyed and full of adrenaline "Yeah, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" He replied slowly "because you look like you did cocaine" I laughed "nah, nah, that's only Tuesday's" mark looked at his phone "it is tuesday" I checked my phone "huh, well shit. I'm off to go do cocaine" as I spun towards the door causing mark to yell "No! No drugs!" I rolled my eyes with a sigh "buzzkill, Alex you'd let me do drugs right?" He replied "I believe the saying is "drink your school, stay in sleep, don't do milk and get 8 hours of drugs"" I looked at Mark "Yeah Mark, I haven't done my 8 hours of drugs" he shook his head trying not to laugh as I walked past him to the table and grabbed my M4 "Hey Alex, wanna shoot my baby?" He came running over "oh boy shooting kids? Count me in" I laughed openly "no, no, this isn't an American school. I meant my M4, you wanna shoot it?" He looked at me "so no shooting kids?" I sighed "no, not today sadly" I heard him mutter under his breath "damnit" before he replied "yes comrade, I would like to shoot your rifle" I handed him a mag and the rifle "you got 900 rounds per minute and 45 in the magazine. Do with it what you want" he nodded smiling as we walked to the booth. I looked over at what Timur is doing and see he's trying to top his own record on the 2 mag reaction test, I spoke to myself "I'll get you someday" I turned to the range when I heard the first suppressed shot and watched as Alex fired at different intervals before switching the fire mode to semi and firing the rest of the mag "she handles well, smoothly. I can tell you take care of your guns almost as well as I do" I smiled "good to hear, besides the instructors would rip me a new ass if I didn't take care of my guns. Jeez, I'm getting chills just thinking about it" he laughed heartily "it cannot be that bad" I shook my head "you don't know how ruthless these DIs can be" he was still chuckling to himself as we walked over to the range Mark and Timur were competing at. I watched as Mark tried to keep up but the gap only grew as Timur effortlessly shifted from target to target firing once before shifting to a new victim, it was mesmerizing until I realized I had to beat him. I stopped watching and started observing, I watched extremely closely memorizing his stance, how he moved, how his gun reacted to his movements, the breathing, anything I could keep track of and try to mimic I was memorizing. 10 seconds later, the buzzer went off and we checked score "95% accuracy in 14 seconds, Mark you got 60% in 23. Jesus he fucking smoked you bro, like fuck you got nuked" mark sighed as he removed the mag from his mp5 "I'll beat you some day Timur, just you wait" I nodded before yelling "my turn!" As I grabbed two magazines and placed them on the counter. I hit the mag release and shoved a new magazine into the well before I hit the lock and pulled back the priming handle. Looking over at Timur I asked "ready to go?" He replied "try not to cry when you lose" I looked over "well this isn't very fair for you, I've got 45 rounds in a mag and a hair trigger where you have 10 rounds in a mag with a standard trigger" he chuckled "don't worry about the fairness because it was never fair to begin with I'm miles ahead of you" I got annoyed at that as I took out 25 rounds from the magazine "we're doing this right" I made sure I had 20 rounds before I slid the magazine back into the rifle and flipped the safety off Alex spoke "are you both ready?" I nodded as I assumed my stance and focused on on the task.

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