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Mark's POV
       I looked over the base as I stood on the airfield, a small shiver ran across my body as I muttered to myself "I see I'm in Britain again" my eyes shifted to the two people walking towards me. I smiled "Craig, Meghan, how've you been?" Craig replied "busy, the missions are almost constant" as Meghan gave me a hug before pulling back "tired, I've been on 3 missions in the last 3 days" I chuckled "good thing I'm here then, you wimps can get a break" they rolled their eyes as I followed them into the building as Craig turned and spoke "we're going to Harry's office, then he'll probably bring you to the auditorium and introduce you to everyone" I nodded as I shifted my bag and looked at him "am I staying with you guys? Or am I getting my own crib?" Meghan laughed "you aren't the youngest here anymore" I sighed "well that's no fun" they laughed before we stopped infront of a metal detector as the man standing by the detector spoke "Please show ID and sir place your bag here so we can check it" I sighed in relief as I placed my bag down and looked at Craig and Meghan "was I supposed to get an ID or?" They shook their head as Meghan replied "no, you'll get that after meeting Harry" I nodded as I turned to the man went through my bag and gun case. It took a couple minutes before he pushed my bag back to me "You're all clear, have a good day Sir" I nodded "you too" before I followed Craig and Meghan into the room, I was caught off guard by all the awards on the walls. I walked over and looked over them not noticing the other three in the room watching me until I saw a newspaper article framed on the wall, my interest was peaked and I walked over reading the headline aloud ""We got the bastard", hey this is about Bin Laden. I remember that mission" I looked back at Craig and Meghan and finally Harry's eyes on me "Oh, sorry sir" he smiled "Don't worry about it, so I hear you were on the bin laden raid" I nodded as I stood in front of his desk "yessir" he sounded interested "what was it like?" I struggled to find the words "like training, we'd done the practice mission so many times it didn't feel real until after Rob took the shots." He nodded before asking "would you be willing to tell the story when we introduce you to everyone?" I nodded "yessir, it's a fun one" he smiled before looking at the file infront of him "This is a pretty large file" I chuckled "I've been around sir" he replied "so it would seem, I understand you went through BUD/S at 19?" I nodded confirming his question "Any reason for going through so young?" I chuckled "alright this is gonna sound stupid but I did it to get women" he gave me a look as I elaborated "well I was 19 so you know still a young dumb kid and I thought "well I'm joining the navy and that isn't really manly so I'll go special forces that's manly" and then I went for BUD/S" he laughed "so you went through some of the hardest training the US military has to offer to get women?" I nodded as he asked "how'd that work out for you?" I replied "well I'm single and officially I don't exist so not well" he nodded as he stood and spoke into a mic "All operators report to the Auditorium, I repeat all operators report to the auditorium" he looked at Craig and Meghan "you two go ahead and find a seat, I want to ask Mark some questions" they looked unsure but followed his suggestion and walked out as I looked over his desk before he turned to me "Answer these truthfully will you?" I nodded as he asked "why'd you accept the invitation to Rainbow?" I shrugged "I joined Team 6 because I wanted to go to the next level, I guess it's the same thing here" he nodded slowly "how would you describe the training for team 6?" I laughed "it's like getting kicked in the nuts every day for 9 months, and every day they kick you just slightly harder then the day before" he shivered before he asked "how would you describe the difference between Navy SEALs and Marine Raiders?" I chuckled "The marines are a department of the navy, they're just the men's department" he laughed as he stood and motioned to the door "Shall we?" I spoke "we shall" as I slung my bag and followed him through the base "Sir, when can I expect my first mission?" He looked back "2 days at the earliest, 4 at the latest" I nodded as he opened a door and I heard the roar of a bunch of people talking to each other before it fell silent, I walked to the stage behind Harry and waited until he spoke "This is Mark Hawke codename Coffin, he's a marksman from Seal Team 6 and he'll be staying with Mute. He was on the raid to kill Osama Bin Laden and now he's gonna tell you some stories about the preparation and the Raid itself" I stepped up as I took the mic from Harry "hello everyone, now I'm gonna give you some background alright? So I was the youngest guy on the team at the time and we had just finished a 13 hour training session of just running this attack plan for the compound and it's almost 12 at night and one of the commanders just goes "Alright, what's the worst thing that could happen?" And immediately I spoke "well the helicopter could crash in the front yard" and everyone turned to me with "Dude what the fuck?" And I'm just like "what? Can we talk about that for 30 seconds?" And then it happened! The helicopter crashed on the mission but we had gotten so good at doing the mission no one spoke on the radio so one of our snipers who was holding the perimeter goes "guys, be on alert. they are definitely ready for us, they have a training mock up of our super secret helicopter in the front yard" and there was a pause and a boss goes "well no, jackass. That's ours, We crashed" And the sniper came over the radio again "yeah that makes a lot more sense then the shit I was just saying" now while this was happening I was clearing the second floor so I'm trying to clear this room when this is over the radio and I'm almost dying of laughter while checking everything so our sniper almost got me killed" the auditorium is laughing their asses off as I spoke again "Now we're gonna skip to when we're at the base and everyone is confirming we got bin laden. Now my friend Rob who actually shot bin laden brought over the CIA officer who found him, this woman is one of the toughest people I fuckin know right? So rob brings her over trying to be cool and he goes "is this your man?" And she looks down at bin laden for a second before she spins 180 and goes "Guess I'm out of a fuckin' job"" now everyone is barely breathing they're laughing so hard "so then a week later we met President Obama and Vice President Biden for a presidential unit citation and we all, everyone on the mission, signed this American flag that one of the guys carried on the mission and we brought President Obama over and we presented the flag to him and he's shell shocked, you could tell he was not expecting a gift from us and he's looking at it and he goes "Wow Mr. Vice President, you uh, you think I can find a nice spot to hang that?" And Vice President Biden goes "Yea, that'll look good in your presidential library" and President Obama goes "Nah, that's going in my fuckin' bedroom" now we're all laughing and smiling and relaxing after we got back from this mission that we didn't at all think we'd survive." now they're still laughing as Harry took the mic back as I chuckled and took a step back as Harry chuckled a bit more before he spoke "Mute please raise you hand" I saw a hand raise as Harry spoke "would you bring him to the dorm you two will be sharing?" He nodded "Aye sir" I walked off the stage and shook his hand "I'm Mark" he chuckled "Me too, Follow me fellow Mark and we'll get you situated" I nodded "lead the way" I followed him through the base "how'd you like the story?" He laughed "Mate, they were amazing. Do you have any more?" I nodded "I've got plenty I've done missions with team 6 since 2005" he asked "Will you tell more at Dinner?" I spoke "if you come over to my table I'll tell you a story" he first pumped the air as we arrived infront of a door as he pulled out a key and unlocked the door before he stepped aside and motioned me in. I walked in and noticed a perfect line in the middle of the room "why is half the room a tornado disaster and the other half perfectly clean?" He chuckled nervously "well I wasn't expecting a roommate so all of my junk got thrown to the side of the room I wasn't using" I sighed as I dropped my bag "well fuck" mute walked past me and started cleaning as I walked over and started helping him clean my side of the room. I spoke with Mark for the 45 minutes it took to get my side in shape, we started bonding as I picked his brain about his scrambler and going through college at 14. I learned that I had a gun locker as well as a closet hidden under the mess "Well Mark, that was a journey" he chuckled "Aye, I'm sorry about the mess" I waved him off "don't worry about it, it's not the worst thing that's happened to me" he nodded as I unpacked my gear and my extra clothes before I placed my rifles into the locker. I paused as I looked at a picture of my Mother and I when I graduated BUD/S I smiled at the memory before I place it on my nightstand "Hey Mark" he looked over "Yeah? What is it?" I asked "what time is Dinner?" He replied "6:30, why?" I glanced at the clock "It's 6:42" he bolted to his feet "Come on! We have to go!" I nodded as I stood and chased him out of the room, I swear if someone sees us they're gonna think we're being chased by a bear. We burst through the doors to the Mess Hall before stopping as everyone's head snapped towards us we froze as we looked at each other and straightened up as we moved towards the line before we started laughing. I got my food and split off from Mark before I headed to the table Meghan and Craig were sitting at before I plopped down and started eating. 10 minutes later, I looked at Blackbeard and saw him looking at a woman who looked really pale and had White hair "what's so special about her?" His head snapped to me as he tried to cover up that he was looking at her "Craig I'm a marksman on one of the best teams in the world. You can't hide shit from me, what's so special about her?" He sighed "She's so blunt and matter of fact, it's bothering me" I shrugged "why? There's people in the teams like that" he nodded before replying "Yeah, but not let me recommend shit so your rifle is better" I stared at him "are you seriously bitching about someone helping you make your rifle better?" He sighed "well when you put it like that" I cut him off "There's no other way to put it" as Meghan spoke "he's right Craig, let her be" he sighed as Mark appeared next to me "Hey other Mark, wanna tell me a story?" I nodded as I raised my voice "If you want to hear a story about my time in the SEALs come over here I'm about to tell one!" In a couple moments most of the cafeteria was around us as I looked to my left and noticed the woman Craig was staring at before I went and started "Okay, so the Navy had just launched a new nuclear sub. Now I assume you know that SEALs are the premier underwater special forces correct?" Everyone nodded as I spoke again "So the navy had me and a couple other seals like Marcus Luttrell, the lone survivor, to go and test the security of these subs, we got our gear on and we're under the water and the course we were heading on had us, passing the Mammal cage which is an entirely different beast, anyway we had to get to the sub and touch it and escape without being caught. Seems easy enough right?" They nodded until the woman to my left spoke "I think I know where this is going" I chuckled "don't ruin it then, so 4 hours had passed and the officers are getting mad "are they ever going to go in?" But we had already gone in, taken a picture giving them the bird and left. We'd been back at base eating and playing Xbox for 2 hours. So our commander comes over the radio "Hey are you guys ever gonna go in?" As I yelled "let me do it!" So the boss gave a nod and I sent the picture and they were still coming over the radio when I heard "what's thi- Oh Son of a bitch!" As we went back to playing Xbox" everyone was laughing as I turned to the woman "were you right?" She shook her head no as I nodded and spoke "that was a short one so I'll tell you a story I got from Marcus alright, so BUD/S has a part called over the horizon so they're way out there and they're starting to fall asleep and then a little while later one of the guys wakes up and starts yelling "Son of a bitch!" "Mother fucker!" All types of the shit right? And he's standing up in the back of the zodiac and he starts beating on the zodiac with his rifle and then he pulls out his knife and is about to go to work on a rubber boat in the middle of the ocean and everyone's like "hey dude chill the fuck out" but the guy actually though one of them had hit him while he slept and then everyone started smelling the fish and pieced together what happened. What had actually happened is one of those flying fish had jumped out of the water and nailed him right in the fuckin' face. It broke his nose he was bleeding real bad and everything" this set off another round of laughter I heard Craig "Shit, I heard that one. I always thought it was a bullshit story" I shook my head "no, that shit is real. I saw the picture" Meghan spun on Craig "I told you!" He nodded "you're right, you're right Jesus calm down!" I laughed as I spoke "Alright, Alright Craig, Meghan, calm down. Everyone else, that's the end of story time for tonight" I heard a chorus of upset voices as everyone started dispersing to their tables except for an old man with the Union Jack on his sleeve, Mark, the mysterious woman and a man with burned hands.

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