New horizons(finale)

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Mark's POV
Day 214 September 11th
Dam Neck Annex NAS Oceana, Virginia, U.S.
       Nienke was freaking out since I hadn't told her my birthday was today so she didn't have a gift for me "Babs, it's okay. I don't really celebrate my birthday anyway, don't worry about it" she looked unsure "Are you positive?" I nodded "yes, it's okay. My birthday isn't that important to me" she sighed "fine, fine. Happy birthday anyway" I chuckled to myself as we walked towards Harry's office waving to a couple friends before we arrived. "Babs you good? You seem distracted" she nodded "just day dreaming" I gave my ID to the guards as Nienke handed hers. Once they saw them, we were allowed in "hello sir" he turned smiling when he saw us "Ah the couple of the hour, happy birthday Mark" I nodded my thanks "thank you sir, I believe you know what today marks?" He mused "you're 38 now, correct?" I nodded confirming his question as I saw the hope growing in Nienke's eyes, he asked "you joined at 18, correct?" I nodded once again confirming his question as he leaned back putting his fingertips together "this is about retirement isn't it?" I chuckled "Sir, you ever tried jeopardy?" He shook his head no chuckling "got your pension and leaving? You don't want to stick around and do more mission?" I shook my head no "sorry sir, but I think it's time that I leave the military" he seemed intrigued "any particular reason?" I sighed as I sat down and Nienke sat on my leg leaning back into me "complacency, I've had a lot of success. I've done so much with the teams and had so many victories with so few losses I worry that sooner or later I'll get complacent and say this is the way I've always done it and I'll get everyone killed. I've had a nice long career and an amazing one at that but I think it's time I go back to being a civilian and just living life" Nienke spoke "he's talked at length about this with Rob O'Neill, he's pretty comfortable with his decision" Harry nodded "is there anything I can do to help with the transition?" I thought about it for a second "I could use some connections" he motioned me on as I spoke "i'd like to train police swat so they're more capable to combat the masks, I could use a head start with that" Harry wrote down some stuff on a notepad "and where are you gonna be operating out of? Are you in America or the Netherlands?" I looked at Nienke "where do you want to live?" She looked conflicted "I want to live in America but I don't want to have my mother alone since she's getting older" I heard Harry "why don't you have her move over to wherever you settle down?" I mulled over the suggestion "think she'd be willing? I can fly over and help her pack everything" Nienke nodded "she'll probably be happy to" I looked at Harry "then America, it is" he nodded and wrote down some more things on the notepad "anything else I can help with?" I asked "is it possible I have Nienke and the other 4 operators stay at my house still and move around with you lot as the staging area for rainbow moves?" He chuckled "did you even have to ask? You're always welcome at rainbow even if you aren't acting as an operator" I smiled "thank you Harry, it means a lot" he waved me off "let me know if I can do anything else to help" I nodded with a smile "will do, sir" he pulled out the retirement paperwork and slid it to me with a pen as I went through and filled it out "looking forward to having more time with me Babs?" She pretended to think about it "nee(no)" I rolled my eyes as I moved through the paperwork. She spoke "in all seriousness, yes I am looking forward to spending more time with you" I smiled as I finished the paperwork and slid it back to Harry, he looked through everything making sure it's all in order "alright Coffin, you're officially retired. How does it feel?" I chuckled before releasing a sigh of relief "like freedom sir, hard earned freedom" he nodded "you've done a lot for your country, more than most people will, and for that it will be grateful." I laughed "sir, only those effected are grateful. Sometimes being a juggernaut and untouchable allows Americans to become indifferent and the patriotism falls to the wayside" he sighed "I fear you're right" Nienke asked "but would you rather have that be the case or have it be like Israel where they're constantly at risk and the patriotism is everywhere?" I shook my head no "I'd rather have a nation of ungrateful protected people then at risk patriots, I didn't join for fame or recognition" Harry spoke "that's why we're here, so everyone has that shield that America enjoys" I nodded "well sir, we're off. Have a good day" he smiled before replying "you as well, and stay safe" I gave a thumbs up as Nienke replied "we will, call us if something comes up" we slowly walked around the base as I gazed at everything and watched memories play out, my first days in team six at the obstacle course getting hazed by Rob and the others, the first match in the mud pit against a guy 70lbs heavier than me, getting screamed at in the shoothouse, all of it came flooding back as we walked around the base. I heard Nienke next to me "why are you crying?" I reached up and touched my cheek looking at my fingers seeing them glisten from the tears "why am I crying? What the fuck?" She chuckled "my poor baby, over here crying because of buildings" I sighed "I don't know, I guess it's all the memories. I just had 20 years of memories replay, everywhere I looked I saw something from my past happening all over again" she nodded "come on, let's go it's almost lunch" I grabbed her hand as we turned and headed towards the mess hall to let our friends know that I'm retired. By the time we sat down all of our friends were there and sitting, I sat next to Mark and Nienke. I think she was excited about my retirement because she said "so mark has some big news" everyone immediately turned to me before I spoke "I retired, I'm officially out of the navy" Meghan asked "so why are you still on base?" I replied "Harry said I could hang around" she nodded as Mike spoke "quitting so early?" I chuckled "just cutting it short before I get too comfortable and get people killed" he nodded as Erik asked "why now? Why not after the bin laden raid?" I laughed "I got me a pension" he chuckled as Monika spoke "I hope you don't get bored without the bullets" I nodded as Nienke spoke "he won't, I'll keep him busy" Mike laughed "careful mark, I think she wants you" I shook my head with a smile as Nienke was about to vault the table and attack him I put my hand on her shoulder "Easy girl, easy" she sighed, her face bright red. I leaned over "you're cute when you blush"  causing her blush to worsen and set off a round of laughter, right now life doesn't seem so bad, maybe I'll get that engineering degree or I'll go explore the country, who knows but what I do know is whatever I decide to do Nienke will be there with me.

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