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hartley's point of view

"Hartley, this is Drew." My mom introduced me to a boy at my age. He was handsome, not gonna lie, but he couldn't outshine Dominic. Not in a million years. Wait, what is it that I'm saying?! I sound fucking crazy! I bowed, because somehow at these ball things that is common manners, and shook his hand.

"Hello, Drew. How do you do?" I asked, only to gaze at Dominic next to Drew's mother. He looked SO good! And he didn't look like the others! Drew smirked at me. "Very good, Hartley. That dress looks delightful on you." Drew was giving me the elevator stare. Or, not me. My boobs. It was quite inappropriate, so after a good five minutes of that going on, I simply just grabbed Dominic and headed elsewhere.

"You guys are so fucking formal! It's like I've entered an alternate universe, or even worse; the 50's!" Dominic was excited, at the very least, nervous. I could feel him getting more and more tense every time we'd be introduced to someone new. Someone who wasn't quite like Dom; fancy and not a total dweeb. But another thing was Dominic's way of saying things. Most of these people most likely have never ever said a cuss word in their lives, and I've been raised with not cussing either, but I've never cussed more after I acquainted Dom.

He says fuck with almost every sentence and he usually doesn't give a fuck, but I haven't heard a single fuck from him before now. We've been here for two hours. He's glancing into the crowd of big gowns and fancy suits. I hope he doesn't see himself in there. In the crowd. That way, he could be on the outside. With me. The people looking in. With no desires of being included whatsoever.

"I'm not fond of it either. I hope my mother hasn't bored you out of your skin yet, but she is looking for possible suitors for me. Although I don't want any." I sarcastically said, picking up my dress and walking out on a balcony. The view from the was exquisite. This ball thing was being held on the oldest castle in my town. It must sound like we're not in America anymore, but trust me; we still are. I sat down on the floor. There were no chairs. No tables to sit at. Just a wonderful balcony. I figured that if I just sat on my dress, it would somehow count as a chair. And with its many layers, it did. Dominic sat on the railing of the balcony. He was gazing out in the woods.

"Oh to be a bird at a time like this," I sighed with a longing in my voice. "They have no worries, whatsoever." I tried standing up, but my dress was so heavy. "Need some help?" Dom asked and jumped down from the railing. Meanwhile, I was trying to sort this out myself but at the end, I had to give up. I laughed at him. "I guess I could use a helping hand, yes." He reached his hand out to take mine and as he took it, we stared in each other's eyes. He pulled me up, and I straightened out my gown. "I seriously need to take this off at some point." I cracked my fingers.

"Oh so you're stripping for me? I can't wait for that part." Dominic smirked at me, yet I just rolled my eyes. "Sooooo... I kinda promised you we'd talk, didn't I?" Dom was trying to avoid looking me in the eyes. He was afraid. Maybe even embarrassed. "Dominic, please. Say something. I don't know what to say; but since you opened up to me at the hospital, I've been feeling weird."

"You've been feeling weird?" He asked. Yet again, I nodded. Dominic made his way over in front of me, he took my hands and looked me into my eyes. Just as I wanted him to. I wanted to look into his eyes, his beautiful green eyes and see his emotions. How he was feeling. But he sighed. "I'm so sorry I opened up to you. It was never meant to get out anyway, and not ever in a situation like that. I had the intention of telling you when the time was right, but I-"

"But when was the right time to tell me then, huh? Did you ever consider that?" I cut him off. Speechless. "I figured.. that when the time was right, both you and I would have feelings for each other." He said and looked at the sky.

"Dominic, first of all; I forgive you. There was nothing to forgive in the first place, to be honest. It was an honest mistake, I could've done it too. Second of all, I am not saying that I'll never have feelings for you. But right now, with the rape and everything; I'm so confused and I don't know if I could handle being in love," I was on the verge of tears. And Dominic could see that, because he pulled me into a tight, comforting hug. The tears fell. Not like a water fountain spluttering out water, no. Small tears, no sobs. I pulled away from the hug, and was now analyzing Dominic's beautiful face. Not many people could look like that. Like him.

"It's okay, Hart. You're gonna be alright eventually." He comforted me. He was really trying, and I loved him to death for it, because frankly; he was the only one trying. My mom had completely changed after the hospital. My dad was the strictest man ever, and I hated it here. I hated the people living in this god damn town. I hated the parties, the gowns and the castles. Every single thing there was to hate about my town, I hated it.

"Shall we head back inside?" I asked Dominic. He nodded and smiled at me. A real smile. Exactly what I needed after all the fake ones. Before we went back to more suitors and even more gossip about the people living in the town, I leaned in close to Dom and whispered in his ear.

"And if i were to fall for someone who was here tonight; you'd be that someone."

A/N: 1059 WORDS.

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