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I stormed into the church to find the doors open for everyone seeing my barge in. Luke was standing talking to the band and my, did he look good. I made eye contact with Ashton, who pointed at me to Luke. He looked down at me, a smile on his lips but a sad look in his eyes. I picked up my dress and started walking with a light speed, determined to stop this before it got out of hand. He walked towards me as well, and met me halfway.

"This is bad luck," he said and pointed at the both of us. "But what's up?" I looked around at the many people who had gathered to watch us get married. I kissed his lips firmly, before sighing. "Luke - when I said yes to marrying you, it was without all my fears, all my worries. We were utterly and completely happy together, and fuck - when you went down on one knee I just knew you were the one," I cried.
"- but recently, as we both know - he came back. The person who managed to break my heart, but make it whole again - in just three weeks. I love you, Luke - I really do. But I can't marry you and have feelings for someone else at the same time, it wouldn't be fair to you or me, for that matter." I spoke, a little tear trickling down my cheek.

"Hey, it's okay! I'm happy you decided to be honest with me, because I haven't really honest with you. Hartley, I slept with Sierra on the night of our bachelorette/bachelor parties." He said, almost ashamed of his behavior. I know this was supposed to be a sentimental moment, where I could choose to be mad at him - because he did cheat - but I had done the same thing the exact same night.

The only thing I could do was laugh. In between my giggles I managed to say: "In the bathroom of the club right?" To which he nodded and laughed at me for laughing so hard. I pointed at myself, almost out of breath. "So did Dom and I!" I was frantically laughing now, and Luke was with me.

"So... we cheated... on each other... yet still decided to progress with this?" He said in between his laughs. I nodded like a manic and put my hand on his shoulder softly. "See? We love each other, but we're not meant to marry each other. Are you mad at me?" I asked him. He shook his head. "No, not at all. Are you mad at me?" To which I shake my head too. "I could never be... Luke, I really love Dominic." I said, almost with hearts in my eyes. Just talking about him made butterflies go crazy in my stomach and my heart pound harder than it was normal. "And I love Sierra." I smiled at him. I knew. I've always known. "You guys are kinda cute though." I said.

"And you guys are something else." He said and nodded at me. It made me giggle. "I'll always love you, Luke." I said and kissed his lips, probably for the last time. "I'll always love you too." He said and glanced out in the church. "Shall we stop this?" I asked him. He nodded at me. "We better."

We stood up on a bench. Luke whistled loudly. "Listen up people!"

"The reason we stand here today was because Luke and I were supposed to marry each other - well we're here to tell you that that's not going to happen anyway and the reason being that we love two totally different people!" I yelled to everyone. Peoples jaws were on the floor and I received shocked faces from not only Luke's family, but his bandmates as well.

"Yes and of course there's no hard feelings between Hartley and I, so thank you for coming, but there won't be a wedding - at least not between us!" Luke and I looked at each other proudly. We had done something good. Luke jumped down from the bench then lifting me down too. I looked down on my finger, seeing the beautiful ring Luke had proposed to me with.

"Wait, you need your ring back!" I said and took it off. He shook his head at me. "Keep it. As a reminder that there once was a you and I." He said as a tear formed in his eye. A tear formed in mine as well, and I put on the ring again. I hugged him. "Thank you," He hugged me back. "- now go find Sierra, you flirt!" I laughed and wiped away the tear that fell from my eye. He smiled widely as he turned around and ran down the altar. I'm not gonna lie, it was painful as hell to watch him go, but deep down I knew it was the right thing to do.

I had to turn around to slowly break down crying with no one watching me, the amount of attention we'd already gotten was overwhelming. I put a hand in front of my mouth to stop the muffled crying sounds that were coming out. No one came to comfort me, and it was fine. I needed a minute to myself to think about what I'd just done. I decided to wipe away my tears and turn back around to face the church, now with a few people leaving. I was searching for Dominic in the crowd, but I didn't see him. I was counting on that he was coming, considering he was originally walking me down the aisle.

I waited almost five minutes before Luke and Sierra approached me. "Still no Dominic?" Luke asked me, his arm around Sierra's. "Nope. Do you think he's coming?" Luke looked around. "He promised you he'd be here. If not, then guess who's gonna get his ass beat!" I laughed at Luke's antics. "I think a light slapping would be good for him once in a while." And that comment made Sierra laugh too.

"Hartley, I have to apologize. I've never wanted to make you feel like we were competing or that I was mad at you, it was never my intent. The truth is that you're actually pretty cool to hang out with and I guess that I was just jealous that Luke chose you over me. I hope we can be cool after this." Sierra spoke softly to me, and I could see that she was sincere. "Hey, Sierra it's okay! Of course we can be cool! I don't know if you have plans but I'd love to go shopping with you next week?" She nodded at me. "I'd love that."

I was looking around again, when I spotted my special someone at the start of the altar. The butterflies returned almost immediately. My staring caught Luke and Sierra's attention, so they just shoved me down the altar to him. I naturally started running to him and he ran to me. "Why is everyone leaving?" He asked with a confused look in his eyes. I smiled at him before putting my arms around his neck. "Luke loves Sierra," I sighed and smiled at him, not breaking eye contact. "- and I love you." His smile grew so wide that he put his arms around my back, aggressively pulled me close and kissed my lips with the greatest passion I've ever felt anyone have. "I love you too, Hartley."

"The universe has meant for us to be together forever, so don't you fucking leave me, ever."


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