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3 years later
February 25th 2020
hartley's point of view

"Oh these are so beautiful! They definitely need to be in the room.. is what I think! What are your thoughts?" I look at Luke and put my hand on the lower part of his back. He looks at me, laughs and nods. "They're definitely very beautiful. We'll take them." He intertwined our fingers and gave my hand a gentle squeeze. The florist, who was a older woman, rested her head on her shoulder. "You guys are such a cute couple. The flowers will be here the day before the wedding, and we'll put them up for you." She exclaimed and walked away with her note pad.

I turned around to see Luke who was still looking in the florist's direction. I put my hands on his chest and blushed. "It's still so crazy that all of this is happening! I never saw it coming to be honest." He leaned down and kissed my lips. "Mrs. Hemmings." He smiled and cupped my face with his one hand. I pushed it away and laughed at him. "No, that is Mrs. Dawson Hemmings to you!" I tried to walk away from him, but he pulled me back, twirled me around and kissed my lips again. "I love you. So much, Luke." I told him, while looking deeply inside my handsome fiancé's eyes. "I love you too. You won't get cold feet now, will you? I know this is pretty early for us to get married, but Hartley; I feel ready to explore my entire life with you, and I know for a fact, that you're the one." He looked at me very sincerely and held my hand very tight.

I kissed him again. "No cold feet from here. If I would get though, I'd probably just put on a couple of socks and jus-" He laughed at my antics and tickled me, causing me to laugh as well.

I met Luke two years ago at a bar in Los Angeles. I moved out of my parents house in Hastings shortly after the park opening ceremony, which by the way was not at all held in the park, but in an old castle far away from the park.. and well yeah, after breaking things off with Dominic. I had moved to L.A in hopes of finding some kind of work there, which I did! It was a job where I had to cover for somebody who was on maternity leave, which could eventually lead to a permanent employment. It was a good pay, and i had gotten some really good colleagues from my job! Well, Luke and I had been talking a lot the night we met, he bought me a drink, I bought him one and from there we just started hanging out.. and well, fuck. Luckily, we moved past that point in our relationship, and now we're engaged.

I met a really nice and funny girl called Clara Abrams on my job, and she's now my best friend. I love that bitch so much, I can't even fathom it. So, you see? Everything in my life played out exactly the way I wanted it too. Except from making up with Dominic. That never happened. And it'll probably never happen. Clara calls me 'starfucker' because of the people I've ended up with. I don't get it, but I just laugh it off every time she says it. She also says that I have something for dudes with accents. It ain't completely wrong, I mean.. british, australian dudes?

And now you're thinking; does Luke know about you and Dominic? And the answer to that is that, yes. He knows every single detail.

We just pulled up to our house, when I almost start bursting into tears. "I can't believe we're actually getting married in three weeks. Three weeks, Luke." I mumbled and put my hand on his thigh. "It's crazy. Very, very crazy, Hartley." He put his hand on top on mine and leaned over the dashboard to very intensely kiss my lips. It instantly turned me on, and I put my arms around his neck. "You know, we haven't done it in a car before." I said.

"And we've really done it some crazy places." Luke chuckled and kissed my neck several times while I laughed at him. "Shut up, you dork. The only places we've ever done it is in a bed." He looked up. "And we also did it on a tabl-" I put my index finger on his lips, so that he'd shut up. "Shush, Luke." I grinned, ran my fingers through his rather long hair and whispered: "Make love to me god damnit."

When that little session was through, we got out of the car. I was opening the door to the back seat to grab my bag, but in the distance I saw three guys coming towards us. As they came closer, I realized it was the rest of Luke's bandmates, Calum, Ashton and Michael.

I got all blushy and tried to hide in Luke's chest as they approached us.

"Hey you guys!" Ashton exclaimed and gave both Luke and I hugs. Of course, Calum and Michael did the same. "So what have you been doing?" Michael asked. "We just checked out the flowers for the wedding today!" Luke said and held my hand. I was scared someone was gonna point out anything that could lead to us having sex in the- oh never mind. "I think he means in the car. We waited for 30 minutes for you to get out!" Calum suspiciously walked around us in a circle. "Calum Thomas Hood, if you even think that we'd-" I was interrupted by his dramatic gasp. He turned to Ashton and pointed at us. "I'll bet you a 100 dollars that they had sex in the car!" He exclaimed, and when I got all red like a tomato; I think that was all the proof they needed to prove their hypothesis right.

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