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hartley's point of view

I came out of the door to see Dominic standing in front of me. "Sorry, I just had to talk to him. But we're good now." I patted Dominic on his shoulder and jumped down from the stairs. He quickly followed me onto our patio and sat down in a stray chair. "So what's the reason you're here, Dom?" I asked him with a worried feeling roaming around my body. My head and my heart were definitely not working together as of right now, and that was stressing me out. "I didn't lie. On the phone, I mean. I wanted to talk to you, maybe fix things between us? I was- I am so in love with you still, Hart." He said and shot up from the chair he sat in.

"Dominic, I'm engaged for fucks sake! You can't come here three weeks before my wedding and just- fuck everything up!" I slightly raised my voice at him. He came closer to me. "I fucking know, Hartley! And it hurts!" I was looking everywhere else than him. "You're a fucking dweeb." I told him and pushed him shoulder a little. "No, you're a fucking dweeb!" He said and also pushed me a little. "You're such a fucking-" I backed right down into the pool and fell in.

Dominic was cracking up on the edge of the pool. The water was a little bit cold. I reached for his hand. "If you really want to fix things, you're gonna help me up." I laughed. Dom quickly took my hand and when he was gonna pull mine, I pulled his, dragging him into the pool with me. "So who's laughing now?" I asked, water dripping off of me like sweat. Dominic coughed a little. "Let's get up from here." He said and for real helped me get up this time. "Hey, I was just wondering, and you can totally say no if you want, if you'd like to come to the wedding? You were my best friend, you know. And that place is still open if you want to take it?" I nervously said, and shivered a little. The air was starting to get cold and the pool we had been in didn't make it better.

Don chuckled, but nodded. "Of course I will. But how about your parents? Is your dad giving you away?" He exclaimed, and to that, I shake my head. "No, he's not. I'm not on speaking terms with my parents. And since I don't have another male 'figure' in my life, I was wondering if.. No, I couldn't possibly ask you this." I start backing out of what I was gonna say. Dominic puts his arms out for a hug. I accept it and longingly embrace him. "Of course I'll give you away." He mumbles and places a kiss on my head. A tear falls from my eye.

"Thank you so much."

As Dominic leaves, the front door opens with Luke sticking his head out. "How'd it go," He asked and looked down at my wet self. "- and why are you soaking wet?" I grinned widely. "It went okay. We fell in the pool because we pushed each other while saying we both were 'fucking dweebs'," Luke came out of the door and embraced me. "- also I may, sort of have invited him to the wedding." No movements. Just a kiss on my head. "It's fine, Hart-"

"He's going to walk me down the aisle."

Luke quickly chuckled and looked me deep in my eyes. "But I thought your dad-"

"You know perfectly well what's between my dad and I. He and my mom won't come, Luke. I simply don't want them to." He looked down instead of in my eyes. "Hey, Luke. It's going to be okay. I'd rather have him give me away instead of him watching someone else do it. At least that way, he can make peace with it." Luke finally nodded. "You're absolutely right," He said while running his hand through his long hair. "- I'm sorry for doubting you." I kissed his lips lightly and cupped his face. 

"Have you been smoking today by the way?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nooooo, I neeeever smoke!" I say, trying to hold a straight face. He reaches behind him and pulls out my cigarettes. "Mhm, I'm gonna try again and you're gonna be honest with me this time; or you're not getting laid for a month." He holds them over my head, and now I find Luke and his height very annoying. "Oh honey, in a month we'll be married; plus I know you can't go a week without sex." I answer and grab the package over my head. "I'll take those, see you later!" I try to run away inside, but he catches me, lifts me up and carries me over the doorstep. 

"Impeccable. You'll master that in three weeks to perfection!" I laugh and say while looking at Luke locking the door. He hurries over to kiss my lips with great pints of lust. "Wait, where's the boys?" I ask him, totally out of breath. "I sent them home." He answers and kisses my neck. I moan and get a hold of his hair. "The bedroom?" I ask him. Luke nods, quickly picks me up again and runs up the stairs with me in his arms. 

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