one :: champagne.

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[  U P   T H E R E . ]
a jikook story.

if tears could build a stairway,
and memories a lane,
i'd walk right up to heaven
to bring you home again.



| champagne.

april 29th, 2017.

this can't be happening to me. i don't deserve it. i don't deserve him.

i watched the sparkles, starry lights swirling in the eyes of the blonde boy standing in front of me. his lips were curled upwards into a heartfelt smile, i could tell by watching his beautiful, beautiful eyes morph into an equally ethereal eye smile. his hands were covering his mouth, and i quickly realized the twinkles in his irises were the work of his tears threatening to fall.

have i made a mistake? i couldn't help but ask myself that idiotic question, ignoring the fact everything around me proved my thoughts wrong.

the navy sky, being seen through the large window to our right, was peppered with small, white dots of light. as if our large world was nothing more than a cardboard box, holes poked on the top, tiny specks of white adorning the roof of the world. the stars. a large, crescent shape completed the scenery, its dimmed glow tinting the short boy's hair a deep blue shade. always present, whether visible or not, always there, looking over our large earth. the moon.

i knew the entire universe watched upon me, protected me through the restaurant's large, glass window, but even then, i felt like it was actually standing in front of my kneeled body, lovingly smiling at me.

i couldn't take my eyes off the galaxy in the older's pupils.

my own milky way. my universe.

it was four words i had pronounced. four words, who would hopefully change my life for the better. i hoped everything went well. i was so young, so nervous.

it was four words, consonants and vowels smoothly rolling out of my mouth, as if they were made to be pronounced by me, to be making the boy facing me drop his nervous expression, and to muffle all other sounds surrounding us.

to bring us closer, closer than we already were, tying us together and finishing it off with a beautiful bow. to show off our love for each other to all, for our bond to finally bloom, like a tulip on a warm spring day, like multicolored fireworks finally exploding in the night sky.

four words, five syllables that i had wanted to pronounce for so long. for years.

will you marry me?

a single switch turned on in our hearts, a subtle pinch in both of our souls. the skip of a heartbeat. i felt like i was falling in love with the same boy all over again, the same beautiful feelings spilling out of my eyes in the form of tears, at the same pace as the older's, streaming down our faces.

and the same love came back with the same pain, the same worry and guilt eating at my mind, increasing the volume and tempo of the pounding of my heart.

but it was okay. as long as he was with me, my world would forever be whole. with him. only him.

with his blonde locks of hair, with his petite body, adorable personality. with his admiration for his idols, for everyone he looked up to. with the endless passion and love he gave for our music, for our colleagues, and for stupid little me. the love i always felt like i wasn't giving enough of.

i was so happy with him, that feeling can never be achieved again.

park jimin. singer, producer, the older half of busan revival.

most importantly, the love of my life. the one worthy of spending an entire lifetime— no, the lifespan of an entire universe with. i'm guessing even that would never be enough for anyone.

i dreamed of him finally being mine. of passing every single day left of my existence waking up next to him, his messy, dyed hair, his hazelnut eyes.

making music together, performing together, finally making our relationship public. for the whole world to see, for our love to grow in all's souls.

maybe i was a bit tipsy during my proposal. maybe the golden champagne served with our meal had added to my confidence around the older.

even so, i still knew my feelings for him were nothing short of authentic.

it was in between two pulsations, feeling as brief as the snap of a finger, yet as slow as the bloom of a flower.

it was during those few seconds, that our heartbeats synchronized, our breathing adjusted, our pupils met.

my flower. my everything. the apple of my eye.

it was all during that short span that i heard him giggle out his answer, a few tears slipping out of his eyes. he moved his hands from his face to my shoulders, where he, soon after, crashed over, repeating his short answer in a mantra,

"yes, yes, yes!"

╔─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───╗


this story plot is not mine! yes, i saw this in a twitter post, but some very small details were changed about the story (mostly added details that weren't described in the tweet). this was (obviously) posted with consent from the op. i felt the need to immortalize this on wattpad, my heart jumped in my chest every time i spotted the image in my library. this deserves the attention it has, please go check out @/disneykoo on twitter :]

this is an angst story. angst is a fanficton category that regroups stories where a character goes through heavy emotional/mental/physical pain or trauma.

if you dislike major angst, do not read this story.

this is a work of fiction. any correlation to lived events or existing (original) characters in the story is purely coincidental.

this story will contain:

coarse language, very brief mentions of sexual acts, also very brief mentions of a suicide attempt/depression/dysphoria, major character death, mentions of homophobia, side-ships (very subtle namjin, also very subtle hopekook)

this story will not contain:

detailed smut, korean honorifics (hyung, oppa, noona, etc.)

thank you for reading!

*do not read the following if you wish to discover the plot on your own*

*do not read the following if you wish to discover the plot on your own*

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╚─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───╝

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