Chapter Five

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"So who was he? Was he your boyfriend?" Scarlett asked. I sighed and looked up at the sky.

"No, he's just the person I'm staying with, he was best friends with my dad. Which was odd because my dad was 10 years older than him but they were close." I said.

Last night, after Chris kissed me, we didn't talk about it, we sat down and I held his hand until he calmed down. Then I guess he decided to tell me about how him and my dad met. Chris told me he met my dad when he was 5 and my dad was 15. It was odd but my dad found him when he was lost one time and couldn't find his way home so he helped him. Ever since then, everyday after school, they would go walking and talk about stuff. Chris was only 5 but he was smart and knew a lot of things. Dad found his company comforting so he kept him around. They stayed like this until Dad was 18 and went to Italy but Dad called Chris everyday and they still talked. By then, he had met my mom and she got pregnant with me. He didn't know much about me because Dad never told him he had a daughter but he talked about how Dad moved to Mexico and stayed then when he moved to California and they got to see each other again. Chris was 23 and my dad was 33. They got to see each other all the time and although Chris didn't want to do most things that my dad did, he did anyway because it made him happy. Then of course, later he got the news that Dad had died because of an illness. He wouldn't admit that he cried but I knew he had to at some point. Everyone who knew Daddy did because he was just that amazing. Chris told me he went to the funeral and when he mentioned it, I did faintly remember seeing someone who looked like him but only from a distance.

I was a little scared he might bring up the kiss, I wouldn't know what I would say. Why had he done it? And what did it mean? I wondered if it was amazing for him as it was for me. It was my first real kiss and even if he didn't mean anything by it, I had loved every second of it. His lips were soft, and had fit so perfectly into mine. It made me tingle on the inside, I was bubbling with happiness. But why?

Throughout the day at school, I was getting different looks, but it wasn't like mean stares like it was yesterday and the day before, it was looks of curiosity. Did a car really change their view of me? Even during my last class, Amber didn't bother me, she even actually smiled at me when I looked at her. I knew she had to be acting fake just because I had rode in a very expensive car. It was dumb.

After school, for the first time, Nick was outside where he was suppose to be. I said goodbye to Scarlett and quickly went to the car and got in, Nick was looking rather annoyed in his seat.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, dropping my bag on the floor.

"Just work stuff. Don't worry about it." He said. "I want to know what's going on with you and Mr. Brown, he seems awfully soft around you lately. He doesn't like anyone, what are you doing different?"

"Maybe he likes me cause I'm his best friend's daughter. And I'm terribly cute." I said joking.

"Well you got that part right." He mumbled and I blushed. I felt awkward if Nick thought I was cute; it was sorta pedophilish although Chris is older than Nick and he kissed me! He's being more of a pedophile than Nick was but it was impossible for me to see him that way. I don't know why, but after last night, I could sorta see myself with Chris but it seemed more like a fantasy of mine than reality.

The rest of the ride home was silent and I was somewhat eager to see Chris. I missed him for some reason. I shouldn't be becoming so attached but I was. When we got home, I dropped my bag and ran into the kitchen.

"Is he here?" I asked the maid. She gave me a scolding look and shook her head. She was still mad at me for getting her in trouble but I knew she was coming around because she made me some cheesecake last night. I hadn't even asked for any.

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