Chapter Four

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"Come on, you don't want to be late."

"You're not going to forget me this time are you?" I teased, standing up and picking up my bag.

"I said I was sorry. Mr. Brown chewed my butt off about that. Tattle tale." He thinned his lips at me.

"Hey, I didn't know, I just asked if I had to walk home everyday." I said.

"Just come on." I walked over to the fridge to grab a water bottle when I saw a piece of paper on the counter. When I picked it up, I saw it was Chris's cell phone bill. I looked around to see if I was being watched and when I saw I wasn't, I typed his number and saved it in my phone. I don't know why I got it, I just wanted to have it.

"María!" Nick called.

"Coming!" I put the paper down and grabbed my water, running out the door behind Nick. We got in the car and off we went to school.

The second day was actually a little better, I went to different classes than I did yesterday and liked them better. I had a writing class that I enjoyed, I got to write poems and little songs that were in my head. And that was where I made my first friend.

I was sitting by myself, writing away on a piece of paper when a girl sat next to me. She was a little taller than me, but had red wavy hair and light colored skin. She was beautiful, I found myself admiring her. Still, I couldn't admire anyone as much as I admired Chris. He was just breathtaking. She looked at me and I turned red, realizing I had been staring. I quickly turned back to my paper and picked up my pencil.

"What are you writing?" She suddenly asked me, leaning over to look at my paper.

"A poem. You can read it if you'd like." I slid my paper over to her and watched her scan her eyes over it.

"Wow, you have amazing writing skills. You could write a book of poems." She complimented.

"Thank you. I'm María by the way."

"Scarlett. Nice to meet you. I haven't seen you here before."

"Yeah, I'm new. Big move so new school."

"Oh, okay. Well, hope you can hold yourself up in this school because we have some crazy chicks that will do anything to get under your skin."

"Yeah, I experienced that yesterday. This blonde, Amber, she was a real bitch and a pain in my ass."

"Ooh, I hate Amber."

"Oh look, we have something in common." We both laughed. Turned out, Scarlett was really cool, and we talked for the rest of the class. She let me see her schedule, she was actually in all my classes on even days and two on odd days. She explained to me how there were odd and even days, on odd we went to the periods 1,3,5,7 and on even, it was 2,4,6,8. That was something I needed to know yesterday since I went to the wrong class twice before someone directed me to the right one.

Scarlett hung out with me for the rest of the day and for once, I actually liked school. Once it was over, I was sad but I would be back tomorrow so I got over that quickly. We walked outside after the bell rung and I saw those stupid girls in their little group over by the picnic tables. I looked around for Nick and once again, he was nowhere to be seen. I sighed and sat on the stairs. Scarlett sat with me and we were fine until those girls got up and started to head our way. I quickly pulled out my phone and realized I didn't have Nick's number.

"What are you doing?" Scarlett asked me.

"Calling my ride." I said, hesitating at first but finally hitting Chris's number. It rung and I got scared that he would actually pick up. It rung three times and I sighed, thinking it was about to go to voicemail but suddenly, the line clicked.

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