Chapter Two

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"María, darling, wake up." I opened my eyes to see the maid standing over me. I looked around and saw that I was still in the library and had fallen asleep in one of the chairs.

"May I see that picture you're clutching to your chest?" She asked and I glanced down, seeing that I was holding the picture still and I held it tighter.

"Will I get it back? It's important to me." I spoke softly.

"Of course!" I slowly handed it over and watched as her eyes scan over it and she smiled a little.

"Even then, Mr. Brown refused to actually smile. Did you find this in here?" She gestured to the library and I nodded.

"It was in a book. I like it because Daddy is in it. And Mr. Brown looks rather handsome in that photo." I said.

"Oh, yes, Mr. Brown is a mesmerizing man, minus his attitude. If you think he's good looking there, you should see him now. Every girl goes crazy over him but he pays them no attention. It makes me wonder if he will ever get married or find a woman that he will actually take a liking to. He doesn't like anyone really, besides your father I mean. Even then, Mr. Brown didn't like people but whenever he was around your father, he was a little less grumpy. Here, keep that close." She handed me the picture back and I stood up, taking a long stretch.

"Go wash up, I'm making breakfast." She ordered, hurrying out the library. I sighed and headed up to my room to do as I was told. Nick passed me by in the hallway and greeted me with a hearty good morning but mine wasn't as hearty when I said it back. I felt down still and took my time doing my hygiene. My hair was messy from me sleeping in the chair so I had to run my brush through it. It was long and brown with a few red highlights. My hair had always hung down to my waist. Daddy said my mother had amazing hair which is where I had got it from.

My mom disappeared when I was only 4, no one knew where she went. I faintly remember her sweet smile and soothing voice. I had only one picture of her and someday, I hope to be reunited with her.

I looked at myself in the mirror, taking a good look at myself. I was 17 but was short, I believe my height was 5'5 or 5'6, I couldn't remember. It had been so long since I had been to a doctor, I had forgotten. I was okay with being short, at least I had been called adorable sometimes because of it. I wasn't so sure if being called adorable as a 17 year old was a good thing though. I quit looking at myself and put on something comfortable, some sweat shorts and a white long sleeve t-shirt. I had gotten tired of the tight jeans and black blouse I had been wearing. After slipping on some black footies, I walked out my room and went downstairs to the kitchen. The aroma of waffles was floating through the house and it made me feel warm.

"Finally, you look like you're settling in. Now those are lounge clothes." Rose said as I took a seat at the table.

"I couldn't breathe in those pants." I replied, earning a laugh from her. She was always so happy, I didn't see how. I looked down at the table and traced my finger along the indentation of the wood. I heard some footsteps and barely glanced up, thinking it was Nick entering but my head shot up when I saw a different figure enter the kitchen. The maid was right. The picture was just an understatement, in person, it was as if the world stopped and stared at him whenever he entered a room. Everything about him was so mesmerizing, he was tall, well built, had the most adorable freckles covering his nose and a little bit of his cheeks, full lips, and a clean haircut. The gray suit he was wearing made even harder to turn away, he looked so professional and confident. My jaw would have fell to the floor if it could have.

"Aren't you going to speak to your guest, sir?" Rose asked him. I saw the veins rise in his hand as he directed his cold stare on the maid. He didn't speak, he just went to the fridge and opened it, taking out a cold water bottle and shutting it back. I sat still as a statue, I don't think I was breathing either. He walked just an inch past me before he stopped and looked down. It was like his eyes could burn holes in you and I didn't dare raise my head for I knew my face was as red as an apple.

"Why aren't you in school?" Those were the first words out his mouth to me and had no emotion in them whatsoever. I would have answered but I got so choked up, I felt like puking.

"Goodness, sir, you're scaring the daylights out of the poor girl standing over her like that." The maid interfered. "She hasn't been enrolled in the school here yet, I'll make sure Nick takes her first thing tomorrow."

"Hmph. She's Carlos's daughter? Hard to believe when she hasn't said a peep and he couldn't keep his damn mouth shut." I clenched my hands into fist and fought back the tears that began to sting my eyes. What was wrong with me, why couldn't I be strong like Daddy?

"Maybe her mother lied and Carlos really isn't her father."

"Shut up!" I cried out, standing up from my chair so hastily that it fell backwards. "He was my father and you don't know a thing about me!" I finally looked at his face and he didn't show the least bit of emotion while the maid was holding her hand to her chest in shock. Even then, he was so beautiful.

"No vuelvas a hablar de mi padre." I said and I turned my head away and ran out, heading towards the library where hopefully I wouldn't be bothered for a while.

I had never been strong like Daddy. That was one of the qualities I wish I had gotten from him. Even when I was a little girl, I couldn't stand up for myself but Daddy would be right there, standing up for me. And now that he's not...I don't know how to be strong. What was I suppose to do? Tears formed in my eyes from thinking about Daddy and I wiped them away, sniffling and standing up from the library chair I had been sitting in. Only about 20 minutes had passed when I walked out the library and went back into the kitchen. Rose was sitting a plate on the table and she widened her eyes when she saw me.

"My my, you're the first person I know to yell at Mr. Brown like that. You're quite bold." She complimented and my hands clenched.

"I'm not bold." I stated. "I'm not strong like Daddy. But I will get upset with anyone who talks about him."

"I'm sure you're very strong like your father and you just don't know it. Or if you really believe you're not, you might just be one of those people that need someone to be strong for them until they can be strong on their own."

"What if I can't ever be strong on my own?"

"You'll get there. Now eat your breakfast." I looked down at the plate of waffles, eggs, and bacon. She already knew my favorite breakfast meal.

After I ate, I thought I'd go scope out the other half of the house since I had only done half yesterday. Rose informed me that she was making a run to the store and that if it was an absolute emergency, to call her before disturbing Mr. Brown in his office. I learned that he mostly worked from there and only went to his firm whenever he was needed. I thought about defying the rules and going in there but thought better of it and decided not to. The house was enormous, I had plenty to explore already but I just kept thinking about Mr. Brown for some reason. He was a sour, grumpy, mean man and I should have wanted nothing to do with him but even his cold hard stare had an effect on me. Even with the mean look, I could get lost in his light brown eyes and stare at him for hours on end.

I stumbled upon a indoor pool on the other side of the house and wished I owned a swim suit. I had never taken an interest in swimming before, I don't think I knew how to swim either. I remember when I was a little girl, I use to watch Daddy take a swim in the ocean while I sat on the beach with my mom in my little white dress. I only had a few memories of my mom and it was amazing that I did since I was only 4 when she disappeared. No evidence ever appeared to confirm she was dead, the detective just said that she might have run away. But why run away from your husband and baby girl? Who does that?

I stayed in the pool room for a while, watching the water bob from me dipping my feet in the water. It was warm and soothing, I had lost track of time and began day dreaming about being on the beach again.


"Mamí, look at Papa! He's with the fishes!" I exclaimed with excitement. I remember clapping my hands in delight when he jumped up and waved at me from the ocean.

"One day, you'll be big enough to go out there with him and the fishes." Mamí said to me.

"When, Mamí? Quiero jugar también!"

"Con el tiempo, cariño. For now, go find some seashells for mommy to add to her collection."

"Sí Mamí!" I can remember how nice the sand felt on my feet as I ran around finding seashells. I wanted to lay in it and never get up. But everything has to end at some point. Everything.

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