Chapter Eight

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I looked up at the sky and tightened my jacket because the wind was blowing. I was a little down because Chris was down. Some time had passed, about 2 months and everything was going great but then Joyce's health went down again and she hasn't been doing good. I could see the pain in Chris's face and it upset me. Plus, he's drawn himself away from me, he wouldn't even touch me or kiss me anymore. He was turning back into the man he was when I first met him and I felt like crying all the time. I was so lonely, I started crying about Daddy again, I didn't know what to do. Chris was so busy with work and his mom, I knew he didn't have time for me but I wish I could just be in his arms again. He was right there, but I still missed him.

School had started back but they were in a weird party facility and most kids didn't go so I didn't either. I didn't feel like going and the maid or Nick didn't protest because they were probably scared that if they did, Chris would scold them but I didn't think so because he was being so distant.

I stayed in my room most of the time and drew pictures or read a book. I loved drawing and painting but I didn't have my paint tools anymore and needed new ones. I was going to ask Chris for some but I didn't want to bother him. My heart ached for him, I had come to cherish him and love him. I thought he felt the same but I guess I was wrong. Maybe when I turn 18, I should just get my things and leave, get out of his life forever. That's probably what he wanted anyway.

"María?" The maid said, leaning inside outside the patio door.

"Yes?" I said softly, continuing to stare at the sky.

"Have you done your studies for today?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am." I had to do studies everyday since I wasn't going to school, so a little of math, English, science and history every day. 

I looked over my shoulder at her.

"Is he home?" I questioned and she nodded her head.

"He might be busy though." She said.

"Okay." She left me alone and I went on with my gazing.

It was like this almost everyday now, I'd ask if he was home but I never got up and went to go see him. He probably didn't feel like seeing me so I wasn't going to see him but it pained me not to do so. A tear fell from my eye onto my hand and I tried to hold myself together but every time I thought about him, I cried. It hurt, so much and he didn't even care. I was nothing to him. Nothing.

Chris's POV

She was my everything. My heart, my world, everything. But I had to pull away because it was becoming too much for me handle. I never wanted to take advantage of her and I felt like I was going to if I didn't stop myself. But I can't even be around her without wanting to express my love for her. I wanted to show her how much she meant to me but it was wrong. It was painful to watch her walk around here looking like a lost soul and I realized I had broken my promise to never leave her. I didn't technically leave her, I just drew back but I guess that was the same as leaving her alone.

I could hear the doorbell ringing repeatedly and growled when I got up to go answer it. Where was that damn maid when you needed her? I left my office and went to the front door and opened it to reveal a rather older looking lady with brown hair and hazel eyes. She looked mixed and I wondered who she was.

"Um, hello, I'm Carrie, I own a foster home outside of Los Angeles." She said. "My little girl, María, I was told she came to live here." I immediately thought the worst. She was being taken away from me, I would never see her again. Had she gotten to the point where she had to call her old foster mother? Did she come to hate me that much? She hated me, she had to. And I could never win her love back.

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