Chapter Nine

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"Can I have a kiss?"


"Please? I've been so good, I did everything you asked me to." I made a sad face and fluttered my eye lashes.

"Are you done with your work?" He asks.

"Yes." He sighed and put his pen down.

"You can have a hug." I frowned but realized that was better than nothing. I thought I'd take advantage of the moment though and sat myself on his lap when he hugged me.

"Ugh, María." He whined and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Te amo." I whispered, softly kissing his lips. He couldn't help but smile a little.

"Yo también te quiero." He replied and this time, he gave a me a real kiss, the ones that left me breathless.

"Mr. Brown!" The maid knocked on the door and Chris pulled away from me, his jaw line clenching in annoyance. I was blushing my life away. He sat me down and I ran over to open the door.

"Is it important?" I asked through the small crack I had made with the door and door frame.

"Your school has called, they just finished the rebuilding and school can resume on Monday." I groaned and looked back at Chris.

"Can't I be homeschooled?" I asked.

"No, this is a good school for you." Chris said.


"I don't wanna hear it." He snapped. I stomped my feet out of habit from when I use to throw tantrums but I knew not to do it again by the look on Chris's face. He stood up and walked over to me, shutting the door and pulling me away from it.

"Don't think I don't know how to discipline a child, because I do." He said.

"Oh come on, I'm 17, practically an adult. I wish you'd stop treating me like a child." I complained.

"You are a child, María."

"You think I want you to see me that way? I may be a minor but I'm not a child so don't treat me like one."

"Then don't act like one." It shut me up but it did hurt my feelings. When my face saddened, I guess Chris noticed because he pulled me into his arms and hugged me. Maybe if I changed my look some, I would be more appealing to Chris. And I knew what I was going to do.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"It's okay, I do act like a child a lot. But that's going to change, I promise I'll be more mature." I looked up and smiled at him.

"Hey, listen, there's a black and red formal at my office tonight at 7 and a date is mandatory. I wasn't planning on going but why don't we go?"

"I'd love to!" I exclaimed. "But why black and red? I thought it was usually black and white."

"It is but my boss wanted to switch it up. So black and red."

"Okay." I kissed his cheek and left his office, running upstairs to my room. Once the door was locked, I went into my closet and pulled out a red mini dress I had never worn. It would be perfect. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 4:35 so I had at least 2 hours to get ready. And I had a lot to do.

I took a shower first and after my body was clean, I washed my hair with my peach shampoo. I loved the way it smelled, it gave off a warm and soothing scent. When I rinsed off the conditioner, I turned off the water and stepped out, drying myself off. I stood in front of my full length mirror, and looked at my hair. It was even longer when wet, it came almost all the way over my butt. A grown woman would never wear her hair this long so I knew what I needed to do. I combed through it until it was completely straight and untangled then I finally picked up my scissors. I wanted to cry, I loved my hair but I thought Chris's reaction would be worth it. I came up to the middle of my back to cut it. It would still have some length but at least it would be shorter. Plus, I planned on giving it waves which would make it appear even shorter. I sectioned it off and slowly cut each section until they were all even. And it wasn't even that bad, my ends were split anyway. Afterwards, I applied some mousse and dried it with my hair dryer. When it was completely dry, I used my curling iron to curl it but didn't hold them long so that they would become wavy when I combed it. I was in love with it when I finished, I couldn't believe I had done this all by myself. Hmm, maybe I should be a hair stylist. I lotioned my body and went to put on the dress so I could see how I looked in it. It fit by body perfectly and I looked a great deal older than I was. I slipped on the black heels I had to go with it and scanned my body. It actually made me scared of what Chris would say but I was gonna take the chance anyway.

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