Erick #1

39 1 0

Song: Headphones
By: Matt Nathanson

Another boring day at school doing the same routine. I can't wait to finally graduate in a couple months from now and get out of here. Away from the annoying kids and teachers. School has never been my favorite, but that's only because I have no friends. I keep my headphones in all day because music is the only thing that I can trust.

I was listening to Enrique Iglesias during math class when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Confused, I took one of my ear buds out and turned in the direction to see who tapped me. I was met by a guy with bright green eyes.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"Do you know how to complete question number 8?" He kindly asked me.

"Um. Yeah, I'll show you how, I guess."

I explained step by step to the guy how to do the math problem as my music played in the background.

"Okay, I got it, gracias." He smiled at me and I smiled slightly back at him.

I turned back towards my desk and finished the assignment. When I was done, I closed my eyes and got lost in the music. I felt another tap on my shoulder again, so I opened my eyes and turned to the guy behind me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Why do you always have your headphones in?" He asked me.

"Music is my only friend and I feel invincible with my headphones on." I explained to him.

"Oh, okay. Who you listening to?"

"Enrique Iglesias."

"Oo, I love his music!"

"Same here." I smiled.

"I'm Erick by the way."

"I'm Sabrina."

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