Devin #1

23 1 0

Song: Best Years
By: 5 Seconds of Summer

Devin's POV

"Dev, wake up!!" I heard as I felt someone shaking me.

"Devin, come on, get up!" The voice said again.

"Devin Michael Hayes, if you don't wake up, you won't get coffee!" The person threatened and I sat up in bed to see my girlfriend of 1 1/2 years with a cup of coffee and a plate of pancakes in her hands.

"Happy 21st birthday, babe!" She smiled at me as she handed me the food & drink.

"Thank you." I smiled at her.

"I know you're not a morning person, but I have a fun day planned for you today." She said kissing me. "Eat up, we leave in an hour."

"Okay." I say as she walked out if the room.

"Happy birthday Devin!" Bloom said as he entered the bedroom.

"Thanks, bro."

"You excited to be 21?" He asked as he sat down on his bed.

"Yeah, but it doesn't feel any different from turning 20 though."

"Well, at least you can legally drink now." Bloom laughed.


I ate the pancakes and drank my coffee and after that I took a shower. I picked out an outfit for the day. I grabbed my phone and wallet and went into the living room where Dawson, Sam, Bloom, Jon, Elyssa, Joey, and Lexi sat talking.

"Happy birthday Devin!" They all said.

"Thank you guys!" I smiled at them.

"You ready to go?" Lexi asked.

"Yeah, all ready!"

"Awesome, let's go then!" She said and we all left.

"We're all going?" I asked Lexi.

"Yup! Jon, Joey, and Elyssa are driving in Jon's car. The rest of us in my car." She told me.

"Ahh, okay."

We all got into Lexi's car and started off for our mystery adventure.

"Okay, we're almost there, so you need to put on this blindfold." Lexi told me as she handed me an OTO bandana.

"Alrighty then." I laughed and put the bandana over my eyes.

After what felt like an eternity, we we're finally at the mystery place. We all got out, I got assistance from Bloom.

"You ready to see?" Sam asked me.

"Of course I am." I stated.

"Take it off in 3...2...1!" They all counted down.

I took of the blindfold to see we are at Six Flags Magic Mountain.

"I'm so excited!" I said.

"Look behind you, Dev." Lexi said.

So I turned around to see my parents. So I ran over to them and hugged them.

"What are you both doing here?" I asked them.

"We couldn't miss our boys 21st birthday!" Mom smiled at me.

"It's good to see you, Dev." Dad smiled at me.

"Wow, this is already the best birthday I could have asked for."

"Thank Lexi, she's the one who planned this whole thing." Jon told me.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Yup!" She stated.

"Thank you so much." I said hugging and kissing her.

"You're welcome Dev. I'll give you the best of years."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Dawson yelled with excitement and we all laughed and headed to the park entrance.

(A/n: Happy 21st birthday to Devin!😊❤)

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