Jon #1

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Song: A Million Dreams
By: The Greatest Showman

I can't believe it. Today is finally the day. The day that I'm graduating high school! I am not emotionally ready for this. I'm literally going to sob when I enter. I can't believe that I start college in August too. Time has flown by so fast in the past 4 years. Here I am. In my cap and gown.

"Kacey, you ready to go?" Jon asked me.

"Mentally? No. Physically? Yes." I responded to him.

Jon and Joey are my brothers. I was actually adopted at the age of 6 by my adoptive mom and dad. I'm extremely grateful for my whole family.

"I know, I can't believe my sister is graduating already!" Jon exclaims.

"The youngest Klaasen is graduating!" Joey says.

"Come on, we gotta go!" Mom said from the living room.

"Jon, Elyssa is coming to my graduation, right?" I asked him.



We all got into the car and drove to where my graduation was being held. On the way there, we listened to Jon's bands music. He's in a band called On The Outside and they are extremely talented. I've gotten the chance to meet them all and I'm close friends with them now. They all live in Los Angeles, California which happens to be where I'm going to college. I couldn't stand being away from my brothers and friends. Jon, Elyssa and Joey flew out to come to my graduation and I love them so much for doing that.

As we arrived at the venue, we got out of the car and headed into the building. I had to got meet up with my classmates while my family went to find seats.

-Time Skip-

"Kacey Klaasen will be attending University of California, Los Angeles for music." The principal said into the microphone.

I walked across the stage, got my diploma, shook our superintendents hand, got a photo and went back to my seat. Once everyone walked on stage, the select chorus went up to sing the graduation song, which I happen to be a part of. Our graduation song is A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman. Our chorus teacher gave the solos to the seniors too.

"However big, however small. Let me be part of it all, share your dreams with me." I sang my solo.

Then, soon as I know it, the graduation ceremony is done. I went to find my family, but to my surprise, I saw the rest of Jon's band with them. I ran up to my family and hugged Jon first.

"Congratulations Kacey!" He told me.

I then hugged Joey, then Mom, the dad and then Eylssa.

"Congrats girly!" Eylssa said.

"Thank you!"

I then turned to face OTO.

"What are you guys doing here?!" I exclaimed.

"We didn't wanna miss your graduation!" Sam says.

"Well, thank you for coming!" I smiled at them.

"Your solo was so beautiful!" Dawson said to me as I hugged him.

"Thank you Dawson!"

I hugged Dawson, then Bloom, then Sam and the Devin.

"Let's go celebrate!" Mom yelled and we all laughed.

(A/n: I am graduating high school today! That's why I decided to write a graduation imagine.)

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