Christopher #1

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Song: Sinner
By: Trevi Moran

Inspired by the show 'Mr. Robot'.

Christopher's POV

"What the?" I stated in confusion.

"Qué?" Erick asked me.

"Someone hacked my social media accounts!" I exclaimed showing him phone.

"How did that happen?!" He asked freaked out.

"No sé!" I said panicked and jump up from my seat catching the attention of my 3 other band mates.

"Qué pasa, Chris?" Joel asked.

"Someone hacked all my social media accounts! They hacked my Instagram, my Twitter, my emails, everything!"

"Cómo?!" Zabdiel exclaimed.

"I don't know!!"

"I'll tweet off the band account on Twitter & post something on the Insta account telling fans you're hacked." Richard told me.

@cncomusic: Just so y'all know, Christopher's socials have been hacked. We don't know how this happened but we'll keep y'all updated!

"I don't know what to do!" I panicked.

"We'll have our security team look into it." Joel said.

2 days later

"I'm sorry Christopher, we can't find anything. Who ever hacked you is very smart and knows how to cover up their tracks. No traces of anything." Our security team explained to me.

"Why me?" I whispered.

2 weeks later

"Christopher, we caught a break! We might have found something!"

"Really?! What is it?!"

"Looks like your hacker forgot to clear one important thing......the IP address. We are sending police to the location right now as we speak, so we'll here back from them soon one our suspect is cuffed."

"Thank God."

Tina's POV

"You really hacked a singing sensation?" My best friend laughed with me.


"Wanna a glass of wine?" He asked.

"Sure." I smiled as he left the room to grab the bottle of wine and I leaned back against the couch cushions.

After a couple of seconds of relaxation, there were loud bangs on my front door.

"POLICE, OPEN UP!" I immediately got up in a hurry and panicked and mumbled cuss words.

"Tina, I thought you said they wouldn't find you!" Henry told me with his eyes wide open.

"I swear, I did everything right!" I panicked and ran to my computer room looking for any flaws I left behind as the police kept banging on the door.

"no.....NO!" I exclaimed in fear.

"What?" Henry asked.

"They found my IP address because I forgot to cover it the last time." I whispered knowing I was gonna get arrested.

We heard my front door being busted open by the police. I waited for the dreadful time. Once the police came into the room Henry & I was in they pointed their weapons at us.

"Hands up!" They yelled and we did as they said.

"Tina Murray, you are being arrested for computer fraud." He said putting handcuffs on me and telling me the Miranda Law.

The officer walked me out of the house and into the back of a cop car. We soon arrived at the police station and I was put into a interviewing room.

"Why'd you do it?" The detective asked me.

"For fun." I simply stated.

After 5 hours of interrogation, they left me alone in the room handcuffed to the table. About another hour goes by and soon the door opened. In walked in my victim, the guy I hacked.

"You already know who I am." He spoke with a accent.

"Yup, you're Christopher Bryant Veléz-Muñoz, born on November 23rd, 1995. You're 1/5 of a band called CNCO. Let me tell ya, just so ya know, it was fun hacking you Christopher." I smirked at him.

"You're crazy." He got angry with me.

"I know." I chuckled.

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