Richard #1

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Song: Dancing In The Sky
By: Shawn Hook

"Oh my God! CNCO is here, how did I not know they were gonna be here tonight?!" I exclaimed in excitement.

"I believe it was a last minute change, the original casted singer had to cancel last minute, so they had to find a new act." My older brother explained to me.

"This day is getting better and better! Hopefully I will run into them and hopefully you will win those awards!" I smiled at him and he smiled back as we finally found our seats and sat down.

As the Oscars started, halfway into the show, it was finally time for CNCO's performance.

"Please welcome to the stage, CNCO!" The hosts announce and then five figures appeared on the stage and the familiar tune, "Hey DJ" played through the loud speakers and I started to internally fangirl.

Soon their performance sadly ended and they left the stage and the hosts came back on stage ready to announce the next winner of the next category.

"Our next category is Best Actor."

"Omg, this is the category you're nominated for!" I whispered to my brother.

"And your nominees are....Viggo Mortensen, Bradley Cooper, Williem Dafoe, Rami Malek, and Christian Bale."

"And the winner is.....................RAMI MALEK!!"

"OMG, RAMI YOU DID IT!" I screamed and hugged him as he stood up to go on stage to accept his award.

After Rami's speech, I was in tears. My previous talented brother definitely deserved this award so much! After the show officially ended, tons of people headed to the after party, including my brother and I. As we entered the room, my heart stopped at the sight of my all time favorite Latin boyband.

"CNCO is here, I have to go meet them!" I whispered to Rami and then left his side heading over to the band. "Incredible performance lads."

"Gracias!" They say in union and I chuckled.

"I am a big fan of y'all. You guys are truly so talented." I smiled.

"Thank you!" They say again.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Amunet."

"Wow, that's a beautiful name!" Richard told me.

"Aww, thank you!"

"What does it mean?" Chris asked me.

"The hidden one, and it quite fits me." I laughed.

"Oh?" They laughed.

"Yeah, my family is quite private. I'm here to support my brother."

"Who's your brother?" Joel asked.

"Rami Malek."

"He did an amazing job in Bohemian Rhapsody." Zabdiel said.

"I never knew he had a sister." Erick said.

"Yeah, like I said, us Maleks keep our lives more private. Rami is the one for Limelight even though he doesn't use social media."

"Wish we could've done the same." Chris frown at tad but put a smile back on his face.

"Hello, I hope my sister isn't make a fool of herself." I heard Rami say.

"Thanks Ram." I rolled my eyes.

"Nah, she's good." Richard reassured.

"Okay, good." Rami laughed and shook the guys hands. "I'm Rami Malek by the way."

"I'm Christopher."

"I'm Zabdiel."

"I'm Joel."

"I'm Richard."

"I'm Erick."

"Nice to meet you guys, my sister here has told me lots about you guys. Especially her crush on Richard." He teased.

"RAMI!" I playfully shoved his shoulder.

"Cute." Richard says.

"Congratulations on your award. You were incredible in Bohemian Rhapsody by the way." Joel says to my brother.

"Thank you!" He smiled. "I'm gonna go find the others." He said excusing himself.

"I'm gonna go find food." Chris said and Erick followed him.

"I'm gonna go grab drinks, come help me Joel." Zabdiel said pulling Joel away with him so it was just me and Richard left.

"I see what they did there." I said blushing.

"So do I. I would just like to say that you're such a beautiful woman." Richard flirted with me.

"You are very handsome Richard." I winked at him.

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