Rulebreaker and Heartbreaker

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Inspired By ¨Paparazzi¨ written by _impuritea_


I hated this feeling. Watching over someone like this. I hated watching my victims… it was one of my rules! Why was I breaking it for someone as beautiful… breathetaking, handsome, lovely, and wonderful as him?... Who am I kidding, I love this man to much to not be tis far down the rabbit hole. I watched him from the bar like I always did, reading my fan letters with that adorable blush on his face as always. I felt myself fall more in love with him as he smiled. He finished the last page and his face fell a bit. I wish I could write to him everyday, but I had to keep my distance. I was breaking my own rules afterall. I´ll keep making him fall for me slowly, and one day I´ll have the confidence to tell him everything. I´ll explain everything to him, and just maybe, he´ll love me back. He got up and sat next to me getting a drink. He for once didn´t flirt with Husker, and seemd very out of it. After his shot he left to his room.


I sunk to my floor once the door closed behind me. I looked at the letter again.

I wish we could meet one day… 

I sighed hugging it close to my chest wishing ¨A¨ would sweep me off my feet, and take me away from the craziness of this life. He was so gentle with me. Always telling me how beautiful I was.

Your eyes are like pink roses in full bloom, full of wonder and beauty.

I melt everytime he writes to me. The way he talks about showering me with roses and holding me close every night. Telling me how he´d love to kiss me everyday knowing I´m his forever and always. How he doesn´t mind my current job and wants me to be free to have fun. I sighed as Fat Nuggets ran over to me and squealed, nuzzling against my legs cutely. I smiled and got up, then fed him. I sat in bed feeling a bit sad that ¨A¨ wasn´t here. I wanted him to hold me at the moment. I laid down feeling tired since I just finished my shift earlier. I got under the pink covers and took my boots off. I snuggled into the heart pillow I snuggled and fell asleep dreaming of ¨A¨ and I dancing together, falling deeper in love. 


I passed Angel´s door on the way to my room and looked at the door, wanting to say every feeling I had toward him. I laid a red rose at his door and turned into a shadow on the wall as I knocked. I watched as he came to the door. He looked sleepy then picked up the rose shocked.

¨Hello?¨ He smiled at the rose sweetly and quietly said; ¨Sweep me off my feet already ya tease.¨ He chuckled and as he turned I discreetly snapped a picture of him, then he went into his room. Smart phones are quite the luxury when watching someone as beautiful as Angel Dust. I went back to my room smiling at the picture. I didn´t know if I was a creep or just helplessly in love. It was confusing falling in love with Angel Dust.

*Timeskip - Morning*


I was at the front desk working a bit, when I saw Angel with Fat Nuggets on a leash. Angel was dressed in a pink croptop, black short shorts, and his normal boots. He had a pink headband on as well. He waved to me.

¨Hey hot stuff! Imma be right back! Just taking Fat Nuggets for a walk!¨ I blushed bright red from the nickname. ¨Let Charlie know so she doesn´t lose it!¨

I nodded to him. ¨Alright Angel, I will.¨ He winked to me making my blush grow and he left out the door. I was a mess once he left. That damned smile and wink! He made me helpless so easily. Just his voice sent shivers down my spine. I kept working but I realised the dinning room table flowers were wilting. I went out to go buy some and I heard a scream and a highpitched pig squeal.

¨HEY ASSHOLE KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF! STOP!¨ I recognized Angel´s voice immediately and ran to his location. I saw him being pinned to a wall by another demon and Fat Nuggets squealing at the man angrily. Angel tried to fight, but I grabbed the man by the neck and slammed him to the ground. I strangled him till he passed out and looked to Angel. He was hugging Fat Nuggets and crying a little bit. I went to him and he looked to me. He smiled sadly and clearly in fear. I held him close to me and picked him up. He blushed and laid his head in my shoulder tiredly.

¨Sorry hot stuff, I was on my way back and the guy came outta nowhere.¨ I smiled to him calmly.

¨It´s alright dear. It wasn´t your fault. I´ll make us something to eat once we get back.¨ He smiled and nodded. I set him down once we were inside and began making some simple mac and cheese when Angel walk in. He chuckled.

¨What if you make some of that delicious venison chili of yours you made last week, and I´ll make Rigatoni with Vodka sauce?¨ He smiled to me. I blushed and nodded as we both began to cook. My staff began plying some music and we both danced and sang quietly. We giggled at one another and teased one another for their cooking.

¨Al, you gotta taste test this for me sweetie!¨ I went over and he had a spoonful of the food for me. I walked over to take the spoon, but Angel rolled his eyes.

¨Just open your mouth.” I blushed and obliged as he put the spoonful in. I closed my mouth and tasted the most delicious pasta in the world. Everything perfectly seasoned and the vodka sauce was just perfect.

¨Well?¨ He asked. I looked up to him and smiled.

¨Angel that was wonderful!¨ He blushed and giggled sweetly. I grabbed him a spoonful of my venison chili and he ate some and his eyes lit up.

¨Man that stuff hits the spot!” I chuckled and we both ate together happily.

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