💔to far away...💔

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(A/N: I had Ch.16 finished amd was debating whether to post it or not, but because ya'll hate Shirley so much might as well give ya'll something.😂


I woke up in a new location. I noticed I had more energy than normal and I got up to see a window. I looked to a clock in the room to see that it was really early and on top of that it was still dark out. I didn´t want to be here anymore and had only so much energy so I had to make a break for it. I went to one side of the room and ran as fast as I could then jumped through the window hearing glass shatter. I fell into the pile of glass shards and it hurt, but I got right up and began running home. I had no clue where I was, so I highjacked some guys car and began driving. I knew I needed to find someone from the hotel to help me. I was lost until, I found a client I knew, and he immediatley came to my aid helping me find my way home. Charlie and Vaggie saw me and smiled brightly. 

¨Angel!¨ I hugged the girls and smiled as I asked them for my dear Alastor. I needed to see his smile. I needed to know he was ok!


I woke up early in the morning feeling like hell. I missed Angel and felt like I was going to lose my mind. My shadows were still out looking, but I had enough energy to get up and get my coffee. I got on a normal outfit and went downstairs and made eye contact with…



We ran to one another happily and cried in one anothers arms.

*Narrator POV*

Angel woke up in a new location with no windows. Alastor awoke to an empty bed and an empty heart. Angel cried in his bed with no energy to get up or anything to boost him out and find Alastor. Alastor wept in bed for his love. Wishing he was there by his side. Wishing Angel would just hold him taking all  the pain away. Angel wanted the feeling of disgust and being used like an object to go away. Their dreams were to good to be true, and that´s what hurt the most.

(A/N: Changes in perspectives show passages of time. This is important so be aware of how many days characters say passed. Just be aware. Enjoy.)


I wanted to scream. I wanted to thrash my body around and throw everything in this room everywhere. Why did I have that dream? I wanted him to hold and make his pain go away! He was right there! Why wasn´t he there! Why did that skank have to sell me out to Val!? Why did she think she could take him!? She must have paid the damn waiter off!? I wanted to scream… but all that came out was…

¨Alastor...¨ I squeaked it out as tears streamed down my face. I thrashed my body around weakly wanting to find Alastor. I wanted to go home. I went into my pocket, weakly finding a ring. I smirked. A ring I bought for mea couple years back. It was a birthday gift from the man I met at that bar… Alastor. I didn´t want to leave it behind, but the amethyst ring could help Alastor find me. I kissed the ring gently and set it under the bed I was in.

¨C´mon Alastor baby… find me. Shit ain´t hard baby. You´re the Radio Demon.¨ I felt cries erupt from my heart. ¨Find me damnit. I need to kill that skank!¨ I yelled until I heard a bang on the door. I looked to see my first guest. I growled lowly and prepared for the pain I was about to experience.


I went all through Hell looking for Angel. My shadows, Charlie, Vaggie, everyone was looking for my darling. I didn´t want this feeling to stay within me forever. I was tired of having him away from me for long periods of time and not getting to see him… I stopped in an alleyway and cried. That damned dream. That dream… he was right there! Right in front of me! He would have been safe! I cried helplessly wishing Angel was right there. I wanted  this pain to never return. I wanted everyone in Hell to leave him alone! I wanted him to be safe at all times! Shirley then came around the corner and sat next to me.

🎼🌙Fly Me To The Moon🌙🎼 (FMTTM Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now