💔i miss you...💔

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We tore the house apart and found dozens of possible addresses. My shadows were looking everywhere and we had residents make search parties. Angel was gone for more then 24 hours. We were scared for his life. I was going through his room looking for anything. I then received a call. It was Angel. I picked up.

¨Darling, are you alright?¨ I heard a yawn.

¨Yeah Al… I´m ok. Can you guys find me yet?¨ He sounded so nervous. I just wanted to hold him and make sure no one touched him ever again.

¨No Angel… we need more information. Everyone in the hotel is looking for you, we just need more time.¨ I heard a sigh from Angel.

¨I gotta go Al. Text me if anything.¨ He hung up and I felt my heart sink. I wanted to tell him I loved him. I wanted to guard him with everything I had in me. I ran downstairs.

¨Charlie, Vaggie, do we have anything?!¨ Both girls looked to me and shook their heads. I was upset. I needed to find him. What was happening to him now!? Who was with him!? I felt helpless, and I hated that feeling.


I laid in the bed, trying to plan an escape when my brother walked in. I just stayed quiet as he threw some clothes at me. He left and I looked down to a plain white tee shirt and black basketball shorts.

¨You´ve gotta be kidding me...¨ I took off everything and changed into the god awful clothes. Last night they took of the chain to the wall in my sleep. I sighed. I missed everyone at the hotel. I missed Charlie waking me up and telling me to get ready for breakfast. I miss Vaggie yelling at me all the time. I miss Nifty helping me pick out clothes for the day. I miss Husk´s and I´s conversations. Most of all I missed Alastor. I may sound like a cliche man, but he protected me at all costs. He was my shield when I needed him, and it´s nice to be able to depend on someone like that. Alastor was someone I trusted. I was scared as hell to be here, but I knew Al would find me. He had to, or Molly wasn´t getting outta here… 

The door burst open and I was grabbed by the hair and dragged. I screamed a bit and fought. On the way out I saw a window. I saw a building, something like a castle in the distance. I noted that as I was thrown down a flight of stairs. I got up and saw Molly scrubbing the floors all bruised up. I groaned in pain as my leg was chained to something, I didn´t care what. I was told to clean, so I did so. I scrubbed tiredlessly as my father kept kicking my gut. I eventually just toppled over. My ribs hurt like hell and I couldn´t stop crying. I wanted to go home, to run into Charlie´s warm hugs. To help Nifty clean. For fucksakes I wanted to go home! 

¨Let us the hell go! You have nothing to gain!΅ My dad looked at me clearly pissed. I weakly stood up.

¨You can´t keep us here forever! Let us go!¨ He smirked.

¨One stays. The other goes.¨ He left the room and I was shocked. I looked to Molly.

¨Angel you need to get out of here! I can handle them! Go back-” I held Molly´s hands.

¨You go. You´ll help Al find me, ok?¨ We both began crying. ¨You deserve better than this Molls. I am so sorry.¨ I held her close. She cried into my shoudler.

¨Angel I don´t wanna say goodbye!” I held her face in my hands.

¨You listen here! It is only a  uh… farewell! We are only parting ok? You´re gonna find me again.¨ She kept crying and I kissed her forehead. I wanted to leave, but family was a priority over my well being. My dad walked back in and I looked to Molly.

¨Don´t hurt her, just take her back.¨ My dad laughed and grabbed her. She cried as she left the room. Those eyes that held love for anyone and everyone faded from my view. I got back on the ground and scrubbed hoping she was ok.


I was pulled away from Angel, and I was scared to leave him. He sacrificed his happiness for mine. I looked around to see some sort of building, a castle of sorts, and a large sky scraper like building. I was blindfolded and shoved into the back of a van. I whimpered and curled in a ball crying helplessly. I wanted to run back and help him. Though he told me to talk to Alastor. We came to a sudden stop and I was thrown onto a sidewalk and heard a car speed away. I took off the blindfold and looked around. I looked up, and across the street I saw;

¨CHERRI!¨ She looked to me and bolted to me. I cried and hugged my bestie. ¨He has Angel! He has him!¨ 

¨Shhh it´s ok, I´m here. I´m here.¨ We ran to the Hotel. We saw people running around searching for Angel and talking. All of them reporting to a particular Radio Demon.

¨Alastor!¨ Cherri called him over, he seemed to double take when he saw me. His smile faltered. His face had the most pain on it in the room, even with a smile on his face.

¨Hello, you must be Molly.¨ I nodded.

¨Angel and I were in the woods. There was a-a castle in the distance and some sorta skyscraper! A-Angel wanted me to be safe… I know you´re all trying so hard to find him...¨ Alastor´s smile came back a bit. ¨Thank you for the information. CHARLIE DID YOU GET THAT!¨ Charlie looked to Alastor and nodded. ¨Cherri help Molly here clean up.¨ Cherri walked away, waiting for me at the stairs. I looked up to Alastor.

¨He trusts that you´re going to find him… I believe in you.¨ Alastor´s eyes seemed to fill with pain and worry, but in there I saw love and compassion. I hugged him. ¨Please find my brother.¨

¨I will Miss Molly...¨ Alastor walked away and sat at a bar. His face in his hands, clearly lost. I wish I could help him, but I knew I couldn´t do anything.


I looked up and I swear I saw Cherri with Angel. My smile widened and… it was just his sister. She was lovely, a real sweetheart, but Angel was still out there.

We narrowed down a couple locations to Molly´s description, but it wasn´t enough. I sat in my private office and just stared at the walls covered wall to wall in Angel. I felt like I was losing it. He was always by my side. When I woke up, he was always an early bird like myself, so I saw him first every morning. When I left the hotel, he always trailed behind me because he could never leave alone. I was used to his prescene, no matter what he was apart of my daily routine. I sighed as I got up. I walked outside and saw on the sidewalk Angel´s pink headband. I picked it up and looked to it sadly. I felt lost. Not without him, just I was the one at the head of this search and I haven´t left this Hotel. My shadows all drained a bit of energy from me, so it was hard to function. Especially with the emotional toll I was feeling.

¨He´ll be ok… if anything he´ll fight his way out.¨ I looked over to Molly. ¨He´s strong Alastor. You don´t need to worry.¨ I rolled my eyes.

¨That´s easy for you to say, you´re not the one helplessly in love with him.¨ She gasped as I spoke. I panicked because I meant to keep that in my head.

¨Well, you got your work cut out for you.¨ She giggled. ¨He´s in love with this fellow in these fanletters of his, says he´s the only man to understand the one and only Angel Dust.¨ I blushed a lot. She looked to me and gasped again. ¨Oh my goodness ¨A¨ is you!¨ I flushed red and nodded.

¨Alastor, you´ve gotta find him then! He has to know. I remember the car sped that way!¨ She pointed to the direction and I smiled thanking her. She left back inside. I stood there holding the headband still. I sighed and went back in to see if we found anything, when I got a call.

¨Hello, this is Alastor.¨ I said blankly.

¨H-Hey Hot Stuff… D-did Molls make it b-back safe?¨ I became very alert. 

¨Angel! Yes she´s alright. She´s taking care of herself right now.” I heard him cough and it sounded like he was gasping for air.

¨T-thank goodness. I-I was worried. I-I´m hurt p-pretty bad over here.¨ His voice sounded painful. It was horrible to hear.

¨Angel, we´re going to find you I promise.” I heard him chuckle.

¨I know Al, I trust you.¨ I felt my heart swell as he hung up. I missed him. So dearly I missed him.

I will never feel complete until you´re in my arms.

🎼🌙Fly Me To The Moon🌙🎼 (FMTTM Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now