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(A/N: Is this a short chapter? Yes. Am I busy? Yes. Family is on vacation and I don't have a laptop to type on comfortably. Do I feel bad for ya'll having to wait so long? Yes. I wish I didn't take so long but a lot is going on. So please take this little chapter. Enjoy.)


Angel walked by my side home for a bit. He was leaning on my shoulder since he could barely walk. He was silent for the longest time. I was worried he was still mad at me. It was my fault Shirley ever joined our lunch date. Once inside he went to my room and laid in my bed tiredly. I sat at the end of the bed and looked to him. He was clearly tired.

"Angel… I'm so sorry." I began to feel warm tears fall down my face. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I-I didn't mean to insult you by inviting her! I am so damn sorry!" I kept apologizing to hm and I felt full of anguish. I heard a sigh.

"You let a man nearly feel me up in front of you. It's like I didn't exist." I looked to Angel to see tears in his eyes. He was holding his heart and looking down, away from me.

"You let her talk to ya like she was still your girlfriend! S-She worked here while I was gone! While I was away you spent time with her!" He grabbed at his hair and cried. "You were a damn moron to trust her and you damn know it! I love you! Anyone could tell I do! But I need to know I don't have to fight for your attention! That when you see me, you see someone you'll love for eternity because no matter how much you try to leave me I will be right there fighting! I will never give you up!" He yelled and cried. I hugged him tightly and cried into his shoulder countless apologies and sweet nothings. He clung to me tightly. "I forgive you… I love you Alastor. My precious Bambi… I love you."

That's all I needed to hear to calm down and feel his love.


Alastor seemed to finally calm down. No tension. He was just snuggled into my chest and I couldn´t help but be happy. I kissed his cheek gently and he just blushed bright red. I chuckled as he hid his flushed face in my chest fluff. I chuckled as we listened to Cab´s gorgoeus music. I wasn´t upset with Alastor. He had been through enough and punished himself  emotionally... I got up once he fell asleep. I went downstairs to see Vaggie and Charlie with Shirley. She was injured from Molly shooting her, but we bandaged her up. I walked towards them and waved. Charlie and Vaggie left as I sat across from Shirley. She was gasping for air. I smirked.

¨Why are you keeping me alive?... You knew your sister put holy metal in that bullet.¨ I chuckled and laughed as she spoke weakly. It was a nice change to her demanding ass attitude earlier.

¨Because I want to make sure ya suffer. Like you made Alastor suffer while I was gone.¨ I dropped gun on the table and she looked shocked. ¨Listen, you ruined our date, and made him go through Hell! Now answer my questions.¨ She nodded nervously. ¨Did… you and Alastor ever do anything sexual?¨ She looked shocked and shook her head no.

¨Alastor and I never even kissed...¨ I chuckled audibly, earning a glare from her. In response I just shot her leg. She screamed. ¨He and I dated because we met on the dance floor and began talking. He broke up with me once he met some mystery man...¨ I smirked. She realised why I was acting cocky. ¨You´re the reason we broke up.¨ I nodded and chuckled. 

"Hell yeah I am." I sat up painfully. "I fell in love with him. He's the part of me I've been searching for… and I won't let you take him from me." Shirley looked to me sadly and smiled a bit.

"Can you…just end me?... I don't want to watch the one I love with you." I smirked. I wanted her to suffer for what she did. I didn"t care how the hell she felt. She shouldn't have come between Alastor and I like a damn child. He was my world.

"Do you know what they do to me in those rooms when the doors close?" She looked shocked and shook her head. "They put a collar on me like a damn animal and use it to take away any of my strength to fight back. I have to lay there. Helpless!" I stepped closer to her pointing the barrel of the gun to her chin. "They touch and take and bite and rip and scratch until they get their fill. Not until I'm tired or I beg for them to stop! Until they are satisfied!" She had tears in her eyes and looked confused and scared. "You deserve to suffer after all the shit I went through!" I hit her with my gun and shot her again in the stomach. She wailed in pain and was clearly on the virge of death. So I sat there and watched as life slowly faded from her eyes. As she suffered in a pool of her own blood. She seemed scared. Hell I would be too, but she deserved it. After everything I had to go through. Nifty bolted in and cleaned everything up for me. I went upstairs to see Alastor asleep still. So I got in bed and snuggled with him till I slept soundly.

🎼🌙Fly Me To The Moon🌙🎼 (FMTTM Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now