💔i need him to live💔

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(A/N: I had to much fun writing this. Sorry avout the other days cliffhanger! I hope ya'll enjoy this! The constant change of POV is to show the passing of time over a week or 2. So understand this is all happening over a span of a couple days. Enjoy my lil darlings!)
(Trigger Warning: There is a small moment of attempted suicide or thiughts of suicide! Tread carefully!)


I woke up in the middle of the night to faint shouting coming from downstairs. I got up and went to the lobby to find Alastor crying his eyes out.

¨Alastor what happened?¨ He looked to me with all the sorrow in the world.

¨H-He was taken. Charlie I lost him!¨ Alastor wasn´t smiling for once and… he looked panicked. ¨I was in his room! We were together! How could I let this happen!?¨ He was pacing and a paper fell from his hands. I read it over and understood the panic… there were no clues as to who this person was. 

¨Alastor… who could have taken him?¨ Alastor´s eyes were flickering radio static and radio dials. 

¨Stalker…… I want his head...¨ Alastor wasn´t alright… he looked like he was going to burst at any moment. I grabbed his wrist gently and took him to his hotel room, and he went into his private office. Anyone else would have seen the room as creepy… but it was hard for Al to explain his feelings for Angel. He wasn´t focusing at all.

¨aLL mY fAULT… I wANT hIS hEAD… i wILL fIND hIm… ¨

He sat at a desk inside the room and just seemed to collapse mentally. His shadows came out more distorted and left him as they made loud shrieks running out of the hotel. I looked out the window to see them killing demons. I panicked and looked to Alastor to see his eyes just radio dials. I panicked and shook him trying to get a response. This was all my fault… if he hadn´t left the hotel he´d be ok…

Then there was a brick thrown through Al´s window. Alastor´s head did a 360 towards it, and he looked to me wanting the object. I handed it to him and it was a tape recorder addressed to him.

¨pl4y i7 n0w¨ He just stared at the wall in front of him aimlessly, I then hit the button.

¨Hello Alastor! Thank you soooo much for making it so much easier to find my sweet little Angel! You really thought I´d let you keep him? I was going to get him if it was the last thing I did! Isn´t that right Angel sweetie?¨ There was silence, then a gasp and whimper.

¨R-Right...¨ Angel´s voice played, and Al´s eyes cleared to normal and he took the recorder from me.

¨I-I´m o-ok A-Alastor...¨ Angel was clearly crying and seemed to be scared as hell… ¨I-I´m fine. H-He isn´t h-harming m-me...¨ There was a click in the background. ¨Al… I-I… I´ll get outta here o-ok? H-He hasn´t hit me, b-but one of my ankles popped outta p-place a-and I had to p-pop i-it i-in. I-I…. I´m not clothed...¨ We heard cries after that. ¨I-I´m not going d-down without a fight… you can´t find me this time Al… I-I´ll see you soon. T-Take c-care of Nugs… and Al...¨ There was silence. ¨Please don´t blame yourself… I shouldn´t have gone outside. Stay strong for me hottie. I need you to be strong.¨ There was a cut in the audio, and Al had tears streaming down his face as he smiled sadly.

¨Isn´t that cute! He thinks he will leave! No worries Ally! I´ll take WONDERFUL care of him!¨ Al´s face looked so lost, as his shadows slowly trickled back to him. I held his face in my hands and he looked to me with eyes that held all the sorrow of a broken man.

¨h3 w4s r1gh7 n3xt t0 m3…. S0 cl0s3… how did I not n0Tic3?¨  He hugged me and cried. I felt the pain of a thousand lifetimes spill from Al´s heart, as if the world had ended, or someone he loved was truly gone.

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