💔the end💔

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These past week had been a struggle for me… since I have been kidnapped, everyone at the hotel has been distant from me even Alastor. He began asking me to sleep in my own room, telling me it was very important. Always spending a couple minutes with me to run to his room for hours on end. I felt… really alone. The only person I could talk to was Nifty. She understood I was depressed… and that I missed having my boyfriend at my sad.

¨I just… miss him being there every morning. I miss seeing him stare at me and just make me blush out of embarressment. I want him to look at me like that again Nifty...¨ She looked to me as I spoke. We were in my room on my bed talking. Nifty looked to me and smiled a bit.

¨Maybe ask him on a date?¨ I thought… Alastor and I haven´t had a real date in a hot minuite. We were so busy with the drama surrounding me… that we never had the time to really focus on dating. I smiled to Nifty and ran out the room immeditely to see Alastor talking to Charlie as he joked and giggled. I felt a ping of jealousy. They had been a hell of a lot closer lately and it just messed with my head. They were so close and had so much in common… things I couldn´t share with Alastor because she took him from me. I went to Alastor and poked his shoulder. He looked to me and smiled sweetly.

¨Angel! Darling what do you need?¨ I blushed and chuckled. It had been a while since he had smiled at me like that, it felt like the first time meeting him all over again.

¨Alastor I´m taking ya on a date tonight.¨ I said confidently. He looked to me shocked and brightened up.

¨Alright dear, what time?¨ I thought for a hot minuite as to when I was really free so I could give him all my attention.

¨8:00 tonight!” Alastor smiled and nodded. ¨Ok Bambi! Meet me at the park by at least 8:15!¨ I blew him a kiss and ran off happily. Nifty helped by buying a picnic basket and blanket. I spent a couple good hours making all of Alastor and I´s favorite food. I was so excited because I actually had this date idea for so long. Nifty and Vaggie were getting their instruments tuned and ready for the date that… was going to be so magical, all my insecurities would go away! I grabbed the basket and my guitar case. I then bolted to the park to see lights on strings on a tree in a shaded area. There was a picnic blanket that I rested the basket on along with the cutlery. There were throw pillows for Alastor and I to sit on aswell. Nifty was getting her ukelele ready as Vaggie set up her keyboard. I was so excited to share this moment with Alastor. Of course… I was going to sing our song, Love is The Reason by Cab Calloway! The gals and I all giggled amongst ourselves happily. I was happy to have a real first date with Alastor. I wanted to love him forever and always… but… what about girls like Shirley who could give him everything I can´t? What if I wasn´t good enough? Was he staying away because I killed Shirley?... No, he hated her as much as I did! I was insecure since I got kidnapped… Shirley spent a lot of time with Alastor… and I was jealous as hell even with her gone. He could find anyone to replace me… but I was gonna show him and my thoughts wrong. I´m special because he sees something so special in me he chased me all those years!

Vaggie seemed tired and so did Nifty. We spent a lotta time preparing this. It was a dream date I always wanted since I was a kid. It was important it all followed the plans because then it would all go perfect. I wanted Alastor to be so happy he would feel his heart burst! Just not to the point it killed him! Just borderline that!

Eventually it was about… 8:30. Vaggie and Nifty were a lil´ antsy to say the least, but we kept waiting. The food was getting cold, I was tired. Nifty was getting bored as fuck. Vaggie was complaining about random shit. I was getting anxious checking my phone for any sign of Alastor contacting me. 8:30 turned to 9:30… and both girls left. It was fine! I was going to wait! Even if I had to stay all night! 9:30 turn to 10pm… I was discouraged as hell as I waited, but I smiled and sat on my stool waiting on him. He had to come right? I´m his boyfriend!

10pm turned to 11:30. I felt the hot tears fall down my face as it rained. I picked up everything and walked to the hotel alone drenched in self loathing and sadness. What was more important than a date with me that he couldn´t give me a notice?.... I was mad that I was left in the cold abyss outside. That my boyfriend stood me up… I´ve been stood up before, but Alastor was  a gentleman… I expected at least a call or something… I´m sure I didn´t do anything wrong. I did everything he did so I´m sure I didn´t do anything to harm him or upset him. He was smiling all day… nothing could wipe that smile off his adorable face… Was he stressed? Why did this man give me so much anxiety?

 I got back by 12:30 and walked in to see Alastor on one knee, looking to Charlie smiling.

¨Will you marry me?¨

A/N: Hello my darling viewer! I know you may be slightly upset with this ending, but no fear my darlings! There will be a sequel to FMTTM soon! I had a hard tims coming up with a plot for the new story, but I managed and am super excited!!!! 💖💖💖💖 Hope ya'll didn't cry to much!!!

🎼🌙Fly Me To The Moon🌙🎼 (FMTTM Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now