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I was in my secret room behind a wall, putting up recent photos of Angel´s smile. I smiled and melted into the chair I kept in there. I looked around to all the paraphenelia. Shirts, his films he´s been in, so much more I wasted money on. I chuckled. I really wanted Angel to love me. I sighed happily thinking back to that lovely meal we had together. I then heard yelling downstairs. I got up, left the secret room and ran downstairs to see a man yelling at Angel.

¨Excuse me! Who the hell do you think you are yelling in this establishment!? We have guests.¨ Angel looked to me clearly scared.

¨V-Val you told me I-I had today off.¨ He said to the man nervously.

¨I absoloutely did not!¨ He slapped Angel so hard that he fell. I sped over and my tentacles came from portals grabbing the man by the neck.

¨You infact told Angel he had the day off because I picked him up from work yesterday!¨ I strangled him hard. Angel grabbed my shoulder.

¨A-Al it´s ok! Let him go please!¨ I looked to his fear filled eyes and stopped. 

¨C´mon Angel cakes let´s go.¨ The man grabbed Angel. Angel looked upset as he tried to fight back. Charlie ran to me.

¨Help him Alastor! Please he needs the break!” My heart throbbed to help him, but I had to keep the fasade that I didn´t care. Just so no one knew I loved him that dearly.

¨Charlie, he chose this job. Plus he said he was fine.¨ I walked away feeling the throb in my heart wanting to run and save him.

I walked to my room as I sounded out Charlie yelling my name. I didn´t want to deal with anyone. I know I only write one letter a week, but I felt like  I should send a letter today.


I walked back into the hotel tired as hell. I was coughing up my blood a bit, but everyone was asleep because it was late. I checked the Hotel mailbox, in hopes ¨A¨ wrote to me again. I saw the red envelope and smiled brightly as I walked to the elevator to read. On my way up I bumped into someone in the hall. I looked down to see Al.

¨Oh hey sweetie, sorry I was a little distracted.¨ Al saw the bruisess on me and dragged me to his room. ¨Al hey it´s no biggie just get some res-¨
¨Shush Angel, you need some ice on that cheek.¨ I chuckled.

¨Ok doctor, take care of me.¨ He rolled his eyes with that everlasting smile. I sat on his bed and he came back bandaging a cut on my arm. He gave me an icepack. I put it on my cheek and left thanking him. I went to my room and laid in bed to read the letter;

To my Darling,

Hello, my love. You looked absoloutely stunning today. I got your most recent film and you glowed beautifully.

I wish I could see your beautiful eyes sparkle when you smile. The subtle magentas in your eyes are so breathtaking. I would love to take you on a date to your favorite place, and just dance the night away with you as if we could dance like that for eternity. Your slender frame against mine as we dance would be a feeling I´d never forget as you smile at me. I want to shower you with roses and take you to the best restaurant everyday. I want you so desperately my darling. Everything about you is so stunning. Your smile, your laugh, your eyes, everything just absoloutely perfect...

I felt my face and chest be dusted with a pink shade. He was so romantic, so sweet, so kind…. I wanted ¨A¨ for myself. I wanted him to kiss me and for us to run away together so no one could be between us. All the sweet things he said in his letters floated in my head.

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