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I woke up tiredly to the sun hitting me in the eyes. I yawned, getting out of bed in my pajamas. It had been a couple days since Charlie threw me out the hotel, and Alastor was so sweet to take me in. I have the day off of work today, and I’m pretty sure Al isn’t going to work since he’s mad at Charlie or something. He said they had a big arguement or some shit the other day. I stretched and began stripping to get ready for the day. I walked to the walkin closet. Al must’ve known I loved clothes when he gave me this room. I giggled and began picking out clothes. When I felt the room darken and… get colder. I felt nervous and began looking through my dresses for the day. I found a cute pink sweater dress and smiled as I set it aside. I sat at a built in vanity in the room and began doing my makeup.

*insert images of both*

I wasn’t dressed quite yet, but once makeup was finished I slipped on my dress and heard quiet whispers.

Isn’t he pretty?

Master was right! He is more gorgeous in person!

So perfect~

I was a bright shade of pink and couldn’t help but be shy as I didn’t know who was speaking. I was the only one in the closet.

“Uh thanks. I-I didn’t know anyone else would pay close attention to me.” I heard silent gasps.

His voice is even prettier than we thought!

I blushed and ran out the closet, my heels clicking down the stairs as I ran. I was nervous and a bit freaked out. I bumped into Alastor and fell onto the floor hitting my head.

“Ow ow ow…” I heard a faint gasp as I rubbed my head.

“Darling are you alright?” Al helped me up and I smiled to him shyly.

“Yeah sweetie. I just got spooked. I was in my room and someone was making whispers saying I was pretty and stuff.” I blushed a shade of pink and Al looked shocked.

“Were you the only one in the room?” I nodded. Al blushed and sighed.

“Boys get down here!” A couple shadows slid across the floor taking forms of dolls and of rested on the wall behind Alastor looking just like Al. “I’m sorry darling. They seem to have um… taken a liking to you. I was confused until the little shadows made giggles, even Al’s made a sly smirk to me. I blushed a bit. “I’m sorry I’ll make ssure they leave your quarters alone.” The shadows made sounds of disheartment and I chuckled.

“No no it’s fine. They just spooked me a bit. A little company is alright!” All the shadows gathered around me, and Al’s shadow left his side joining me. He chuckled.

“Well if you insist dear.” I smiled and we both went to making breakfast. The shadows helped me make the pancakes so I could focus on making eggs. It was nice to have a helping hand. The shadows always kept a close eye on me which was really sweet. Eventually breakfast was done, so Al and I ate together.

“Al… you can pick up ‘A’’s letters for me right?” Al looked to me and nodded. He couldn’t answer because his mouth was full. I smiled as a thank you. I went to clean our dishes once we finished, but the shadows began doing the work for me. I chuckled and left the room, and saw Alastor in his window seat reading. His shadow, who I called Ace now, always followed after me. It was nice and sweet of him to tag along. I never felt so safe with Alastor, Ace, and the other shadows around, but I suddenly felt a tingle up my spine. I looked  through a window to see a flash.

He’s back… 

I ran to the window and pulled down the blinds immediately. I was scared and shaking. Ace took notice, and tried to comfort me, but I was so nervous. That asshole couldn’t be back. He said he’d leave me alone! I was panicked and ran to my room worried for my safety. I felt Ace’s prescence leave me, and I closed any blinds to my bedroom and grabbed my pistol from my bag, and placed it under my pillow. I sat in bed and hugged my knees close to me. I was scared for my life… this man was terrifying. He was someone I didn’t know in person, but he sent me pictures of himself and me together excluding his face…. It was disturbing. I didn’t know what to do. Al couldn’t know… this would only bother him.

🎼🌙Fly Me To The Moon🌙🎼 (FMTTM Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now